
Chapter 20

Nymia slammed into Spider as he lunged at Sara, she may have been slower than Spider, but she knew he wasn’t going to let them attack him first, so she had been ready to pounce the moment he started to move. The impact sent them both tumbling a few feet away, Nymia’s eyes were glowing a bright scarlet, her hair streaked with red as she hit Spider, the changes had occurred in barely the blink of an eye.

She managed to pin Spider underneath her and brought her fists down onto his chest, eliciting a loud shout of pain as he grabbed her trying to throw her off of him, this only served to force them to roll around for a few moments struggling for dominance in this fight.

The other vampires in the room gasped or screamed at the sudden violence and began scattering, especially once they noticed it was Spider and Nymia fighting, most of these vampires wanting NOTHING to do with that kind of confrontation.

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