

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Taylor-Pereira 

"Estou com fome. Alguem vai me alimentar, por favor? Isso nao e boa hospitalidade. Voce sabe quem e meu irmao?" Tomas rocked front and back in his chair as he tightly held a bottle of water to his chest. (I'm hungry. Will anyone feed me please? This isn't good hospitality. Do you know who my brother is?)

"It's like we have Bobby with us," Michele chuckled, "He's very funny."

Hans, Jose's, Pedro's and mine's facial expressions seemed to shut him up as his smile instantly vanished. 

"I'll talk to him, get him-" I closed my eyes, "Get him food or something to eat. He'll refuse to say a word if he isn't fed." They did not seem to believe me until I opened the door and entered. 

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