
I Like You

Billie Bob Taylor 

"Berlin is so beautiful Billie, it makes sense why you're so obsessed with it," Ma smiled as Clyde and I loaded all the shopping bags at the back of x7. 

Whatever store we passed during our sightseeing tour that caught her attention, she would enter and that was why my bank card looked so terribly exhausted. She was making up for all the months I was gone, she got Clyde things he felt he did not really need and Booger even got more toys with clothes.

He seemed to love her now as she carried him everywhere as he just looked at me with his tiny little spoilt expression. 

She also went crazy with shopping because Benedito's jet had an unlimited amount of space. I believed one of her goals was to fill the cabin storage to the brim. 

"Do you want to go out for lunch? There's this restaurant close to the river I think you'd like," I smiled as I pressed the button that closed the trunk. 

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