
He Has Friends!

Billie Bob Taylor 

"I don't think I've ever been happier to hear your boots," Benedito smiled from the table close to the kitchen as I came to him balancing on my two black crutches. 

Ever since I had been an official Taylor I was back to being all cowboy and more. I wore my boots with spurs even though I did not need them, my jeans that stacked over them effortlessly, my championship buckle, with the colourful button up shirts I always used to wear and my cowboy hats. 

It felt good to dress like myself and when I walked around the house I used the crutches, I knew when we went out and about in town I would use the mobility scooter. 

"Really?" I grinned as I pulled the chair next to him back, sat down then gave him a long kiss. The butterflies from last night still reigned supreme in my stomach since I could not take my hands off him. "I love you."

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