
Chapter 9

Both of the girls stopped in their tracks when he said that and turned around to face him. Sara looked hurt and confused…Nymia looked absolutely furious.

Jeremiah’s eyes went a bit wide, and he cleared his throat “I just mean that, both of you have gotten so hurt helping me and I want you to be safe! I have my powers now, right? So, I can at least fight, so why do you two need to keep getting hurt for me?”

Sara spoke first, “Jeremiah, I mean…I see where you’re coming from with that, sure, but why would we be ok with that? Look, I will be the first to admit it’s weird how easily we’ve become friends. I don’t warm up to people this fast and honestly, it feels like I’ve known you for way longer than a day. But that doesn’t make it any less real, or important.”

Jeremiah nodded “No, I wasn’t saying it does, it’s just…I want to protect you because of how close I feel to both you.”

Sara sighed a little bit and said “We are supposed to be protecting you, that’s something we agreed to, and it’s not something you should be telling us to stop. You should be respecting the choice we made, especially now that you feel so close to us and that you can fight alongside us.”

“Just because you have some fancy powers now doesn’t mean you won’t get killed on your own.” Nymia says quickly, with a bit of a biting tone. “How do you think I’m supposed to feel about you saying that to me? After all of this now you want us to just go our separate ways once we get back home? Absolutely not, how dare you even suggest that. Do you think you’re just going to be some special, unbeatable magical boy because you learned how to do…whatever you can do with those wires? No, sorry, you still need us around and you should still want us around.”

Jeremiah stared at the two of them, he had no idea this would go over this badly. Especially this badly with Nymia. “Of course I still want you around, but I just…I need you to be safe and-”

Nymia cut him off “Just like we need you safe, yeah? Which isn’t going to happen if we split up Jeremiah! If we stop helping you once we get home, we have no idea what happens to you next, and it is so unfair to expect that of us! If you want us around, and you need us safe, then understand you aren’t going to get us to go away and let you protect us like that.”

Nymia stepped up to Jeremiah and looked him in the eyes “You want to keep Sara safe? You want to keep me safe?”

Sara looked at her with a small frown “Nym…”

Nymia shook her head at Sara for a second. “No, Sara, he needs to answer.”

Sara shook her head but looked at Jeremiah and he can tell by the look she wants the answer just as badly as Nymia.

Jeremiah nodded “Yes of course I want to keep Sara safe, and yes I want to keep you safe too Nymia.”

Nymia nodded a bit and cracked a very small smile “Good. Then master your crazy, weird magic and crush the people who want to hurt us with boulders, throw trees at our enemies, fight alongside us to keep us safe. And we’ll do the same. Understood, Jeremiah?”

He nodded a bit “Yeah…I understand Nymia, I’m sorry I hurt you by suggesting that. Both of you.”

“Good, alright.” Nymia said with a very sure nod before gently patting his shoulder and turning around, “I’m going to run around and see if we’re in the clear when it comes to either more monsters, or any humans. I’ll meet you back at the car in twenty, alright?”

Sara nodded “Alright, be safe Nym.”

Jeremiah opened his mouth to say something, but she sped off before he could. He sighed and looked at Sara “This is bad, isn’t it?”

Sara nodded a little “Her emotions run very close to the surface. She’s going to be mad for a little bit, and there’s probably more to it that she isn’t saying. But let her bring it up? Don’t go digging, which I get the feeling is your instinct.”

“You would be correct,” he said with a sigh as the two of them walked together. “I’m sorry Sara, I didn’t mean to make either of you angry I just…I’m really worried about the both of you. I don’t want anything to happen because of me.”

Sara smiled at him and nudged him a bit playfully “I’m not angry. I’m definitely sad you would think we would ever go for that idea, but I’m not angry. I have a question though, just based on what I’m hearing.”

“Ask away, Sara.”

“Do you blame yourself for the fire? For the orphanage and those people dying?” Sara asked rather bluntly.

He winced a bit when she asked that. “I think I do. If I wasn’t there, they’d all still be alive, they wouldn’t have died like that. None of them deserved that. So many children, all dead, because I was there.”

Sara punched his shoulder and shook her head “No. They are dead because some asshole with magic decided to try and get to you. But that's on them, it's not on you. So, you need to not be blaming yourself for things you couldn’t control. And you need to not let that affect your decisions going forward. The only reason you’re scared about me and Nym helping is because of that feeling right? That feeling of being responsible?”

He nodded a bit as he spoke, “Yeah, I think so. I just don’t think I could handle being responsible for anyone else dying because of me.”

“Again,” She said, “It’s not because of you, it’s on whoever this Laricus is and him coming after you. None of this is your fault, none of this loss is your fault. Do you understand me?”

“Yeah, I understand you.” Jeremiah said, playfully rolling his eyes.

“Don’t you roll your eyes at me when I’m talking you through something important!” She said, annoyed but not being able to help the smile that brought to her face. “Regardless, nothing is going to happen to me or Nymia because you have our backs and we have yours, and each other. The three of us will take care of each other.”

“The three of us will take care of each other.” He repeated. “I like that.”

She let out a bit of a giggle and nodded “Yeah, me too.” They finally got back to the truck, which thankfully the monsters just seemed to ignore on their way past it. As they waited for Nymia to get back Sara and Jeremiah spent time making sure the back seat was cleaned and sanitized, so that Nymia wouldn’t need to see any of her own now dried blood or the odd black liquid that also leaked from that wound and onto the seat.

It was a comforting yet quite surreal moment for Jeremiah, he knew that they were all alright for the time being. He knew they had succeeded and gotten his powers unlocked, they were going to get back on the road home soon, but with all that he had to deal with the idea that he had spoken to a god and seen his entire ancestral lineage play out in front of his eyes.

Sara broke the silence eventually when she asked “So what happened in the Nexus with Nymia? When you guys came out, I heard you call her Nym and she didn’t seem to have an issue with that. That’s something really only I’ve ever called her. I’m just curious.”

Jeremiah quickly remembered how she held him, and how they almost kissed, and those few very close moments between the two of them. He took a moment to respond, Sara raising an eyebrow at his delay.

“Well, I brought her back after convincing the mood goddess, so we hugged. Then we shared some crazy vision about my past and how I’m related to–like…a family line of most of the supernatural creatures' you guys mentioned and calling her Nym just felt natural after all that, I guess. Do you want me to stop?”

Sara seemed satisfied with that answer but shook her head “No! No, you don’t need to stop calling her Nym, I was just curious is all, like I said. Though I would check in if you’re still allowed after what just happened, she can be a bit petty when she’s mad.”

Jeremiah nodded but didn’t respond as they finished cleaning up in silence. It didn’t take much longer for Nymia to return and report back “We’re all clear guys, we can get going whenever you guys are ready. Oh, you cleaned the back seat! That’s good, Jeremiah won’t have to sit in any of my goo.”

Jeremiah decided not to try and argue for the shotgun as Sara nodded “Yeah, we thought it best to get it cleaned up. Hop in guys, let's get going.” Sara said with a bit of a hop as she got into the truck.

As Nymia went to step into the car Jeremiah gently tapped her shoulder, getting her attention. She looked over her shoulder at him and raised an eyebrow. “What’s up?”

Jeremiah smiled a bit sheepishly “I–uh–just wanted to make sure it was ok that I called you Nym.”

“Well, I didn’t stop you, did I?” She said with a short laugh.

“Is it okay for me to…continue to call you Nym?”

She looked at him for a few seconds before cracking a small smirk, “Well, we’ll just have to see what happens the next time you say my name. Now get in the car Jeremiah, we have to get home. Together.”

Next chapter