
Cold (Beelzebub x sick reader)


"Come on....it has to be somewhere." Satan grunted. I kept my lips shut.

We were currently walking around the town. Satan had his heart set on a book that came out, but it's from the human world.

So finding it in Devildom would be a challenge. So we've been walking for around 2 hours.

It had started raining 20 minutes ago, and even though I had an umbrella with me, it didn't really help that much. The wind kept blowing rain on me.

I was starting to get extremely cold. There's a reason I didn't say anything though.

We came across another bookstore, and we walked inside. I sighed lightly as I felt warm air around me as I closed the umbrella.

"Hello there. Are you two looking for something specific?" An older looking demon asks us.

Satan asked if the store had the book he was looking for. Luckily for us he did indeed have the book.

"Thanks for coming with me Y/N." Satan smiled at me, and I smiled in return.

"No problem. We should get home now." We left the bookstore.

By the time we got home, the rain had stopped. I closed the umbrella and immediately went to my room.

I changed into my pajamas and slipped into the soft bed. I found myself trying to get warm.

I curled up tightly as I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up with a large headache. I pressed a hand to my temple, trying to ease the pain.

My body felt heavy and weak, as if I couldn't move a single bone in my body.

My vision was a little hazy, and I glanced around the room. My D.D.D was close to me.

I slowly reached out my heavy arm, but  my head suddenly pulsated. My hand returned to my temple.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" I heard Beel from outside the door.

"Beel....." I said quietly. The door opened.

"Y/N?! What's wrong? Are you sick?" Beel rushed over to the bed, and looked down at me.

"I'm....fine." I lied.

"No you're not. You're staying home, and I'm taking care of you."

"You'll get sick too." I croaked.

"That doesn't matter. Keeping you healthy is an important thing." I tried to protest, but Beel had already left the room.

So that's how me and Beel ended up staying home together. He insisted that I stay in bed to keep myself warm.

Beel lifted his large hand and softly placed it into my forehead. It felt cool, so I subconsciously leaned into it.

"Your fever hasn't gone down. Here." Beel dipped a towel into a bowl of water he brought in earlier.

Then he wrung out the extra water, and placed that on my head. It felt amazing from my point of view.

3rd POV

"Thank you...." Y/N said quietly.

"How did you get a fever in the first place?" Beel asked.

"Satan.....asked me to go with....him to find a book." Y/N slowly explained.

"It was raining yesterday! Why didn't you say anything to him?" Beel was upset that she hadn't said anything.

"I got....to see him happy. Seeing others happy....makes me happy." She looked into Beel's eyes.

His purple eyes shone with understanding, but also some anger.

"Next time tell him, or whoever you go with. I hate seeing you sick." Beel sighed.

"Ok.....promise..." Her eyelids started closing.

"Get some rest Y/N. I'll make you some soup." Beel got up as the girl succumbed to her sleepiness.


When I opened my eyes, Beel was no longer by my side. I felt odd without him nearby.

I slowly got up, and grabbed on as tightly as I could to the blanket. Then I slowly stood up, and staggered out of my room.

Every step I took was wobbly, but I managed to stay upright. Somehow, I ended up in the living room.

The soft glow of the fire drew me in. The warmth radiating from it was almost hypnotic to me.

I laid down on the floor a few feet away from the fire, and cuddled into the blanket. It felt pleasant.

"Y/N? Where are you?" I heard Beel's voice nearby.

Beel walked into the room, and nearly spilled whatever was in the bowl he was holding.

"Beel...it's warmer in here." I mumbled as I brought the blanket closer to me.

He walked over to me with the bowl, and sat down behind me. He set the bowl down.

He lifted me and the blanket into his lap, and he picked up the bowl. I was facing his chest.

"Here. You need to eat something. It took me 5 tries before I could resist eating it." I chuckled.

"Ahh..." I opened my mouth, and he fed me the food.

He kept doing this until the bowl was empty. I began to notice how warm his body was.

"What are you doing Y/N?" He asked as I snuggled closer to his body.

"Keep me warm Beel..." His cheeks became red, and I got worried.

"Are you getting....sick too?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, I'm fine." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me even closer.

"Thanks......" I smiled up at him.

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