
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine

Was he just having some fun with her? It certainly hadn't sounded that way. It had sounded like he'd been totally involved in what they were doing. It sounded like he'd enjoyed himself as much as she had. But she knew that men were perfectly capable of taking advantage of women... Everyone was capable of doing that actually.

Could Asher Adams be that kind of guy?

She didn't think so. But there was no way to be sure—except by getting to know him better. And he'd just made that a whole lot harder.

On the other hand, she knew he was inviting her to come out of the bedroom when the rich aroma of fresh-brewed coffee drifted down the hall and wafted under the door.

She dragged in a deep breath. He'd put on a pot of some blend that smelled very, very good. Getting up, she walked stiffly to the bathroom and ran a comb through her hair. Telling herself she couldn't hide forever, she walked slowly down the hall to the kitchen.

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