
An Unexpected Event?

Fuyuki, Japan,

Fuyuki Church,

"S-So.... how has everyone's day been?"

Waver spoke in an awkward tone trying to alleviate the tense air hanging about the place, his posture was timid and his gaze wandered around the gloomy church he was in, along with a number of other Masters from the war. These people were strangers to himself for the most part and the only familiar face was that of Irisviel von Einzbern, the pale haired woman sitting on one of the front pews.

A number of eyes fell upon Waver as soon as his words finished, mostly those of confusion and wonder, what did he hope to achieve in this?

"I've been well." Irisviel giggled at the young man's timidness, placing a hand near her mouth before looking at Kiritsugu from the corner of her eyes. The Magus Killer stood in a dark corner of the Church, smoking a cigarette seemingly relaxed, still, everyone here knew he was ready for a fight to break out at any moment..

"I trust this has something to do with the Trambelio?" Tokiomi noted in a stern manner, placing a hand on his goatee, he didn't like this at all. Gilgamesh had insisted he come here himself and knowing better than to argue with the King of Heroes, he'd come here. Question was, why were all the other Masters here too?

Resting his hand on one of the church's pews, the Tohsaka ran one more gaze over everyone there.

Kirei, his own student, was standing just near himself. Irisviel sat in one of the adjacent pews, Kiritsugu Emiya stood near her, watching everyone in the room and Waver, one of the youngest and inexperienced Masters in the Grail War, sat a bit to the back.

The servants, namely, Saber, Archer and Rider were stationed outside, Assassin prowled about the shadows in the Church itself, unnoticed by anyone inside due to his Presence Concealment Skill. Killing Masters wasn't allowed but one of the people had possibly already killed Berserker's Master so this measure was necessary for safety.

At the main podium stood Risei Kotomine, the overseer of the Holy Grail War appointed by the Holy Church in the interests of fair play and equality. Bah, it was nothing but a front, they just got involved because the Grail, while not the real one, was still one nonetheless, those preachers were strange and stubborn... Still, they were too powerful a force to be ignored.

That aside, the old priest was a robustly built and tall man whose robes barely concealed his well built body, his bulging muscles seemed to exude sheer raw physical strength.

"While this is not exactly against the rules, I do not understand why all of you are here." Risei spoke solemnly, his hands on the podium, this was a completely unexpected development.. Even if the Church was neutral grounds, Masters were expected to be battling it out. Not sitting here in wait of.... What exactly were they here for?

"Understanding that isn't your business last I checked." Kiritsugu answered with a hand on his pocket, gazing straight into the priest's eyes.

"Ah, but I AM indeed the Overseer of this war." Risei calmly smiled at the Magus Killer, his face expertly concealing his actual thoughts and feelings on this matter.

"My, it wouldn't do well to be arguing like this." Irisviel cut off both her husband and the priest before their little discussion could get heated... She thought it would with the way it had started out.

"Still, unless someone talks. This situation won't proceed at all." Kirei voiced out his thoughts with closed eyes, hands behind his back, "Or are we actually waiting?"

"O-Oh!" Waver stood up abruptly, ignoring his nervousness which only increased further when all gazes once again landed on him, these people weren't exactly small figures, "Roma-*ehem* Roman Trambelio and Kayneth El-Melloi will be here soon." He reported, his form slightly quivering and his cheeks the smallest bit red, Waver Velvet was not used to these situations.... yet.

"So it is indeed the ...challenged, participant." Risei mused in a low voice, he didn't know whether to praise the man's resourcefulness considering his glaring disadvantages or to admonish him for somehow managing to stop the fighting, if only for a few hours.

"....." Irisviel only looked at the priest in silence, these... These people really had no idea about just what he was, did they?

Kiritsugu too couldn't help but think that calling Roman as such was a little too arrogant, granted his thoughts may have been biassed due to knowing Roman's true nature, "...." Still, he chose to remain silent too.

Waver clenched his fist, frustrated with how these people thought of Roman, the one eyed magus had proven to be a true and loyal friend over the past few days, if not years.

"I must say his stubbornness is something to be admired." Tokiomi gave a light smile, "Though, the same can not be said for his prowess. A shame." The Trambelio wasn't that bad of a person if his memory was right,.... Well, not like he truly cared. Why would he?

It was at this moment that the attention of the Masters was brought to the conversation ensuing right outside.

"I suppose Magic in itself is something that can not be replicated by scientific means ever.. Something beyond the realm of conventional possibility... But, I must ask, why the sudden interest, Lord Roman?"

"Just curiosity. What kind of feat would make something a magic then?"

"Hmm... I suppose travelling through time? Folding space? True Resurrection? This isn't my field of expertise... Wouldn't someone of your stature be able to arrange a meeting with the Wizard Marshall?"

"That I ca- Oh, we're here. A shock you can do something other than tell people how you're amazing."

The doors of the church opened and two individuals walked in, a bit of distance between them. A blonde man that looked to be in his 30s, wearing a navy scholar coat, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald walked with his hands behind his back, a dignified expression on his face.

It would make anyone think he was a noble... If not for the raven haired man beside him, even though he dressed lavishly, wearing a white expensive looking suit, Roman Trambelio's shit eating grin, and slight limp in step, ruined the atmosphere.. Not to say he looked barbaric, no, his unruly outlook carried a sort of wild yet regal charm... One thing that could be confirmed however, was that everyone felt mocked in his presence at the moment.

Then there was Raikou, her tall stature only added to her oddity, the Berserker walked with drooped shoulders, a depressed feeling oozing out of her as she followed behind her Master.


Kayneth sweatdropped at the servant's behaviour, she'd been doing this the whole way! He looked at Roman, and this one eyed annoyance was clearly enjoying it too! Shaking his head in disapproval, the blonde magus looked at the other people in the Church, "Greetings, gentlemen." He'd not brought along Sola-Ui to ensure her safety, "I'm certain none of us were expecting this, were we?" Kayneth just sighed and looked to take a seat.

Roman's offer was one he couldn't deny, winning the Grail War? Unnecessary, the glory it afforded him paled in comparison to what he stood to gain from a temporary alliance.

"Anyone notice how his attitude did a 180 when I bribed him?" Sneering, Roman walked to the podium and stared up at Risei, "You mind moving, big guy?" He'd been the one to set this up and it was about time to get to the point.

Melvin had told him one of his sisters was headed his way, Luviagelita had already arrived. So, he needed to proceed before any more unwanted people thought Fuyuki was an interesting destination too.

"I believe this is the first time we've met, Lord Roman." Tokiomi Tohsaka bowed out of courtesy, Roman did rank higher than him after all, "Your reputation precedes you."

"Bloody wanker."


Waver and Irisviel sighed in tandem, yeah this was totally within expectations, "Roman, be nicer to people. / The Tohsaka are a well respected family!" Both spoke at the same time. Pausing and looking at one another for a moment, the two immediately returned their gazes to the grinning Roman.

"Meh." Roman shrugged, raising his hands helplessly, "Well then gentleme-"

"That's my spot." Risei stared down Roman, the priest was both taller and broader, to the point where a normal man would be quite intimidated...

Except, this was Roman.

"Ja, and?"


"Go wank your Jesus statue or something."

"Hold your tongue." A vein popped out on the priest's forehead, what the hell was wrong with this magus?

"Hahaha! I was right, you are indeed an interesting one. Feel honoured, mongrel."

"We can agree on that."

".....Don't touch my Master.."


Swept by Roman's momentum, the Masters failed to notice the servants entering the Church a moment after.

So now, Rider, Archer, Berserker and Saber stood in the back while the Masters of the 4th Holy Grail War discussed a peculiar topic.

Well... This was shaping up to be a rather interesting event no?

Amidst this chaotic discussion, a certain sadistic priest observed Roman with intrigued eyes.


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Someone help, I was watching Lucifer and now I can't stop imagining his lines with that voice.

You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face

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