"So, what do you like to do Y/N~?" Asmo sat closer to you on my bed.
"H-Hey! That's too close! Get at least 10 feet away!" Mammon yelled as he got closer to the bed.
"Get the popcorn lolol." Levi chuckled.
"Popcorn...." Beel almost started drooling.
"Quit ignoring me and get away from her!" Mammon pouts.
I glanced away, feeling embarrassed. Not because of Asmo though. I were used to his advances on you, and didn't really mind it anymore.
The reason why I was embarrassed was because of the question Asmo asked.
For the most part, I haven't really talked about my life back home to anyone. Nothing about my family, friends, or any of my hobbies.
I thought to myself.
"N-Nothing.....special." I lied.
"Oh come on~! There has to be something! If not...I can show you something you'll definitely like~" Asmo whispered in my ear. He placed an arm around your shoulders.
"No thanks..." Usually I wouldn't mind him touching me like this, but today was different.
I moved away from him, and glanced at the ground.
"Ha! You got rejected!" Mammon laughed.
"Lolol your intimacy level just went down." Levi jokes.
"I'm hungry..." Beel leaves the room.
"Welp, I'm going to hit the hay. Later Y/N!" Mammon exits as well, with Levi behind him.
"Goodnight Y/N~! Text me if you need anything, and I'll come right over~!" He smiled, but I just silently nodded.
He got up and left the room, but not before blowing me a kiss. The door shut, and I was alone.
When I looked around the room, everything seemed wrong to me. It didn't feel right......
It didn't feel like home.
My back collided with the bed, but I rotated to face the wall, staring at it with a blank expression.
I curled up into a little ball, and got under the covers of the bed. Slowly but surely I fell asleep, dreaming of my life on Earth.
I couldn't really focus on my classes, and it was hard not get lost in my own thoughts.
The bell rang, and it was time for lunch. Before anyone could see me, I rushed out of the room and ran outside.
I sat behind the school on a lone bench, and stared up at the dark sky. There were no mornings or afternoons here. It was like an internal night.
I heard someone walking in my direction. I mentally cursed and looked down.
"Y/N? Why are you out here by yourself?" It was Asmo.
".......go away...." I sniffled. I was trying my best not to cry.
Crying at school is one of the worst things to do.
"I can't possibly do that now~ You're too cute to be alone. Besides me of course." He sat down next to me.
I got up to move to another bench. I sat down at the new bench a few feet away from the first one.
Asmo got up, and sat next to me again. I sighed softly. Looks like he isn't going to leave me alone.
"..........I'm homesick." I admitted. It just kinda came out.
"Homesick? But don't you like it here? I mean, I'm here, and I'm very popular. But that's besides the point." A tear landed on my hand.
"I......I miss......my p-parents..." More tears fell.
Something cool was now on my cheek. I turned to see Asmo looking at me with a slightly surprised face.
His hand moved down my neck, and around to my back. He pulled me closer to him, and he hugged me.
That's when I broke. Soft sobs escaped from my mouth, and my whole body was shaking.
I'm not sure how long we stayed like this, but Asmo never left my side. I felt warm.
"Are you going to let go Y/N? I know that I'm irresistible, but class is going to start soon." I shook my head in his chest.
"Don't....wanna..." I said. I haven't been hugged in a while.
"Oh~? Does that mean our little Y/N loves me?" My face became pink.
"..........maybe...." My voice was hardly even a whisper.
"Hmm? What was that~?" Asmo teased.
I looked up from his shirt, and I wiped my tears. I stared into Asmo's beautiful amber eyes.
Slowly, we both leaned in, and shared a tender kiss. His soft lips almost felt like clouds.
We pulled away, and to my surprise, Asmo was actually blushing, and so was I.
"....s-sorry.....um..." I was so embarrassed, so I didn't know what to say.
"Y/N." I paused as soon as he said my name.
"Y-Yes...?" He leaned in, and kissed me again.
"I love you~" Asmo said as he moved away.
"I-I...love you. But....can we take things slow? I know how um...excited you can get..." My face was as red as a tomato.
"Alright, just for you~" We stood up together.
He held out his hand, and we walked back to the school.