
Ant Colony (2)

As Rain observed the ant colony from behind the boulder, he marveled at its complexity. The intricate tunnels crisscrossed the ground, leading to different chambers and sections.

He noticed the distinct types of mutated ants bustling about, each with their specific roles and appearances.

The entrance of the ant colony was guarded by a swarm of lower-grade ants, scurrying around in search of food or tending to their duties.

Rain knew that these ants posed no significant threat to him, considering their low grade.

However, before attacking the, he drank growth elixir. 

"With this, my rank will boost quickly." Rain chuckled.

Carefully retrieving his Thunder Eagle gun from his space ring, Rain felt the weight of the weapon in his hand.

Aiming carefully, he squeezed the trigger, sending a crackling bolt of energy toward the unsuspecting lower-grade ants. 

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