
Sir Didymus the Traitor

Your head pounded, your mouth was dry, and your arm was in intense pain. You opened your eyes. You knew you didn't drink last night, so where were you? You look and see junk everywhere. A land fill. Great. Still looks tidier than your room though, you must say. You move your arm and yelp. It was stabbed through. You made your way down from the pile, in humongous pain, and looked around.

"Get off my back! Haven't you got any manners?" A small goblin woman said. "Oh that's a nasty wound there. You're in bad shape." She says changing her tone. "What are you looking for?" She asks. "I...I don't know. I saw someone here. I needed to get to them." "Let's get you changed and rested up. Majesty knows you need it." You followed the woman to a door and she opened it.

Your room was inside. "Home? I'm going home?" You asked feeling so woozy. You walked inside and then collapsed on your bed. You were so tired, hungry, and in pain. The door was shut and you looked around. You needed to get changed. You open (wherever your clothes are) and change. Your legs were red, and your shoulder still hurt. You grabbed other shoes and then looked for something to help stop the bleeding.

You dress the wound, thankful for your parents phase of watching Grey's Anatomy and forcing you to watch it with them, and then look around. You cautiously walked up to the door and opened it peeking outside. It was the same red sky and trash. "Hey! What do you need to go out here for? Everything you're looking for is in there." She moves past the door and looks around "You got your clothes, and look much prettier! But you could do with a hair brush...where was that thing?" She gives you a brush to hold. "Who was I looking for?" You mumbled to yourself. "Maybe (Stuffed animal)! You haven't seen it in a while." She said and placed it in your arms. She continued going around.

"No." You said once you realized what was going on. "No these don't matter to me." She looks back confused. "You need these-" "No I need my family. And they're not here. They're out there probably suffering and I'm here playing pretend and dress up. What kind of immature child am I? This is all junk. This is all bullshit." The walls begin to crack and fall. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" The goblin yelled and runs away. You see a ray of light up a crack in the wall and you dig at it, ignoring the pain in your arm.

When you get to the Goblin King you'll-

You didn't know what you'd do. You had mixed feelings about him. But even though he's attractive, he still has multiple things to answer for. Just because he kissed you doesn't mean you forgive him for everything.

You climb up and stumble down. You see Sarah walking. "SARAH!" You cry out. She turns around and her eyes widen and her smile goes wide. "Y/n! I was so scared." You both run to each other and hug. You begin crying. "Are you hurt?" "No...but you are! Y/n what's going on? Why are you so injured so badly?" "What matters is getting Jack back. I can heal after we go home. But we can't replace a missing Jack." Sarah nods determinedly and says "At least you have shoes now."

They continue to climb over the mountains of Junk.

"Um...Y/n? Jareth talked to us." Sarah said. "He said you were injured, and he gave me something to heal you." "We don't have any time." You say and press on. She sighs and says "We have 2 hours left. Please...I know we can't trust him. But he probably wants you to be in good health so it's fair for you. You can't be crippled and try and solve a Labyrinth." Sarah said. "Fine."

Sarah opened the salve and you took off your makeshift bandage and she applied the salve. You winced in pain as it began to heal. "Glad he wasn't trying to trick us." Sarah said. She also used it on your legs and your shoulder and the pain was gone. It didn't even leave any residue either. "Alright now we gotta haul ourselves twice as fast. We've spent too long on me." They ran towards Goblin City.

When you got to the gate, the guards were sparring each other. "They slept last time." Ludo said slowly. "Halt! Who goes there!" A tiny scrappy thing says. "Friend!" Ludo said smiling. "Ludo? Where's Hoggle? Who's this?" He looked between you two and said "Is that a younger Sarah? You've come to collect your kin! Well you can't come in. Orders of the Goblin King."

Sarah then connected the dots. "You're Sir Didymus. You're supposed to be somewhere else aren't you?" You were kinda glad your uncle read the ending now. Unforgiveable on his part, but at least you semi-knew the characters and their places. "You're a traitor." Sarah says. "I am not." He huffs. "You are. You're supposed to help us get in. Not keep us out." "That was before Ambrocious. Before everything changed. I help the Goblin King now." "Then escort us to the Goblin King." You say. He looks to you.

"You can't come in until time runs out." "Time has run out. That's why we're here. We're here to be turned into Goblins." Sarah says thinking quickly. "They would have told me." Sir Didymus said. "Everyone else knew. Even Ludo knew. That's why he's here. He was released and made into one of the citizens." Sarah said. You took a mental note to never play any bluffing games with her. She was absolutely serious. "Truth." Ludo said. "Then we will open the gates."

Everyone filed in and a Goblin said "You idiot! They tricked you!"

Sir Didymus looked over at you. "My brother lied? NGAHHHHHHHHHH-"

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