
Orphan girl (Demon brothers x child reader)

3rd POV

All 7 demon brothers and Diavolo were in the living room of the manor, looking at the girl sitting far away from them.

"What happened exactly?" Diavolo asked Lucifer.

"Well, Satan, Asmo, and myself went out to walk around town..." Lucifer explained what had happened.

They were heading back home, but they suddnely heard crying from inside an alleyway.

The three brothers decided to find out who was crying. What they saw was shocking.

A child was holding a knife in her hands, and she had it pointed at her stomach.

The brothers immediately took action and called out to her. She looked their way.

She was crying, and she looked tired and depressed as well. Lucifer quickly disarmed the knife from her small hands.

The child looked at them with a dead look in her eyes, showing no emotions whatsoever.

They asked if she had a home, and she simply shook her head slowly. Asmo said that she could come with them if she wanted.

For a while the girl didn't move, but then she nodded. They kept a close eye on her as they walked home.

"I see. Little girl?" Diavolo tried to get the girl's attention.

"We have some food if you want some." Beel held out a sandwich.

The girl glanced upward, and shook her head. Diovolo got up, and asked Beel for the sandwich.

He slowly walked over to the child, who became defensive. As she did that, a single horn and a tail appeared out of nowhere.

"Wha?! She only has one horn!" Mammon pointed at her.

"What does that exactly mean? All demons have two horns." Satan asked.

"I see now. She's a hybrid. In other words, she's half demon and half human." The girl looked up at Diavolo.

"Is that even possible? I thought humans weren't allowed down here." Asmo had a point.

"Unless a male demon went to the human world and got a female human pregnant." Diavolo said as he looked down at the girl.

"Woah! It's like a plot twist from TSL." Levi thought out loud.

"Now isn't the time Levi. Anyways, what is your name?" Lucifer questioned the girl.

The girl looked at the floor. Then she spoke in a very quiet voice.


"Where are your parents?" Mammon suddenly asked.

"Mammon, you really are an idiot." Asmo said.

"Hey...." Mammon grumbled.

Y/N curled up, and began quietly crying again. Everyone glared at Mammon for asking that question.

"........g....o...ne....." She hiccuped.

"What was that sweetie?" Asmo asked in a soft tone.

"T-They're.........gone....." Y/N whispered.

Belphie stepped forward. He slowly made his way to the little girl. He kneeled down.

Then he wrapped his arms around her small body. Y/N widened her eyes. What was he doing?

"I know what's it's like to lose someone...our sister died a long time ago..." Belphie softly spoke.

".......Was she murdered? Right in front of your eyes?" She said in a dark tone. Belphie moved away from her.

It was somewhat surprising to hear her say words like that, but demon children mature very faster compared to human children.

"My father....killed my mother..." Y/N admitted.

"If you do not mind, can you tell us why he did that?" Diavolo asked carefully.

"My father....left me and my mother. I spent all my time with her in the human world. Until my father returned recently.

He went on about how I should be in his care, but my mother was angry for leaving us.

My father went into a rage, and killed my mother...right in front of my eyes." Y/N said as she tried to fight the urge to break down.

"Then how did you end up down here?" Lucifer inquired.

"My father drugged me, and brought me down here. He locked me in the basement and hardly fed me. 2 weeks ago I tried to escape.

But he caught me, and started beating me senseless. In self-defense I changed into this form.

I wrapped my tail around his neck, and soon he collapsed. I ran away, and ended up where you found me.

I'm alone now....so what's the point of living?!" She screamed.

It was heartbreaking to see a young child like her go through something like this.

"You're not alone Y/N." Satan said.

"I have no one left!" She yelled again.

"Then.......why not live with us?" Mammon blurted out.

"Mammon what are you thinking?" Lucifer asked.

"She has nowhere to go. We can't just let her leave. She won't survive." Beel looked at Y/N. She looked thin.

"It shouldn't be a problem, right Lucifer?" Diavolo asks.

"I suppose not Lord Diavolo. Y/N, you will be living with us." The girl eyed them suspiciously.

"How can I trust you?"

"Well, you'll just have to stay and find out." Mammon smiled.

"Ok...." Y/N didn't really have another choice.

"Here." Beel walked over and handed her the sandwich from earlier.

She took a bite out of it, and then scarfed down the entire thing. Her horn and tail dissapeared.

Y/N suddenly felt a wave of tiredness wash over her, and she fell forwards. Asmo hurried over and caught her.


"Let's take her to one of the spare rooms." Lucifer started walking away.

They put her in a spare room, and covered up her small body. They all felt something odd in their chest.

Since their sister's death, they missed having a younger sister around. So seeing Y/N made them feel like they had a little sister again.

"We should sleep in here. She may not be mentally stable. Plus, I don't think she wants to be alone." Satan suggested.

So the brothers grabbed pillows and blankets and slept on the floor, making sure that their sister wasn't alone.

Next chapter