

Billie Bob Taylor 

"'Voltei, avisa lá, avisa lá. Quero ver qual que vai sentar. Qual que vai quicar. Qual que vai pedir pra eu botar. Voltei, avisa lá, avisa lá'!" I sang at the top of my lungs to 'Dj Guuga's 'Voltei avisa lá, avisa lá'. (I'm back, let me know, let me know. I want to see which one is going to sit. Which one is going to bounce? Which one are you going to ask me to put it on? I'm back, let me know, let me know.)

I held up a pen to Benedito pretending it was mic encouraging him to sing. Even though he pretended he thought this was the dumbest idea since the beginning of time I could not ignore the smirk on his face as we both sang to one of his favorite songs.

"'Agora eu vou viver. Vou curtir o momento. Vou viver. Vou curtir o momento. Malandro dá um tempo'," he sang as he danced in his seat as he drove. (Now I'm going to live. I'll enjoy the moment. I'm going to live. I'll enjoy the moment. Trickster gives me a break.)

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