
Cake (Beelzebub x reader)


We celebrated Beel's and Belphie's birthday today, and I'm honestly worn out.

We ate, the twins opened presents, the normal birthday things. But something was bugging me.

You see, me and the brothers all chipped in and got the brothers something.

We got Belphie a new fluffy mattress, and we got Beel a buffet. Which he was very happy about.

My mind started racing with different flavors and recipes. I grabbed my D.D.D and looked through my contacts.

Going to the kitchen would be a giant risk because Beel is in there ALL the time. So I wouldn't be able to bake here.

The phone rang a couple of times before the person answered.

"What do you want?"




"What?" Luke stared up at me with a confused face.

"Please let me bake a cake for Beel here!" I begged.

"Why?! Can't you just make it at the House of Lamentation?" I shook my head.

"No because Beel might catch me! I want it to be a surprise. You're fine with it right Simeon?" I looked to Simeon.

"Of course. Solomon it's fine with you as well right? I looked to the white haired sorcerer.

"Yeah, but we already made him a cake.  So why are you making another one?" I sweatdropped.

"U-Um....well I just want to do something special for him. He likes sweets after all." I lied.

"Alright fine! You can make the cake! But you should be grateful that I'm allowing you to do so." Luke chimed in.

"Thanks Luke!" I smiled as I went to the kitchen.

I tied up my hair and looked for ingredients for a cake. To my luck they had everything I needed to make a simple vanilla cake.

So I got to work. Breaking eggs into a bowl, and mixing in the sugar and flour.

After some time I finally finished making the batter, and I put it in the oven.

Since the icing wouldn't take too long I decided to take a break. My D.D.D started ringing.

He asked.

Aw he's so sweet...

Beel hung up, and I sighed.

Looks like I'm not getting a break now.

I was adding the last of the frosting on the cake. I swiped the sweat off of my brow, and admired my work.

It was a simple vanilla cake, nothing too special. I was proud of it though. I put it in a box.

"Did you finish your cake?" Simeon walked into the kitchen.

"Yep!" I opened the box and showed him my creation.

"Wow! It looks delicious." He complemented.

"Thanks. Well, I'm going to take this back with me. Thanks again for letting me use the kitchen." I left and headed back to the House of Lamentation.

As soon as I came in the doorway, Beel was waiting for me.

"Are you alright? No demons try to kill you?" He started looking me up and down for injuries.

"I'm fine! The truth is that I didn't go out shopping...I went to bake this." I opened the box.

"You...baked that?" He seemed surprised.

"Yeah. I wanted to get you something myself. So I made you this cake." I handed him the box.

I suddenly found myself in a bear hug. Beel chuckled.

"You're the best. Do you want to eat it together?" I widened my eyes.

"You....want to share your cake?" He nodded.

"IT'S THE APOCALYPSE!" I hear Mammon yell from upstairs.

"Hehehe. Let's go to the kitchen." I grabbed Beel's hand, and we walked to the kitchen.

Beel cut me a slice of the cake, and I took a bite out of it.

"Ish sho good!" I smiled. It tasted amazing.

"Yep. Ish delicious." Beel ate a piece, but some frosting got on his face.

"Hold still." I brought my hand up and wiped away the frosting.

"........" His face became red.

"U-Um...." I blushed after I realized what I did.

Beel suddenly leaned in, and placed a soft kiss on my lips. They tasted like vanilla.

"You taste sweet." Beel smiled.

"B-Beel.....you can't just say that..."

"Why not? I like you, so I should be able to complement you." He said nonchalantly.

"In a friend way?" I asked cautiously.

"No. I like you more than that." My eyes widened a little. I didn't know he liked me...

"I.....like you too." I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"You really do taste sweet." Beel smiled.

"Thanks, but I think you taste sweeter." I blushed.

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