
Risking Everything for Love

"I AM SICK OF THIS pissing contest," Ashton snarled. "You've won, okay! She chose you! When are you going to stop throwing it in my fucking face? I was crushed, hell, I still am, but I respected your relationship. Why can't you accept our friendship? You think she means the world to you; did you ever stop to think about what she means to me? At least you get to hug her and kiss her and tell her how much you love her. I don't have that! I don't have anything!"

By the time he finished ranting his voice was trembling. "Fighting with me or trying to minimize my affection for her isn't going to change the situation. If Lucian has her, I will call all my units and we will work towards bringing that motherfucker down."

Natalia released a broken sob clutching Kayla's "My Little Pony" pillow in her thin arms. "What if they don't find her? I'm so scared. What if it's too late?"

"We'll find her, trust me, we will," Ashton answered softly. "Let's try this my way, okay?"

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