
Icy Descent pt 2 (Belphegor x reader)


"I'm gonna win!" Mammom yelled as he rushed past me down the hill. I had convinced him to come with us by challenging him to a race.

Me, Mammon, Belphie, Diavolo, and Barbatos were outside skiing while the others were inside.

"That's what you think!" I sped myself up, and whizzed passed him, reaching the bottom of the hill before he does.

I twisted my body sideways to slow myself down so I don't go into the woods that are a few feet away from me.

"How in the hell did-?" Mammon looked at me, but then he slipped and fell down. I took off my large goggles as I laughed at him.

"I give you a 9/10 for that fall! If only you fell on your butt!" Mammon's face was red.

"Shut up! One more time!" Mammon got up, and started to make his way to the ski lift.

"Let's go together, Y/N." Belphie trudged over to me, and I nodded in agreement. So we sat down as the ski lift slowly took us to the top of the mountain.

"Wow! Look at the view from here!" I gawked at the beautiful sight before us. The sun was shining, which made the snow look shiny.

"It is beautiful, but I think you're more beautiful." Belphie said with a small smile. I started blush, and glanced away from him.

We finally arrived at the top of the mountain, and I immediately started to go back down. Belphie followed, but he was going much slower than I was.

"You're such a slow poke!" I called up to him. I started to go in a zig-zag pattern, and smiled as I did so. We did this for another hour or so before Mammon got snow in his shoes.

"I'm goin' inside. My feet wre soaking wet." Mammon grumbled as he started to walk to the hotel.

"Maybe you shouldn't fall next time!" I yelled out. He turned back to look at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"We should be getting back. It is getting somewhat late." Diavolo commented. So he, Barbatos, and Belphie started to walk away.

"You're not coming with us Y/N?" Belphie turned around after he noticed that I wasn't following them. I shook my head.

"Not right now. I'll come inside when I get cold. It's not that cold out right now, so I'll be fine." I smiled at him, and he seemed slightly hesitant to leave me alone. However, he seemed to ignore that feeling.

"Alright. Be careful though. I don't want to see you get hurt. You're too cute to get hurt." Belphie's words made me blush. Where did that come from?!

He turned around, and left me alone. I quickly turned towards the mountain, and started to ski down.

The noise of the ski sticks dragging across the snow somehow helped me calm down. It was almost like a floor fan helping someone to sleep.

I noticed that the wind was significantly faster than it was earlier. I looked up at the sky, and there was a lot of snow was coming down.

I began my descent, but since it was my last time going down, I decided to go faster than I usually do. However, something unexpected happened.

My left ski hit something hard, and I was flung forwards, and collided with the ground. All of the air escaped my body as my body started to fall down the mountain.

Colors seemed to smudge together in a blurry tornado, and I felt multiple somewhat sharp things scratch my arms. Something suddenly hard hit my head, making me feel immensely dizzy.

I came to a slow stop facing upwards, and I tried to move my body, but two things were made clear: My ankle and my head throbbed in pain, and my body felt too heavy to move.

Everything started to get blurry as snow started to land on my body, and the harsh wind blew against me.

3rd POV

Belphie was woken up by the sound of Beel eating. Asmo was sleeping already. He glanced to his twin brother.

"Did Y/N ever come back inside?" Belphie asked. Beel stopped eating for a moment, and he looked slightly worried.

"I never saw her come inside. But maybe I wasn't paying attention." Beel answered.

"I'll go see if she's in her room." Belphie left the room, and knocked on Y/N's door. No response.

He tried again, but nothing happened. One of the staf suddenly walked over to him, and had a somewhat mad expression on her face.

"Excuse me, but where is the girl that is with your group? She hasn't returned her ski equipment." She said in an annoyed tone.

"Wait. She never brought them back?" Belphie raised an eyebrow. The lady nodded.

"No she-!" The woman paused, and then looked out of the window in fear.

"What's wrong?"

"She...might've gotten caught in the storm." Belphie's blood turned cold as he looked out the window as well.

There were giant piles of snow outside, and he could hear the wind crashing against the building. Before he knew it, he was running down the hall.

"Are you insane?! You'll freeze out there!" The woman yelled, but Belphie ignored her.

He dashed outside, despite the other staff warning him about the storm. He made sure no one saw him as he transformed into his demon form.

He noticed that a ski was almost completely buried in the snow, and decided to go down the mountain. At first, he didn't see anything.

But then he saw H/C hair sticking out of a small pile of snow. Belphie quickly brushed the snow to the side, and saw Y/N's unconscious body laying there.

He picked her up, and made his way back up the mountain. When he got inside the staff gave him a blanket, and suggested that he take her to the main room where the fireplace was.

Belphie sat down a few feet away from the fireplace, and wrapped the girl in the blanket. He placed a hand on her cheek, which was very cold.

Y/N murmured a few moments later, and slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was unfocused, but she could tell that Belphie was above her.

"....Bel...phie?" She asked softly. He nodded, and held her close. He had been worried about her.

"Idiot...I told you to come in." He smiled softly. Y/N started shaking a little. She was still a little cold.

"S....orry." She whispered.

"It's fine. We should get you into your bed." Belphie picked her waek body up, and carried her to her room.

Luckily the room key hadn't fallen out of Y/N's pocket when she fell, so Belphie unlocked the door.

He placed the human onto the bed, and started to get in bed himself. Y/N glanced at him with confusion.

"Wh...at are....you doing?"

"I'm going to keep you warm. Come here." Belphie wrapped his arms around her.

"Th....anks....for sav...ing me." She snuggled closer to Belphie's warm body as she slowly drifted off.

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