
The-Boy-Who-Sto...Borrowed (IV)

Harry finally found his way to the armory after wandering inside the barracks for nearly half an hour. His mom hadn't spoken much since the incident, so he was starting to feel somewhat worried. He wanted to say something to his mom, but he didn't even know how to start the conversation in the first place.

His mom did tell him that she was going to give him the 'TALK'. He had no idea what this 'TALK' was going to consist of, but it must be something related to what he was feeling when was staring at the poster of the red-haired woman…

The woman in the poster wasn't wearing any clothes, just like all the other posters on the wall and this was the first time he saw a woman without any clothes. At first, the poster simply caught his eye because he was curious. He might be young, but he knew that male and female bodies were different.

So he simply wanted to how a female body was different from a male body, but after staring at the poster for only a few moments, something started to happen. He started to feel weird and he also felt something weird going on with his penis… He could no longer look away from the poster, it felt like, someone has cast a Spell on him to make him entranced.

The other posters were also having a similar effect on him but to a lesser degree… He was so confused after the whole incident and he was still confused right now, which was basically stopping him from saying anything. He didn't want to make a bigger mess by asking the wrong question.

Now, he could only wait for the 'TALK' and hope that it could shed some light on the issue…

|There is a CCTV| Lily pointed out, breaking Harry out of his musing. He halted his steps as he looked up at the door leading to the armory.

Harry stared at the steel door in front of him with a complicated look on his face. He could easily unlock the door with the first year Unlocking Charm, but his actions will be caught on CCTV. He didn't want to break the Statute in any form as he didn't want Aurors coming after him. So, there was only one thing he could do right now… wait.

Yes, it was going to be extremely boring, tiring, and time-consuming, but he was determined to get his hands on some firearms and the armor the guards were wearing. He will probably get his chance when the shifts change… He looked around and nodded his head in satisfaction. The hall was quite wide, so there was a very small chance that someone might accidentally collide with him, revealing his presence.

So, he decided to stand right beneath the CCTV camera and wait for his chance. He leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes… Since he didn't have anything better to do, he decided to work on his Occlumnecy. He could have gone to chat with his mom, but he didn't know how much time he had before he would get his chance, but from what he felt, the 'TALK' was going to be quite long…

<Line Break>

Harry's eyes snapped open when he finally heard some voices heading toward him… |I wonder how long I have been waiting here?| Harry questioned himself, not expecting an answer in the first place. If his mom could cast Magic, then it would have been a different story, but his mom couldn't and while Harry could have cast the Tempus Charm, the CCTV would have caught the floating digits.

He pushed himself off the wall and the guards who were approaching the armory finally came into his view. It was a group of twenty and none of them were carrying firearms or wearing armors. Harry cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders to remove the stiffness from his body.

|They must be coming here to grab firearms and armors| Lily pointed out and Harry nodded in agreement. He has also thinking along the same lines. He pulled out his Wand and held it out, just in case any of the guards came in contact with him. He would have to Confound them as he wasn't willing to waste this chance.

The guards were joking and laughing as they finally arrived in front of the steel door. One of them stepped forward and knocked on the door. "Team C is here to grab their equipment!" The man called out loudly.

"Wait a sec!" A voice answered from the other side of the door and now, Harry was really glad that he decided to wait outside the door instead of using Magic to open the door. It was foolish of him to not use the Human Revealing Charm after arriving here, a mistake he won't be repeating again.

A clang was heard from the other side of the door and the door was pulled open. Harry's eyes grew wide in surprise when he took in the sight of what was inside the room. The room was filled with firearms… All of them were the same models, at least, all of them looked the same. After getting a grip on himself, he easily slipped into the armory and found a tubby man sitting at a desk right beside the door.

The man was so fat that he reminded Harry of Vernon… It brought back the memories of his revenge and it brought a smile to his face. Harry shook his head as he started to look around the armory. He wanted to make sure that there weren't any CCTVs inside the armory and after looking for a few minutes, he finally confirmed that there were no CCTVs inside the room.

Harry was really glad about that, or it would have been impossible for him to accomplish his task. In that case, not only would have wasted his time waiting outside the armory, but he would also have to risk himself by attacking a guard patrol to rob them. He wanted to get his hands on the firearms at any cost. Now that he has confirmed that there were no CCTVs inside the armory, he decided to wait for the guards to leave.

After nearly twenty minutes, the guards finally left, leaving only the tubby man beside him inside the room. The tubby man laughed at their joke as he closed the steel door and locked it from the inside. The man chuckled again as he plopped down in his seat and grabbed the book he was reading.

Meanwhile, Harry slowly crept behind the man's back and as soon as he was close enough, he pointed his Wand at the back of the man's head and cast the Stunning Charm silently. The red beam struck the man and he immediately slumped down on the desk with a loud thud. Harry moved closer to the man and cast the Stunning Charm at the man for the second time, just to make sure.

|I need to move quickly, I don't know when another group is going to arrive| Harry mused inside his mind as he pulled out the miniature trunk from his pocket and placed it on the ground before enlarging it with a tap of his Wand. He popped the hood open and started to move toward one of the racks.

|Hadrian, don't forget to look for manuals| Lily reminded him sternly and Harry nodded his head in understanding. Yes, getting his hands on a manual will be good.

|That is some sort of shotgun, I believe. My grandfather used to have something like this| Lily wondered aloud as Harry grabbed a firearm from the racks. He inspected the firearm before placing it inside his trunk. After that, his mom failed to recognize the other firearms he grabbed. There were four types of firearms in the armory and he grabbed one of each. Now that he has acquired the firearms, it was about time he grabbed some ammunition of each type.

He had been carefully watching the guards and they grabbed the ammunition from the lockers which needed different keys to unlock. This time, he didn't hesitate and simply used Magic to unlock the lockers. Since he had no idea what sort of ammunition was required for each type of firearm he grabbed, he decided to grab some of everything. He also couldn't believe his luck when he also found the manuals inside the lockers.

Thankfully, they had diagrams on top of each manual, so it made it easier for him to grab the manuals. He decided to take one of each since taking more than one would be useless. He wouldn't learn anything extra if he grabbed two manuals. After that, he made his way toward the racks where the armors were kept. Apparently, they were called Kevlar and Harry decided to grab two, in case he damaged one of them while experimenting.

Harry nodded his head in satisfaction as he placed the Kevlars inside the trunk… There was barely any space left inside the trunk, but Harry couldn't help but grin like a loon at the sight. He was about to close the hood when something caught his eye… He grabbed one of the knives from the rack and pulled it out of the sheath. He didn't need to be a genius to know that the knife was extremely sharp.

He grabbed another knife from the rack and placed the two of them inside his trunk along with everything else he grabbed. Once again nodding his head in satisfaction, he finally closed the trunk. He shrunk the trunk with a tap of his Wand and placed it inside his pocket. After that, he moved behind the unconscious man and silently cast the Reviving Charm to awaken the man followed by a Confundus to make sure that the man didn't feel anything was out of place.

The man groaned as he slowly sat up… The man yawned before shrugging his shoulders and then he went back to reading his book like nothing happened. Harry, who was standing right behind him smiled like a Cheshire cat. Now, he only needed to wait for a chance to slip out.

He didn't even need to wait more than half an hour before someone knocked on the door and called out. The tubby unlocked the door and pulled it open for the ones who knocked on the door. It was another team of twenty and this team was fully equipped, so Harry guessed that the previous group probably relieved this group from their duty. While he wanted to wait and see if this group would notice the missing firearms or ammunition, he wasn't going to miss this chance to slip out…

So, Harry carefully slipped out of the room with a satisfied look on his face. |It was a nice haul…| He admitted inside his mind as he walked away from the armory with a spring in his steps…


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