
Carrots (Beel x rabbit reader)


I sprung out of bed and cowered on the side of it, looking intently at the door. However, it took several moments before the noise passed by my door.

I placed a hand on my head, and felt around. There was something fluffy on top of my head. Two things actually.

I looked in the mirror, and I screamed. There were two rabbit ears on top of my head. I turned around, and noticed a little fluffy tail on my butt.

I heard running from down the hall, and I hid behind my bed again. In a few moments, the door was flung open.

"Y/N?!" Mammon yelled.

Instinctively, I got up and jumped over the bed without landing on it, and ran out of the room in a zig-zag like pattern.

"Wha-?" I heard Mammon's confused voice even after I was halfway down the hallway.

3rd POV

Soon, the other brothers came into the human's room after hearing her scream. Mammon was still baffled.

"What happened? And where's Y/N?" Lucifer asked.

"S-She....has rabbit ears." Mammon said.

"I thought it didn't work on humans..." Satan pondered.

"Rabbit ears?! Ooh where did she go? I bet she looks adorable." Asmo gushed.

"I dunno! She seemed super scared, which isn't like her at all." Mammon explained.

"That makes sense. Rabbits are usually very sensitive and skittish. Your loud voice must've scared her." Satan said.

"C'mon! I'm not that loud!"

"Idiot...." Belphie yawned. Beel started leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" Levi asked.

"To find Y/N. Don't help me, it'll only scare her more." He simply said.

"I'll get in contact with Simeon and see if we can get the antidote." Lucifer left the room as well.


My ears twitched as I listened to the conversation between the brothers. I was currently hiding in the dining room underneath the table.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and they passed the table. Then, I heard the fridge open.

It seemed like a hundred smells entered my nose, and it confused my brain trying to identify all of them.

Suddenly, one of the smells got closer to me. The footsteps stopped in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Y/N, I have a carrot for you. If you come out, I'll give it to you as a treat." Beel said in a calm tone.

I didn't feel as skittish, but I was still hesitant to move from my spot. Then he spoke again.

"I'll make sure the others don't scare you. Especially Mammon." That last part made me move my foot.

I slowly crawled out from under the table, and Beel smiled at me. I could sense no danger or tension from him, but I could feel his confidence.

"B-Beel....c-can I r-really have the carrot?" I asked as I slowly moved closer to him.

"Of course. It'll be alright." He held it out to me, and I slowly took it from his hands.

I nibbled on the end of it, and I felt my ears perk up a little in happiness. So we sat there silently as I ate the carrot.

"See? It's alright. Can you come closer?" I nodded. So I scooted a little closer, and he lifted his hand in a slow motion.

He slowly placed it on my head, and started stroking it slowly. I once again inched closer to him.

Then his hand traveled to my ears, which he softly stroked. I was pretty content with what was happening.

"Lucifer said he would talk with Simeon for the antidote today." Beel said softly.

"O-Okay. C-Can I stay with you?" I asked.

"Y/N?" I heard Asmo's voice, and I hurried behind Beel since he was the closest thing to me.

"Be quiet. You're scaring her." Beel gestured towards me.

"Oh. Sorry~" Asmo stepped closer, and I was about to sprint away.

"Asmo, stop moving." Beel said in a stern voice. Asmo stopped, surprised by Beel's assertiveness.

"B-Beel...?" I was also surprised by him.

"Y/N, run to my room." He whispered, and I nodded.

So I dashed in Asmo's direction, but then I jumped over him. Then I started running to Beel's room.

"Woah! Why didn't we get cool abilities like that when we were animals?" Asmo asked no one in particular.

Belphie wasn't in the room, so I hopped on Beel's bed and hid under the blanket.

Soon I heard Beel walking down the hall. I've gotten a good idea on what his footsteps sound like compared to other people's in the house.

"Hey Y/N. I've made sure that the others won't bother you until we get the antidote. Simeon should be here soon." Beel carefully sat down next to me.

He started to pet my head again, and I leaned into him. It honestly felt amazing to have my head petted.

So we sat there in comfortable silence as he petted my head. Beel's phone went off, causing me to jump up.

"S-Sorry....my r-rabbit instincts made me do that."

"Oh. The antidote is here. I'll go and get it for you." Beel left the room, and I got back on his bed.

A few minutes later, Beel came in with a glass of water. Which I'm assuming has the antidote inside.

"Here. Simeon said you would be back to normal in an hour or so." I took the glass, and drank it.

"Bleugh....it's worse than grape medicine." I cringed.

"Well, I guess we just need to wait now." Beel sat down again.

"C-Can....you pet me again?" I asked shyly.

"Of course. You know, you're really cute as a rabbit." He smiled at me.

"T-Thank you..." I blushed.

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