
Obey Me Witch imagine!

"Must your desk be so unorganized?" Lucifer sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"I can't just magically make it less messy. I mean, I technically could, but I don't have any shelves or anything to put stuff away on." I said as I brushed aside some potions to work on a new one.

A bottle fell off, but Lucifer managed to catch it. He let out another sigh, and started typing on his phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask. I walked over to him and looked at his phone.

"I'm ordering you a shelf so you can put all of your things on it. You better keep it tidy."

"Thanks Lucy! You're the best." I hugged him as he finished ordering the shelf. Maybe he'll help me build it...

"But if you mess it up, I might have to punish you." He smirked. I had a feeling that he was talking about something more...fun.

"The good or bad kind of punishment?" I asked.

"Would you like to find out?" He leaned in.


"Mammon! Put it down!" I scolded the white haired demon as he tried to smuggle one of my books from my house.

It's a book that isn't published anymore, and I have a general idea on how valuable it is to other witches and wizards.

"B-But I wasn't-" He tried to come up with an excuse, so I walked over to him, and nabbed the book from him.

"Mammon, all of my books were given to me by my father, so I would appreciate it if you didn't steal them." I carefully placed the book back where it belonged.

"I get it, I get it! But do those old books really mean that much to ya?" He asked, and I nodded in response.

"My father is in the human world, so I don't get to see him a lot. These books make me feel like he's still here." Mammon grumbled, and patted me on the head.

"I won't try and steal her books anymore. But you should be lucky that THE Mammon is being so nice!" He blushed a little.

"Thanks babe." I pecked him on the cheek.

"Levi, what are you doing?" I walked back into my potion room to see Levi staring intently at the potions I've made.

"Is there a potion that can make you invisible?" He suddenly asks, and I laughed.

"Levi, of course there it. But why do you ask?" He looked at me with a particular shine in his eyes.

It's the look that means "I saw something in an anime and now I want to try it" look.

"Well, I was watching an anime where the protag totally scared the crap out of their friend by turning invisible!

I want to get back at Mammon for not paying me yet." Levi explained. I sighed.

"I see. Okay, just this once, I'll allow you to drink a potion. Also, I really want to see Mammon's horrified face when you scare him."

So me and Levi walked to the House of Lamentation, and I had Levi drink the potion before going inside.

I opened the door for him, and acted normal.

"Levi hold my hand. I don't know where you are." I heard his breath hitch, but then I felt something on my hand.

"I-I'm only holding your hand because it's you!" He whispered harshly.

"Alright. Let's go find your brother." I started to lead Levi throughout the manor as we looked for Mammon.

We finally found him in the living room. I took a deep breath, and composed myself. It was hard not to grin or smirk.

"Hey Mammon." He looked up, and raised an eyebrow.

"What are ya doing here? I thought Levi was goin' to yer house." Mammon said.

"I haven't seen him, so I decided to come here and ask if he's here or not." I felt the warmth on my hand dissapear.

"I dunno where-" Mammon's body tensed up suddenly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked innocently. He nodded his head quickly.

"S-Somethin' touched my head..." Mammon looked around, but he obviously didn't find anything.

"Give Levi back his money mortal!" I heard Levi say in a darker tone in his voice.

"AHHH!" Mammon jumped up, and ran out of the room. I fell over and started laughing like crazy.

"Hey babe~" Asmo walked into my house, and hugged me from behind. This was his usual greeting whenever he came over.

"Hey Asmo. Could you please let go of me? I really don't want to drop this. It's a rare ingredient I need for something." I was carefully holding a bag so I didn't spill it.

"But I missed you." He whined as he nuzzled my cheek. I sighed.

"If I told you this ingredient involves a surprise for you, would you let me go?" I said in a tempting tone.

"Oh? Something for me? Okay~ I'll let you go for now." He moved away from me, and sat down on my couch.

I started to carefully measure some ingredients, and grounded them up so they could fit inside a bottle. Then I shook it up to mix it.

"Okay, it finally ready. Asmo, can you come over here?"

"Of course. Ooh! It's pink! What does it do?" He looked at the bottle with fascination.

"If you take a teaspoon of this every night, it'll help with keeping your hair silky soft. I know you put a lot of time into keeping it the way you like it, so I decided to help you." I explained.

"Aww~ you're so sweet. What would I do without you?" He hugged me once again.

"Well, you'd still be handsome." I chuckled. He nuzzled my cheek.

"You always know what to say! Come on, let's cuddle." He pulled me to the couch, and made me sit in his lap.

"And you always know what I need. And what I need is cuddles." I leaned against him and he clung onto me.

"Shiro? Where are you?" I called out for my white cat, but he didn't come out.

"It seems he came to greet me." Satan walked into my house with Shiro resting in his arms.

"That explains it. He always seems to know when you're coming over. But he usually waits by the door..." I held out my arms, and Satan placed Shiro in them.

"Don't scare me like that. Mommy doesn't like you going outside." Shiro booped my nose with his own.

"Are you sure you're not a cat whisperer? He seems to understand you really well." Satan walked over to my bookshelf like he always does when he comes over.

"Maybe I am. Or maybe we have a special bond. He is my familiar after all." I placed Shiro down on the ground, and he went to go play with his cat toy.

Satan pulled a book from my shelf, and headed over to my couch. I silently walked over to him, and I snuggled up to him.

"Here. This way you can read too." Satan lifted me up, and placed me sideways on his lap. My legs overlapped his.

"You never get tired of reading, do you?" I chuckled as I leaned my head against his chest.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading." He smiled as he started to read the book.

I knew that speaking to him now wouldn't do anything, so I silently enjoyed being next to him.

Shiro hopped on the couch, and curled up in my lap. I started to stroke his beautiful white hair, and I could hear his purring.

"Looks like both of my kittens are happy." Satan mumbled. I blushed a little.

"Beel, don't you dare." I saw him looking in my fridge. I had put a few potions in there. Some require cold temperatures to be completed.

"But I'm hungry..." I heard his stomach growl, and I sighed.

"I know, but can you please not drink those? It took me a week to gather the ingredients for those." I pleaded.

"Alright. But is there something I eat?" He gave me the usual "I'm hungry enough to eat an entire house" look.

"I'll think of something. But please be patient." He nodded, and took a seat st the table in my little kitchen.

An idea suddenly came to mind. I tied my hair up, and started looking around for baking ingredients.

Then I started to quickly mix them together to make a nice batter. I placed it in the oven, and checked on Beel to make sure he didn't eat my table from being so hungry.

Luckily, he hadn't eaten any of my belongings...yet. So I hurried back to oven to check on the batter.

It was ready, so I took it out. Magic ovens are very handy, especially when they cook things faster than normal ones.

I took out my wand, and said a quick incantation that made frosting cover the little cake I made.

"Here Beel. I've made it so you won't be hungry for a few hours. It'll wear off by the time you get home." Beel ate the cake in one bite, which doesn't surprise me anymore.

"Thank you Y/N. You're the best." He stood up, and ruffled my hair in a loving way.

3rd POV

Belphie knocked on Y/N's wooden door, but no one answered. He knocked again, still no answer.

He sighed and opened the door. Y/N had given him permission to do so in case she wasn't home, and he could wait for her.

However, this wasn't the case. There, in her potion room, was Y/N. She was hunched over her desk, and various books were scattered on the desk.

"Were you up all night researching again?" Belphie asked, even though he knew that she wouldn't respond to him.

"Mm...." Y/N shifted in her sleep. Belphie walked over to her, and lifted her out of her uncomfortable position.

"Idiot. You shouldn't overwork yourself like this." He mumbled as he walked into her bedroom.

He placed her on the bed, and got in next to her. Since she would probably be sleeping for a while, he might as well nap with her.

He covered the two of them up, and wrapped his arms around Y/N to keep her warm.


I felt warm. I slowly opened up my eyes, and realized that I was in my bed. At first I was confused, but then I noticed that there was something next to me.

So I turned around, and Belphie's adorable face was close to mine. It made me smile to see his face.

"Thanks Belphie." I whispered, and he opened his eyes.

"Y/N...? Did you sleep well?" He asked in a drowsy voice. I nodded.

"Yeah. I was up reading again. I didn't mean to make you worry."

"It's fine, but don't overwork yourself so much. It's not good." He stroked my head.

"Okay. I'l try not to pull all-nighters anymore."

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