"but when I came home he was dead. He had hung himself. On the deck next to him there was a letter. Reading the letter I realized it was a goodbye. looking through it, it told of how he couldn't handle it. The loss of our mom and his sickness was eating away at him. In the letter was a medical report. My brother, Cain, was dying. He only had days left to live... So he decided to go out on his terms and he hung himself. But next to the report was a message and a hope it was a complete surgery that had an 80% success rate to cure mana rejection. Seeing this I dedicated my time to helping people in need and perfecting the cure until I got to 90%.
At this point, the foundation found me and hired me to research you. After you came out of your cocoon you looked so much like him that it hurt just to look at you. But soon I found peace and chose to help you. And now we're here." hearing the story I stood up and hugged Alice.
"OY! prime! what the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Looking back at the door I saw Alex standing there with his baton At the ready. Walking away from Alice I looked at him and said "nothing." "nothing? Ha. Then why is she crying?" turning back to look at Alice she stood up and wiped her face "it's not your problem Alex." "it is my problem because he's finally showing his true colors. ain't he!?"
Pointing his baton at me he began walking toward me ready to fight. "he did something to do didn't he?" "no, he didn't." standing up to Alex, Alice defended me "lies. He has always been a freak, and now he dropped the mask and did something to you and you're trying to defend him because he threatened you. Didn't he?"
Just as I was getting ready to defend I heard a defining explosion and all the lights went red "ALL UNITS BE ADVISED THERE IS A CLASS 5 MONSTER HOARD ATTACKING THE BASE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" hearing a panicked choice over the speaker I looked toward Alice who had a look of shock on her face "Alice what's happening?" "something very bad." looking over I saw Alex who had a face of pure terror "you lucky prime, but I will be back for you" saying this Alex ran down the hall and left us "looking at Alice I asked again " what's happening?" "We need to go someplace safe. Now!" hearing the panic in Alice's voice I followed her as she ran through the halls of the facility.
As we continued to run I noticed lots of heavily armed guards rushing past us so fast that they didn't even notice me. Curios about what was going on I concentrated on my eyes as colors started to disappear and the world went gray. Looking around I saw red blobs moving toward something, following the path that they were taking I saw a giant mass of red. Just seeing the sheer size of it I felt an instinctual fear from the monsters I had eaten telling me to run and run fast. Looking closer I noticed that it wasn't one thing making up the blob. It was thousands, tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands of monsters attack the tiny amount of small red dots fighting them.
Turning off my infrared sight I realized that we were at a bunker. As me and Alice went to enter the bunker guard stopped us "oy. What do you think you're doing bringing that thing in here with the normal people?" seeing what he was he pointed a gun at me Alice said, "he isn't a thing he is just like you or me but a little different." "sorry can't bring him in with the normal people as he could be a threat. If you keep on insisting I will have to stop you from entering as well." muttering damn under her breath Alice took me and began further down the hall to another bunker but they said the same thing "can't let him in, might be a danger to the people." hearing this we continued down the hall but just as be began to near the last bunker I saw that the doors where closed.
Seeing this I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stick up and my instincts warn me of danger. Tuning around I saw a giant wolf growling at me "ALICE RUN!" seeing it start to charge at us I grew out my claws and prepared to fight it. Seeing me challenge it the wolf began to run faster at me ready to attack.
Running at it I jumped onto its back and began to claw and bite into its pelt. Angered that I was on it the wolf began to thrash and jolt to get me off, refusing to lose I changed the form of my feet to claws and dug into its sides and my nails dug deep into its flesh. As soon as I got a good while on the beast I began to bite and dig further into it. after a long fight, I managed to kill it but I was badly injured. By habit, I began to eat the body of my prey but was interrupted by Alice.
"Cain?" looking up I saw a hurt Alice walking toward me "Alice! What happened?" panicking I ran up to her as my body began to go back to 'normal' "are you ok?" seeing me heal Alice began to question me to know if I was ok. " yes I'm fine, what happened to you?" seeing how I was worrying over her, she began to tell me what happened
"I went to look for a safe space for us to hide but got attacked by another wolf. Luckily a guard was around to help so he started to fight it and told me to run so I ran back to you." "then why are you hurt?" "as I was escaping, the wolf nicked me with its claws, I haven't had time to look at the scratch though. Could you look for me?"
lifting her lab coat I saw the gash across her stomach seeing how bad it was I began to think of ways to help but nothing came up "how bad is it?" seeing my worried face Alice began to question me. Lying I told her it was fine "that's good guess we can look for a safe spot together now." hearing her say this I helped her stand up and began to walk her down the hall to look for a safe place to wait out the attack.
After wandering for a while and avoiding the wolves we found an abandoned medical bay. Caring for her I laid Alice down on a bed and began looking for something to help her. "hey, Cain?" "yes?" "It's work than you telling me. isn't it?" seeing me looking around Alice began to ask me if the gash on her stomach was bad "no it's fine." still lying to her I kept on insisting that it wasn't bad
"then what are you looking for?" "something to block the door." "In the medical cabinets?" stopping and looking over at Alice I saw a small puddle of blood under her bed. Running over to her I started trying to help her by bandaging the wound. "hey Alice why don't you use magic to help?" "I can't." stopping and looking at her I realized she didn't have long to live. almost crying I asked her "why not?" after a long pause she said "because I have mana rejection." hearing this I stopped and just looked at her, "I thought your mana veins were fine though?" "I did too, but last early last year I found out that I had it. It's just a much better case than my mother and brother so it won't kill me but if I use magic I will start to die." hearing her say this I just sat there in silent contemplation.
"what if I used a healing spell?" looking back at me Alice had a much paler face than before "the same thing as if I tried to heal myself. And even if it would work I'm too far gone already." after a long pause she reached into her jacket and pulled out a wooden carving of a fox "my brother's favorite hobby was wood carving." chuckling as she held the fox "he was never good at it though." passing the fox over to me she continued "I want you to keep it so that me and him won't be forgotten."
Talking the fox out of her hand I put it in my pocket "don't worry, I won't ever forget you." looking up at me she smiled "thank you." as she said this she closed her eyes as if to sleep and her arm went limp "Alice? Alice!? ALICE WAKE UP!" crying over her I pleaded "PLEAD YOU CANT LEAVE ME, PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME ALICE!" after crying for what felt like an eternity I stood up and covered Alices corps which still had a smile as if she was having a good dream "goodbye, Alice" walking out of the room I saw a small pack of wolves coming my way, attracted to my crying I can only guess
Seeing the things I felt nothing but pure, white-hot furry "in the stories Alice would tell me there was a being called God. After making light to banish the dark He made angels, angels were beings of pure goodness with wings of pearly white. but one angel didn't like God, So God banished that angel to hell and took its wings. After losing faith in its maker the angel vowed to kill God as he had betrayed him. So he called himself the king of hell and made his own angels, but instead of goodness and white, he made them of all the things that God hated. Evil, darkness, and wrath. and so he called them demons and those who were sent to hell would be made into these demons as the king of hell needed an army to kill God." having noticed me the wolves charged at me and changed into a beastly form.
My legs changed to a more cat-like shape and my feet grew claws, my tail became longer and the stinger changed out for a thin blade as my skin hardened and became almost scale-like while my fingers became long claws. My horns grew and began to cerv like a crown around my head while my teeth were sharp and pointed. And lastly, my eyes became a crimson red. "now let me show you, let me show you the wrath of a demon."