
Benedito's Toys

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

I was never the type to be spontaneous. Damn it I was not even the type who knew how to crack a joke every few minutes as easily as Bobby did. I did not have the charisma. I was awkward and everyone knew how much I loved to blend into the shadows but today for Bobby I had to wear all of those hats to keep him distracted. 

Even though he was smiling and laughing along with everything I was saying, it was hard to ignore the way his eyes constantly scanned the streets. He was tense and it was all evident in how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel that his knuckles were practically white.

Everything in me just wanted to stop this pride run for him and take him back home but by how Joe had guided me, I could not baby Bobby forever. This was his way of learning how to cope with what he went through and all I could do was to be his supporting hand when he needed it. 

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