
Don't Doubt The Magic Book

Sarah looks around your room. "She'll need the book, the sword, and I'll need a few things too..." Sarah narrows her eyes. There's just paper everywhere. Your room was so boring. There were swords, shields, and other various weapons that she packed. She also brought a scarf in case you got cold.

She then sneaks over to your parents rooms and looks to see if there's anything useful in there. She found a flash light with extra batteries, but nothing else that was helpful. She went downstairs and filled two canteens up with water, and then grabbed a match box.

She stuffed it in your bag and then ran inside. She walked carefully, looking for some key to get in the Labyrinth. She heard shuffling in your closet. She thrust it open and manhandled the goblin who was measuring your closet.

"LET ME DOWN!" The goblin said trying to bite her. "Take me inside the Labyrinth." "Put me down and I will." He said sweetly smiling. She mocked his smile and said "I'll let you live if you take me there now." He gave her a look and she raised her sword at his neck. "I'm 12, angry at the school system, run on caffeine, and I have a sword. Do you really want to test me?" The goblin gulps and then nods.

Then she was standing in a garden. "Let me go!" She tossed him to the water and he coughed and climbed out. He ran away. This human was strong enough to catch him without being afraid and held him with one hand. Screw his service to the Goblin King. He's out.

She sees another creature. "HEY!" She shouts and runs over. "Oh hello Sarah....SARAH?" The little one says confused. "Where's my cousin?" She points the sword. "Where did you get that? And don't stab me, I'm a friend." She lowers the sword and looks around. "Can you take me to Y/n?" "Who's Y/n?" "She came through earlier. I need to find her immediately. She needs my help." "There's never been two people here before." The little one muttered. "I'm Hoggle. At your service."

"Hoggle, do you know how to find her?" Hoggle thinks. "There's a tunnel we can go through." "Take me there." Sarah said. She almost got chills. She sounds so cool right now. She can't wait to tell Jack how kickass she's become for him.

"Looks like another player has joined the game." Jareth said amused. "She has nothing to do with this and yet she joins." She found a way in without ever having to go through the Goblin King. This family never ceases to annoy and surprise him.

"That's what family does. We fight for each other. Though I'm sure you don't know what that means do you Jareth?" Jack says smugly.

Jareth tries to ignore him. He'd never have someone force their way in to help their loved one, or have the bond that these 3 did. Y/n was special to them both. What did they see in her? She wasn't as attractive as most of her species, but she defended them both. She's smart. And creative. Especially with her insults. Even though it angered him what she said, she was the first one to have ever invoke any real emotion within him.

Frustration that no one ever loved him despite seeing the whole world he would give them? That was the default emotion. But in just 4 hours, you've made him indifferent to your fate, angry, curious, and now overthinking about the words you said to make him angry. He cared. And you weren't scared of anything it seemed.

Oh well.

Sarah and Hoglet were starting their own journey to you. He decided he should let you two meet. You would need some of things Sarah has brought you.

Oh and out of all the people that had ever gotten into his Labyrinth, you were the fastest walker.

The book definitely chose the wrong girl....but he's starting to think maybe it chose right.

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