
Dirty Laundry

Billie Bob Taylor 

I ran my hands down my face as I felt a migraine roll in. What I had just heard was something I thought I would never have to hear. It was a problem I knew existed in the world but it was something I thought would never touch me because I felt like my life was bulletproof. 

In my life, in my field and my community we normally frowned at people who were involved in such things. They were social outcasts in my mind for a long time but for me to have fallen in love with someone who had been through it was an eye opener. 

I had grown up in such a bubble that I thought people who were ex-users would always be like the stereotype. That they would always be a user, and a relationship with them would be absolute hell. I was painfully wrong because before all of this and now that I knew, I still saw Benedito to be that picture perfect person I fell in love with. 

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