

Veronica blinked...

Watched him..

She pushed it further back..

She watched him snatch the first glass he saw.. a clear water glass..

Veronica looked at her jug of orange juice and carton of milk.

It was great and all..

But it needed something else. Veronica had been to this house numerous times before. She had hid in the kitchen when Kurt got drunk when Heather's parents were away. Veronica knew heather. She knew what would hurt her, and what would fuel he anger. Last night? Prodding a sleeping dragon in the eye.

A dragon with blonde hair and a red scrunchie.

Veronica looked down at the kitchen island counter. There were 2 massive cabinets. Opening it was more than easy. She always forgot that heather had those cabinets that glided open... And you could slam them... They always stopped before slowly shutting.

She smirked as she surveyed the contents- a few cans of Campbell's soup...

Then she got an idea...

"I know, we can cook up some soup.."

She scooped up two cans and set them on the counter. Her eyes shining mischievously.

She quickly used her hip to shut the cabinet.

"-and put it in a Coke-"

Veronica smiled down at her array of ingredients.

"That's pretty sick eh-?"

Veronica chuckled and looked at the labels. This was Campbell right? Heather hated it.

She always complained to Veronica on the phone late into the night about her parents, her room,her house. But for some reason dinner was always brought up. Heather's mother always bought it cause the label was red... But heather didn't give a shit about a soup cans color. She didn't even like soup.

Veronica knew that the taste of canned soup alone would make heather gag. But with a coke? Worse.

"Now should it be chicken noodle, or bean with bacon?"

Veronica smirked devilishly as she held up the two canned mushes like they were trophies.

But JD was busy with his own project.

Veronica stepped closer to see him tilting the drain cleaner into the cup. She expected... Well- not that. Not the color. Light blue,(but clear) liquid poured out in glugs. It looked edible.. but Veronica knew, fumes alone could kill.

JD glanced over at Veronica's array of different substances. He rolled his eyes and squinted in frustration.

"Will ya put a lid on that stuff?"

He picked up the glass and held it from the bottom. It wobbled dangerously...

"I say we go with big blue here."

He tapped the glass with his other finger.. Veronica could see her reflection... Blue and hiding an exauhsted look.

"Heather Chandler is one bitch that deserves to die~"

It hung in her mind.

She stared at his smirk.

His dimple..

His hand supporting the cup of blue clear death.

No. No, it was a joke.

"What are you talking about?"

She squinted and threw her. Hands at it in a motion that was much floppier than intended.

"Heather would never drink something that looked like that anyway."

JD's smirk vanished.

He frowned, his eyebrows knitting together as he dropped his other hand and stared into the dempths of the blue lagoon.

"Yeah well."

He looked around behind him. Staring up into the cabinet once again.

The cup was sat down with a clunk.

Veronica remembered when she had been in a certain position like this.

She was 7, playing with a foreign exchange student. He had been digging out worms from the dirt.. laughing as they squirmed and tried to escape. Veronica had only stood and frowned.

The boy lowered the stick to the ground..

And let the worm go.

It moved slowly.. making its way back to it's dirt hole. But it wasnt out of the woods yet.

The boy suddenly stepped on the poor thing.

Grinding his foot as hard as he could.

Veronica watched.

She remembered feeling bad for the worm.

But didn't really care.

JD was the boy and Heather was the worm...

But JD wasn't crazy. This would be if the boy had for real let the worm go.

"Well put it in this so she doesn't know what she's drinking."

JD pulled out a white mug with a lid, careful not to drop it.

The red demon of purgatory was sleeping upstairs.

Veronica frowned slightly as she watched. JD transfer the liquid from the clear glass to the thick white mug from a great height.

She pushed everything further back...

"Gimmie a cup jerk"

Veronica then squeezed her way into the gap and grabbed an identical mug.

"Milk and orange juice.. hm."

She uncalled the orange juice with a pop as JD watched.

The orange sickness splashed into the mug dangerously. Next was the milk. Veronica folded the carton out and poured the milk all the way to the top.

Sure, it looked gross. but then it occurred to Veronica. The puke factor might not be high enough. after all, if remmington punch didn't make heather sick-

"Maybe we could at least cough up a phlegm globber or something."

JD moved closer and stared into the deptch of Veronica's light orange mixture.


Veronica chokes, gags, and scrtches. But neither she nor JD can get anything. After all, you do need at least five years if smoking to get phlegm in demand

"Well, milk and orange juice will do nicely."

Veronica sighed, satisfied. This will have to do.

"You chicken?"

JD sneered. He turned his back to Veronica.. walking around the kitchen. Back hunched.

"Buck buck buck buck..."

He made his way back to Veronica, this use of an overrated insult was in no way I'm pressing Veronica.

"Your not funny."

JD dropped the act almost immediately.

"I'm sorry.."

He slowly bent in and met Veronica's lips.

She kissed him back as he put an arm around her waist.. she wasn't paying attention.. there was only her and JD... And her hand fumbling for the cup.

She broke apart from him, holding the cup and smiling softly.

JD smiled to himself as Veronica exited the kitchen.

"Uh, Veronica."

Said JD uncertainly. Scratching his head.


Veronica called, annoyed from the staircase. Her head popping from around the corner.

<span style="font-size: 18px;">JD nodded off and sighed.</span>

<span style="font-size: 18px;">"Nothing."</span>

<span style="font-size: 18px;">He moved slowly towards Veronica... He alone knew what Veronica was going to do. But the question was. Did he care?</span>

<span style="font-size: 18px;">"I'll uh... I'll carry the cup."</span>

<span style="font-size: 18px;"></span>

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