
[Bonus chapter] To Indulge

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira 

The rain poured down as soon as we sat down for lunch in the dining room. It was so vicious that you could not even see the forest line surrounding us. Booger and Bugatti had hidden underneath one of the couches and I could tell the thunder was seriously bothering Bobby.

He would clench his jaw constantly and when he thought I was not looking, he would close his eyes then look up to the ceiling. I was not really sure how I could comfort him but I knew distractions always worked. 

"Do you want me to put fire wood into the fireplace? There's a bit of a draft," I tilted my head to the side and looked at him 

He nodded with pursed lips, "Please."

I stood up from the couch then put the logs in. It took me a few seconds for it to be lit but instantly it warmed up the room. 

"Thank you," Bobby softly smiled. 

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