
Chapter 221: Help Me, Kado

Tahara and his group had decided in advance who would take on the first ancestral spirit to show up before the Graveyard Devil showed up. Otake and Robertson also agreed to assist Tahara in the fight with the first ancestral spirit.

“Eloise Carr, we will need your support.” Otake gave her a wink and said.

She gave a nod, sensing that everyone was prepared for the plan to start.

When they returned to the battlefield, the Graveyard Devil had shed his claws and was surrounded by flies. The foul smell coming from his fingers was so strong that Tahara, Otake, and Robertson covered their noses.

The Graveyard Devil lunged in Otake's direction in the middle of his stomach kick. With a swipe of his middle finger, the Graveyard Devil sliced through the air, sending Otake flying backward. Otake dodged as the slash struck a building. Otake struck at the Devil's leg with his katana, covering his nose so as not to inhale the putrid stench, but the blade ricocheted off the thick hide.

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