
Tremors 2 aftershocks

"Boy hold still." Sean said while giving Junior a bath who was laughing as he was squirming around. "Now I know how mom must have felt when I was your age." Sean said making Junior giggle before splashing some water in his face making Sean spit it out and gave his son an amused look. "Oh you think your funny now do ya?" Sean asked before pulling him up.

"Well aren't you two just cute." Diana said walking in and Sean handed her him making Junior smile at his mother.

"Nice to have you back." Sean said kissing her before Junior yawned and fell asleep in his mother's arms making the parents smile.

"So how are Kicker and Takami?" Diana asked referring to Sally and Yukari's kids.

"Oh their both fine. Both are asleep right now." Sean said.


Frank West was walking into Global Tech when he spotted the security guard talking to some man.

"Please I beg you I must speak to Señor Kruger at once. It is very urgent." The man said.

"Look without an appointment." The security guard tried to say.

"Whats going on here?" Frank asked.

"Señor I must speak to Señor Kruger at once." The man said again.

"Sir I will..." The security guard tried to say.

"Its alright. I'm sure Sean isn't busy anyway. Is he in the office?" Frank asked making him nod. "Come with me. For an old friend he wont mind us barging in." Frank said.

Sean was in his office with Talbot and Rhonda talking about a new Energon mine when Frank walked in with the man.

"Frank. You need something? Who's this?" Sean asked.

"Said he needed to talk to you about something urgent." Frank said taking a seat.

"Señor Kruger I am sorry for coming unannounced but this could not wait. My name is Ortega. You see I have had no choice but to close the Energon mines in Mexico. Several workers have been killed. We have now determined they were killed by...Large underground animals." Ortega said making Sean, Rhonda and Talbot's eyes widen.

"Graboids. You mean theres more out there?" Sean asked.

"Regretfully yes. The company and its employees are facing expensive delays but more importantly there are many isolated people in the region. We need someone an expert to eliminate these creatures." Ortega said.

"You want us to go out there and hunt these things like we did 13 years ago?" Talbot asked skeptical.

"Uh could you give us a minute." Rhonda asked with Frank leading him outside.

"No." Sean said getting up from his seat and looked outside.

"Sean." Rhonda said.

"Answers no. I am not going up against these things especially now that my powers along with the other Riders are shut off to recharge for a week. No fucking way." Sean said.

"So what we're going to let these things kill innocent people?" Rhonda asked crossing her arms.

"Now thats not fair. Besides everyone else is out in the field." Sean said.

"Not Roland and Turok. Look I know these things are dangerous but we cant let them roam freely knowing innocent lives are at stake." Rhonda said making Sean sigh.

"Are Roland and Turok in the building?" Sean asked.

"Yeah I just saw them in the shooting gallery." Talbot said.

"Get them up here." Sean said.

Ortega was waiting patiently before Sean, Talbot and Rhonda walked out with Turok and Roland.

"Señor Ortega. We got a deal." Sean said making him sigh in relief.

"Bravo! Bravo. If you'll excuse me." Ortega said making a call.

"I'm going with." Frank said making them look at him. "Oh come on how can I pass up an opportunity to photograph a giant worm?" Frank asked.

"Frank this isn't a game like the last two events." Sean said.

"Relax I covered wars and plenty of other dangerous shit. Besides I'm sure your right hand man here isn't going." Frank said looking at Talbot.

"Nope. Someone needs to run the company while he's gone." Talbot said.

"Alright get the Pelican ready along with the old truck." Sean said.


Two Pelicans arrived at the refinery in Mexico. Both transporting two trucks before landing. Sean, Frank West, Turok and Roland soon got out

"Welcome Señors." Ortega said.

"Just to be clear we are getting paid for this right?" Roland asked.

"Yes. 50,000 for each worm." Ortega said making Turok whistle.

"Damn." Turok said before a man came up to them speaking Spanish. "Uh english please?" Turok asked.

"He said he's very happy to meet you man." Sean said.

"How do you know that?" Turok asked.

"Do I really need to answer that?" Sean asked making Frank laugh.

"This is Pedro, The company's chief engineer. Also I have good news. We are prepared to offer double the price if you capture one of the animals alive." Ortega said.

"Alive? Are you kidding me?" Sean asked in disbelief.

"It is only a suggestion if it were possible." Ortega said.

"Well you never know." Turok said.

"Yes I do!" Sean said annoyed. "Never should have come down here." Sean said before taking a deep breath.

"The Mexican Army has sent you everything you requested. You have requested some unusual things." Ortega said showing a few M16 rifles and some explosives making Frank chuckle.

"Hey Sean check this out." Frank said.

"Frank this isn't some party." Sean said.

"Oh come on." Frank said before Sean saw a woman with Brown hair blue eyes and white skin walking to them.

"This is Tea Gardner the geologist for the company." Ortega said. (Yugioh Tea Gardner here people!)

"Hi." Tea said shaking Sean's hand.

"So how many of these animals are we dealing with?" Roland asked.

"At the very least 28." Tea said.

"28! Four of them caused enough damage 13 years ago." Sean said in disbelief.

"To be fair we are better equipped then you and Talbot were back then." Frank said.

"Yeah sure I guess." Sean said before a truck pulled up and a man walked out.

"Tea its all set up." The man said.

"This is Julio. He's been setting up the seismographs." Tea said.

"Well gentlemen I wish you all the best of luck." Ortega said getting in his car and left.

Later at night

Tea was looking over some samples when Sean walked in.

"Hello." Sean said making her smile at him.

"Hi. Come on in." Tea said as he walked in.

"So how many of you are still here?" Sean asked.

"Only the three of us. They had to shut the whole area down till the worms are dealt with. By the way who named them Graboids?" Tea asked making Sean chuckle.

"Oh a friend of mine and Talbot, Walter Chang named them that...Then they ate him." Sean said before.

"Hey guys check out what I made!" Turok yelled dragging a large chain with all sorts of crap attached to it to make a lot of noise. Sean chuckled at this.

"What the fuck is that Turok?" Sean asked.

"Call it Graboid bait. Makes a lot of noise and lures them in till BOOM!" Turok said making Sean and Tea chuckle before he dragged the chain out back to the trucks.

"Well I see you haven't lost your touch with making unique items." Roland said making Turok chuckle before attaching the chains to the trucks.

"You know I'm rather curious to see if I can communicate with one of these things." Turok said.

"Don't even think about it." Sean said walking up to them. "These things are heartless killing machines. And I intend to make sure they stay dead for good this time." Sean said.

"Personal grudge?" Roland asked.

"Those things ate some good friends of mine in Perfection. I intend to make sure they don't eat anyone else again." Sean said.

"Can't argue with that." Frank said adjusting his camera.

Next morning

Sean, Frank, Roland and Turok were in two trucks heading towards where the Graboids were at. Frank was with Sean and Turok was with Roland.

Soon they came to a stop.

"Ok we split up and meet back here by sundown and head back to the refinery. I don't want us hunting these things at night." Sean said.

"Alright lets go." Roland said as they split up.

Frank was driving the truck making lots of noise and vocalizing.

"Those worms got to be death if they don't hear us." Frank said.

"Dude take it easy this isn't a contest." Sean said before the monitor beeped showing a graboid in the area. "Well shit. Stop the truck." Sean said making him do that before they got in the back of the truck and got what they needed.

A little small toy truck was driving around the area with a few explosives attached to it.

"Can you bring it in closer I cant see it." Frank said.

"Yeah sure hang on." Sean said bringing the truck in closer before the Graboid grabbed it and pulled it under just as Frank took a picture.

"Oh god. You weren't kidding about them being ugly." Frank said.

"Uh you might want to cover yourself." Sean said blowing the Graboid up making Frank cheer.

"Fifty G's Baby! Fifty G's! Oh, shit!" Frank said reaching for his umbrella as they were covered in guts and dirt. Sean chuckled as he looked at Frank.

"Told you." Sean said.

"I forgot." Frank said opening his umbrella.


(Insert Trouble by Travis Tritt)

Roland and Turok sat down with their umbrellas open before.


"HA!" Turok yelled bursting out laughing.


Sean and Frank got themselves another one having the guts going everywhere.

"Oh this brings back sweet memories of the original four dying." Sean said smiling making Frank burst out laughing before.


They heard another one blowing up by Turok and Roland.

"YEEEEHAAAAW!" Turok yelled.

"Oh this is easy money." Frank said making Sean chuckle.




"Oh hell yeah!" Sean yelled.

(End Song here)


Sean, Frank, Roland and Turok were on a large rock having some lunch with the radio on the ground before a Graboid came and ate it making them widen their eyes.

"Who left the Radio on the ground?" Sean asked.

"Oops." Turok said.

Next day

The four Graboid killers were sitting back as Turok blew up the next one.

"HA!" Frank said.

"Easy money." Sean said.

"Told you one stick was enough." Roland said.

"That makes four hundred thousand." Turok said.

"A hundred a piece." Sean said before Frank's umbrella flew off.

"So what are we going to do with all that money anyway? Invest it into some weapons project?" Frank asked going to get it.

"No but I got some other ideas. Get off the ground." Sean said.

"Relax buddy theres no..." Frank tried to say only to hear spanish music. "I know that song." Frank said before the monitor beeped.

"SHIT! Get off the ground Frank! Get off the ground!" Sean yelled as one surfaced right next to him.

"AHHHH!" Frank yelled getting in the truck before it went under. "Holy shit those things are huge." Frank said in shock.

"Uh Roland." Sean said.

"What?" Roland asked before looking down seeing the chain attached to the truck was going under.

"Oh man he snagged the chain." Turok said as the Graboid started pulling them.

"You and your stupid graboid bait chains." Sean said as they started moving. Roland tried to stop it but couldn't as it was to strong.

"HIT THE BREAKS!" Turok yelled.

"I did. It doesn't work." Roland said as they were dragged away. Sean and Frank followed them.

"Guys! What do we do!" Turok asked.

"Shoot the chain!" Sean yelled getting Turok to try and do just that but couldn't since they were moving to fast. Soon however Turok saw they were heading for a big rock.

"ROCK!" Turok yelled.

"HES GOING UNDER IT!" Sean yelled.

"Oh fucking hell." Turok said before they hit the rock and the chain snapped right off and the Graboid just ran off.

"Turok you ok?" Roland asked.

"Ow! Ok note to self never make chains like that again." Turok said holding his head.

"The truck is busted pretty bad. Get everything you guys need and bring it over to ours." Frank said.

"Uh I don't think we have time." Sean said showing the monitor that had multiple signals approaching them. Soon the four in one truck drove off. "We're going to need some help." Sean said.

"Who the hell would be crazy enough to help us with this mess?" Turok asked.

Meanwhile in Perfection

A phone rang while two people were watching an old war movie.

"Honey can you get that?" Heather asked.

"Sure." Burt said answering the phone. "Yeah?" Burt answered.

"Hey Burt. Its me Sean. Listen if this sounds funny its because I'm on a radio phone. The only way we can call out of this place." Sean said.

"Sean? Oh Sean! I haven't seen you in years." Burt said pausing the movie.

"I've been busy. Listen I'm in Mexico. I'm in a rather bad situation here." Sean said.

"What kind of situation?" Burt asked. Sean leaned forward from his chair.

"A Graboid kind of situation." Sean said making his and Heather's eyes widen in shock.


The group was at the refinery.

"You keeping an eye on them?" Sean asked Frank.

"Relax buddy their still up north." Frank said.

Tea was examining a fossil when she noticed a spike similar to the ones in Graboids was in it.

"Hey." Tea said.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"Come have a look at this." Tea said getting him to come closer. "I've been starring at this fossil for over a month and I've just realized what it is." Tea said.

"Hang on a sec that looks like one of those spikes on their backs." Frank said.

"Sure looks that way." Sean said.

"I really think it is a fossil fragment of a Graboid." Tea said.

"Wait this is important isn't it? Science hasn't determined their origin." Roland said.

"True and honestly I haven't really given a damn about them just so long as I can kill them." Sean said.

"It's more complicated then you think. This fossil is Precambrian rock." Tea said.

"What?" Sean said.

"What does that mean?" Turok asked.

"That basically means these things are the oldest lifeforms on the planet I mean other then those Primordials." Tea said.

"Wait not older then Dinosaurs?" Turok asked.

"Way." Tea said.

"Thats means their from Earth?" Sean asked.

"Yeah." Tea said.

"Damn! I always thought they were from outer space." Sean said before the monitor started to beep and Pedro started speaking in Spanish before the room shook. Sean and Frank grabbed their weapons aiming outside before Sean spotted something making him chuckle. "That isn't a Graboid. Something even more dangerous." Sean said.

Outside was a large military truck.

"Monster HQ I presume?" Burt said as he got out.

"Hey Burt long time no see." Sean said shaking his hand.

"Good to see you Sean." Burt said.

"Man you got a big enough truck here?" Turok asked looking around.

"That the new member of the family?" Burt asked.

"My adopted little brother Turok. This is Roland his godfather and one of my best friends Frank West." Sean said introducing them. Turok got on the back of the truck.

"Hey what the fuck you got in this thing anyway?" Turok asked.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Burt yelled rushing to him and pulled him down. "Don't touch. Easy. The Company gave me this truck. And a few little items on my wish list." Burt said showing many high ranking explosives.

"Holy shit!" Frank said while Tea laughed a little.

"A little much don't you think?" Tea asked.

"Clearly you don't know this guy as well as I do." Sean said as the others went to get the supplies. "Hey thanks again for coming down here. I would handle this myself but my powers are shut off for a while." Sean said.

"Oh don't sweat it kid. Truth is I was going to go nuts if I didn't get out of that house." Burt said.

"So wheres Heather?" Sean asked.

"Oh she stayed behind saying she didn't want to go up against these things a second time. Though I don't blame her. Anyway I got you and your friends some new equipment." Burt said getting in the truck and showed him double riffles elephant guns.

"Shotguns?" Frank asked.

"Not shotguns. Double riffles elephant guns. You have any kind of weapon at your disposal and you take one case of explosives and a few assault riffles?" Burt asked.

"Didn't know there were so many of them at the time. Seemed like enough when we first started." Sean said.

"The hell is this?" Frank asked seeing a shell object making Burt cover it up.

"Might end up in my collection. Now check this out." Burt said showing a special kind of gun that looked like a long rang snipper riffle.

"Whoa! What the hell is this?" Turok asked.

"Grizzly single-shot. 50-caliber BMG, based on a world war 1 anti-tank cartridge." Burt said.

"Anit-tank?" Sean asked.

"And the bullet is costume made from your company. Bronze cast." Burt said making him chuckle.

"Man Burt you put a whole new shine on the word overkill." Sean said.


Sean, Roland, Turok and Frank were cleaning off their truck when they heard a loud explosion miles away.

"Holy crap." Frank said.

"Like I said the man is a walking nuke." Sean said.

"Yo guys. I got one over." Burt said on the radio. Sean went and grabbed it.

"No shit Burt we heard it clear from 5 miles." Sean said.

"Damndest thing to it had a big chain hanging out of its mouth." Burt said making Turok widen his eyes.

"SHIT!" Turok yelled before grabbing the speaker. "Burt you asshole that one was mine." Turok said.

"Oh, yeah, son? I didn't see your name on it. Over and out." Burt said making Turok growl.

"Why did you invite him anyway?" Turok asked making Sean chuckle before the monitor beeped showing a Graboid nearby.

"Hold that thought." Sean said seeing it.

"There we go...wait a minute." Turok said noticing it was moving away from them. "Its moving away from us?" Turok asked.

"Why would it do that?" Frank asked.

"Hell if I know." Sean said before they got in the truck with Turok and Roland in the back as they went after it.

"The hell is the matter with it? We're making plenty of noise." Frank said honking the horn before Sean stopped him.

"I don't know man. The last time this happened they set a trap on the road." Sean said.

They moved up the hill only for the Graboid to come out of the ground.

"HOLY SHIT!" Sean yelled before it hit the truck making Sean drive away and slid off the hill and wrecked the truck. Roland and Turok jumped off before that happened.

"Turok you alright?" Roland asked.

"Yeah I'm good." Turok said.

"The hell was that?" Sean asked getting in the back to get the guns.

"Where is it? He should be all over us." Frank said before the Graboid started making noises of some kind.

"Thats a new one." Sean said before Frank got the little toy truck and his camera. "What are you doing?" Sean asked.

"I got an idea." Frank said going back to where the Graboid was and saw it was still there. Sean and Roland aimed their guns at it only to see it barley even moving.

"The hell is it doing?" Turok asked.

"I have no idea." Sean said before Frank put the toy truck on the ground and made it drive towards it only for the Graboid to do nothing. "Well something is wrong with it. Must be sick." Sean said.

"Probably ate something that didn't agree with it." Roland said before Frank rushed to it and hit it and rushed back.

"FRANK!" Sean yelled annoyed before the Graboid just started sputtering.

"It's ok Buddy. Its not going anywhere...Hey! We just caught ourselves a live one. Thats a hundred thousand dollars 25,000 a piece for us." Frank said.

"And just how are we gonna get him outta here? We just wrecked the truck." Sean said.

"Call Tea and tell her to get Pedro out here." Frank said making him sigh before doing just that.

Later during the night

The group was on the truck or the rocks waiting for Pedro when they heard another explosion.

"Jesus he got another one." Frank said.

"Man never sleeps." Sean said before two more explosions went off making him chuckle.

"Guys, Burt here. Doing a little night-fishing. Got three of them on a cluster charge. I'd say we're about even now. Over." Burt said before Sean grabbed the speaker.

"Come on, Burt. This isn't a competition." Sean said.

"Who's competing? I'm just saying the score's tied, thats all. Over." Burt said before Turok grabbed the speaker.

"Well, son, no, it isn't. Cause we just caught ourselves a live one. How about that?" Turok said.

"A live one? How in the..." Burt tried to say.

"Well, that's just a little trade secret. Happy hunting, asshole." Turok said making the others burst out laughing.

"I'll bet that burnt his skinny ass." Sean said laughing before the Graboid started to roar loudly shocking the others. "What the fuck?" Sean said.

"Have they ever done that before?" Frank asked.

"No." Sean said before it started groaning loudly making Sean raise an eyebrow.

"Maybe something is trying to eat it out there." Turok said.

"I don't care they got plenty to eat." Sean said.

"Ok look I get the fact that these things ate some good friends of your 13 years ago but this goes against my people's traditions to help other animals of nature when they cant protect themselves." Turok said before the Graboid started groaning even louder. "Taíno listen to it!" Turok said. (Taíno means god in native American) "Don't you feel a little bit sorry for it?" Turok asked Sean making him look at him and sighed.

"Alright lets go see whats wrong." Sean said getting his gun. The group went to the worm and widened their eyes in shock. The reason being is because the worm was dead with a massive hole in it.

"Something ate it." Frank said taking a few pictures.

"In two minutes?" Roland asked.

"Well something happened to it cause there is nothing left inside." Frank said. Sean looked closer and saw three large sacks of some kind each one was forced open from the inside.

"Something ate it alright from the inside." Sean said.

"What do you mean?" Turok asked looking closer.

"Like most bugs this one went through metamorphosis or at least in a small way it did. Look at these things." Sean said showing the sacks. "Like a caterpillar. But what came out of this one was no sweet little butterfly." Sean said as they left. "Fucking worms never cut you any slack." Sean said.

They headed back to the truck to warn Pedro.

"Tea?" Sean said.

"Yeah?" Tea called back on the radio.

"Listen call out to Pedro and tell him to head back theres something going on out here." Sean said only to get static. "Tea? Did you get that?" Sean asked only to get more static making him sigh in annoyance. "Unfucking believable. The radio is out. How can that be I was talking to her!" Sean yelled before another worm started roaring in the distance making them widen their eyes.

"Another one is doing it." Roland said.

"Why didn't they do this the last time?" Sean asked.

"It could be any number of reasons. Environment, geology hell maybe they were just hatched." Turok said before seeing Pedro's truck. "There he is." Turok said.

"About damn time." Sean said before Pedro stopped. "Oh come on man." Sean said.

"Well he's not that far so maybe we might as well go over and see whats wrong." Roland said.

"Walk? I am not going anywhere from that monitor." Sean said.

"Come on the worms are nowhere near us. We might as well get going especially if whatever came out of those worms are close." Turok said making him sigh.

Walking over to where Pedro was they saw his truck was a complete mess like it was torn to pieces.

"What the hell happened here?" Sean asked.

"Look at that engine. It's torn to pieces." Frank said. "Pedro! Damnit where is he?" Frank asked before seeing two hands in the back. "Oh there he is." Frank said going in the back. "Pedro?" Frank said before widening his eyes in shock. "Oh fucking hell." Frank said in shock.

"What?" Sean asked before seeing that only Pedro's hands were left. "Oh my god. I knew this was a bad idea." Sean said.

"What now?" Roland asked. Sean saw the radio tower.

"Ok we got to get to that tower. We can call Talbot and request some help." Sean said.

They walked to the radio tower but their hopes were immediately shot down when they saw the radio tower equipment was torn to pieces like Pedro's truck.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Frank said sitting down. "Cant we get a GODDAMN BREAK!" Frank yelled kicking the parts.

"Calm down now. Look I told these things get smarter. So do we." Sean said before seeing a car. "Frank you still know how to hot-wire a car?" Sean asked making him grin

"You bet your ass I do." Frank said opening the door about to do just that when they heard some growling noise.

"Oh come on." Sean said as they got their weapons ready.

"What is that?" Frank asked.

"I don't know but it's coming this way." Roland said.

Whatever was coming their way was making a lot of noise making an indication it was big.

"How big is this thing?" Turok asked aiming his shotgun up high only for some small creature on two legs to appear. "Guess not that big at all." Turok said.

"Is that it?" Frank asked.

"Sure as hell isn't some lion." Roland said.

"How does a 30 foot worm turn into that little thing?" Frank asked.

"Shut up it might hear us." Sean said before it turned and faced them and strangle the skin on its head started to rise up showing some red organs. "The fuck?" Sean said before it closed and started screaming loudly. "Aw crap it hear us." Sean said as it rushed towards them. They shot it of course and killed it.

"Well that was easy." Frank said as they got a closer look at it. "I'm assuming this didn't happen the first time." Frank said.

"Nope. No eyes like the worms." Sean said.

"We might want to take this one with us." Turok said.

"Are you crazy?" Sean asked.

"What?" Turok said before the sounds of more of them coming were heard.

"Sounds like a lot of them." Frank said as they rushed to the car.

"Come on Frank lets go lets go." Sean said.

"I'm trying I'm trying!" Frank said.

"LETS GO!" Sean yelled before Frank got the car working and drove off away from the creatures making them scream at them.


Burt was heading back to the refinery when he couldn't get anyone on the radio.

He pulled out his map and looked to see where he was when something jumped on his truck making him look and widen his eyes when the new creatures appeared roaring at him.

Later at the Refinery

"Sean? Burt? Can anyone read me?" Tea asked but got nothing making her sigh. She headed for the window. "Man." Tea said before.

"Hey." Julio said from the window making her gasp and hold her chest in shock.

"Julio, you scared me half to death." Tea said.

"Sorry. You know the radios are out?" Julio asked.

"No, I know. I think the repeater towers are down or something." Tea said.

"Anything coming our way?" Julio asked.

"No the worms have completely vanished." Tea said completely confused as to how that was possible.

"Well, if the radios are out, shouldn't everybody come back?" Julio asked.

"Yeah, Sean and the others should have been back hours ago. I don't like this. This is not good." Tea said.

"Okay, stay here with the seismos. And then I'm gonna go...AHHHHH!" Julio screamed in pain making Tea grab him and looked down and widen her eyes seeing one of the new creatures eating his leg before pulling him down and tried to grab her. She shut the window while Julio was screaming in pain as the thing ate him. She locked the door and grabbed a hammer and got into a corner scared out of her mind before hearing a car park close by.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Someone yelled before firing a gun at the creature killing it. "Shit!" Someone said before opening the door making her eyes widen before sighing in relief that it was Sean, Frank, Roland and Turok.

"Tea. You ok?" Sean asked holding her close.

"What are they?" Tea asked in fear.

"No idea. The worms changed now we got these damn things." Sean said.

"Did Pedro find you?" Tea asked making him sigh.

"No. They jumped his truck. He's dead to." Sean said making her cry in his arms. "Have you seen Burt? Did he come back?" Sean asked.

"No I tried to call him and you but..." Tea tried to say.

"Excuse me. But we think its best if we get out of here." Turok said.

"Right." Sean said leading her outside to the car only to see one of the creatures wrecking it.

"Oh no." Frank said.

"Not again." Sean said before killing it.

"Man what are the hell are these things? They wrecked our car. Pedro's truck and the radio tower! How can they be so smart?" Frank asked.

"Get inside." Sean said as they got inside the building.

"How are we gonna call for help?" Frank asked.

"I don't know. Alright lets go over the facts right now. Each worm had three of those sacks in them meaning there are three for each worm. Tea how many of the worms were left?" Sean asked.

"You guys killed all but eight worms." Tea said.

"That would mean theres 24 four of these things and we only killed three so far." Turok said before the room shook.

"Oh thank god its Burt." Sean said as they went outside seeing his truck.

"Alright they didn't get him." Frank said before seeing a closer look seeing the truck was messed up and covered in guts.

"Uh I think they did." Sean said before he parked right in front of them. Burt was for a better term banged up. "Burt you ok?" Sean asked making him look at him with an annoyed look.

"I feel I was denied critical need to know information." Burt said.

"Hey its not our fault. They didn't do this the last time we saw them. We tried to warn you but the damn things destroyed the radio equipment at the tower." Sean said.

"Well come on Burt what happened?" Tea asked.

"Well, when the radio went out I decided to return to the Refinery. But en route, I find I'm in an ambush situation! Must have been a couple of dozen of these things!" Burt yelled.

"24 actually. We only killed three." Turok said.

"Well, I killed the rest and am completely out of ammo...thats never happened to me before." Burt said.

"Well, who the fuck cares at least their all dead." Sean said.

"I hope not. These creatures are scientifically important." Tea said making Sean and Frank look at her in disbelief. "Well, they are." Tea said.

"I suppose so but still I'll take a dead one over a live one any day." Sean said.

"That fact was not lost on me. I stunned one of the little SOBs." Burt said showing one tied up in the back.

"Oh! Damnit Burt!" Sean yelled annoyed making him chuckle. "Now we gotta drag him inside." Sean said.

Burt drove the truck inside the garage and when he tried to get out his MREs spilled out from his seat.

"Oh man its drooling." Frank said before they tried to grab it only for it to growl making them jump back.

"Don't let him spook you. That line is a thousand pound test from your company." Burt said making Sean sigh.

"And boy is it being wasted on a worthless sack of shit!" Sean yelled as they dragged it inside the room.

However though unknown to them one of the creatures under Burts truck was still alive despite the wounds it had and reached for Burt's food.

Inside the room Burt was making a lot of noise with a broom to see if it was the same with the Graboids but nothing happened.

"Ok so it doesn't hunt by sound. Let me try something." Burt said sticking his hand up and the thing on its head rose up for a few seconds before it screamed loudly.

"Well shit. Thats how it hunts. It hunts by heat. See that thing on its head it must be the heat sensor." Sean said.

"It only sees heat?" Roland asked.

"Thats why they attacked the cars and the tower they put up all kinds of heat. They thought it was food." Turok said.

"You mean these things have been so smart cause they're so dumb?" Frank asked before seeing its long tongue and threw a piece of Burts food at it and it ate it. "Now thats not worm how does it know to eat that?" Frank asked.

"I'd rather not say since thats disgusting." Sean said before it started belching. "I think its had enough." Sean said.

"You fed it to much you made it sick." Burt said as Frank ate a piece and spits it out in disgust.

"Give me a break this shit made it sick." Frank said before it started retching up something and a small slimy thing came out.

"Oh my good god!" Sean yelled in disgust before the creature started touching and the object started moving revealing it to be a smaller version of the creature. "Oh no thats not good." Sean said.

"What?" Roland asked confused.

"Hermaphrodites. These things can reproduce without any kind of sex." Sean said.

"I claim the little one." Frank said.

"Hey wait a minute it was my food." Burt said.

"Focus you idiots. Do you have any idea how bad this is. Any animal that reproduces like that could exponentially grow in numbers in days maybe hours. They could literally overrun the entire planet if this gets out of hand." Sean said.

"Well that gives them quiet an edge." Burt said concerned.

"No animal in history can do that not the Primordials. These guys have taken a completely new evolutionary path." Sean before one of the creatures busted through the garage window. "SHIT!" Sean yelled before stabbing it in the face with a knife. Looking outside he saw more of them eating Burt's food. "Nice going Burt! You didn't kill them all!" Sean yelled.

They went outside to close the garage only for them to be already out the building.

"This way!" Frank yelled leading them to another building.

"No Frank not that way!" Tea yelled as they made it to the building. "This isn't going to work." Tea said as the building was nowhere near finished.

"SHIT!" Everyone yelled.

Burt looked under the door to see the creatures were just standing around.

"They cant see us behind objects." Burt said.

"Well, thats not going to last. We're like sitting ducks here." Tea said making Burt glare at Frank.

"Well, I'm sorry it looked like a goddamn finished building to me." Frank said.

"Well, why didn't you listen to me?" Tea asked.

"Alright enough." Sean said before seeing a few spare doors and an idea came to mind. "Uh I think I got an idea but you guys probably will think its nuts." Sean said.

"I'm all ears buddy." Frank said.

Using one of the doors as cover to cover their heat signature Sean and Frank walked out in the open and the creatures didn't do anything.

"Well theres a surprise. It actually works." Sean said.

"Great now what?" Frank asked.

"Move with me in perfect synch. As long as we stay behind the door they wont see us." Sean said.

"Coming right behind you." Roland said with Turok while Tea was with Burt.

"Any more bright ideas?" Burt asked.

"Tea, please for the love of god tell me theres another car around here?" Sean asked.

"Uh yeah one Julio's." Tea said.

"Where?" Sean asked.

"Left." Tea said.

"Ok follow my lead." Sean said. They soon got out of sight and were about to rush to the car.

"OH!" Tea yelled seeing one of the creatures in the way.

"Crap. These things are beyond the most infuriating things I have ever had to deal with." Sean said.

"More then..." Frank tried to say.

"Shut up." Sean said.

"How far is it?" Burt asked loading his Anti-Tank gun.

"Hundred yards at least...Wait I thought you said you were out." Sean said.

"This is my last shot." Burt said getting into position. "You guys might want to cover your ears." Burt said making them do that just as he shot his gun at the creature blow it up.

"Holy lord." Frank said.

"You smoked his ass." Sean said.

They soon made their way towards the truck and on the way they saw that the bullet traveled through a lot of objects along the way and.

"Oh damnit Burt." Sean said seeing the truck was hit and leaking foul.

"What? I didn't know how could I know?" Burt asked. "We we're supposed to be up against Graboids." Burt said.

"Well nice going." Roland said before the creatures started roaring loudly.

"SHIT!" Sean yelled. Frank, Roland and Turok got on the oil tower while Sean and Tea got into the bar.

"DAMN!" Burt yelled hiding in a bulldozer.

The creatures tried to bust the door down in the bar.

"I think I got an idea." Sean said getting a spare shirt and put in extremely hot water.

"Thats great." Tea said as he put it on a clothes line and slides it out in the open where the creatures seeing the hot item rushed towards.

"Yes! Buddy your a genius." Frank said.

"What was your first clue?" Sean asked as they got on the tower. "Wheres Burt?" Sean asked.

"Uh come here. So far they cant find him." Turok said showing his situation.

"Oh fuck." Sean said before the creatures around Burt roared at them.

"Oh I'm just dandy. So what do we do now?" Burt asked.

"Theres nothing we can do but wait till Talbot sends a rescue party." Sean said.

"And how long will that take?" Burt asked.

"Uh give or take a few hours." Sean said.

"FEW HOURS! Look at me! Do I look like I got a few hours here!" Burt yelled.

"Theres nothing we can do. Sorry but we're just gonna have to be patient." Sean said.

"Easy for you to say." Burt said before one of the creatures started snorting. "SHUT UP!" Burt yelled making Frank chuckle.

Hours later

The group was waiting patiently for a rescue party.

Frank was taking a few photos of the creatures that Sean had decided to call Shriekers. Frank was about to photograph the next group when they started screaming making him sigh before mimicking their scream.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Burt yelled.

"So let me ask you something. Have you ever considered being a model?" Sean asked Tea making her giggle.

"As a matter of fact I was one a while back. Put me through college." Tea said.

"Don't doubt it." Sean said.

"I was uh...I was even a playmate once. About gave my mom a heart attack." Tea said making him look at her for a second. "What?" Tea asked.

"2015?" Sean asked making her widen her eyes.

"Shit!" Tea said before she got on her hands and knees and did a seductive pose.

"Yup!" Sean said making them both laugh.

"Uh buddy we got a problem." Frank said.

"Oh what now?" Sean asked before seeing the Shriekers were climbing on each other to reach them. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." Sean said in disbelief.

"What are we gonna do now?" Turok asked.

"Give me a minute here." Sean said.

"Whats going on?" Burt asked.

"The damn things are trying to climb on each other to reach us." Sean said making his eyes widen and looked out seeing this.

"Smart little bastards." Burt said before seeing the garage and got an idea. Quickly getting out in the open. "Hey heat seeking shit stains come and get me!" Burt yelled making the climb fall apart and chased him to the garage.

"The hell is he doing?" Roland asked.

"I think I got an idea what he's planing and it's going to backfire." Sean said as he jumped down. Burt lured them into the garage before locking them in just as the others arrived.

"Problem solved." Burt said before they started screaming.

"You do remember the fact that there is food in there right?" Sean asked making his eyes widen.

"I didn't know how could I have known!" Burt yelled.

"Relax I got another idea. Thankfully your idea does present a single opportunity." Sean said handing him the fire extinguisher.

"What are you gonna...Oh I get it." Burt said before Sean was sprayed with the stuff.

"They cant see me if I'm this cold. Lock this door behind me. I'll get the riffles and go out the other door." Sean said as he went inside.

"I cant see anything." Frank said trying to see inside.

"Up here." Tea said leading them up top and looked through the window.

"Holy crap their everywhere already." Turok said.

Sean approached the truck before he started to melt.

"Sean your melting! Step on it!" Roland yelled.

One of the Shriekers started to see his heat signature just as he got in the truck and screamed.

"Damn they see him!" Burt said.

"We need rope." Frank said.

"Down there." Tea said.

"Damn the riffles are messed up from chewing them." Sean said before seeing an explosive charge.

"Sean over here!" Frank yelled. Sean quickly jumped over and climbed up.

"Where are the riffles?" Roland asked.

"Scrap metal. I just threw a bomb in instead. We need to move." Sean said as they rushed down.

"Where are the guns?" Burt asked.

"They were wasted so I threw a bomb into your truck." Sean said rushing off while Bure widen his eyes in shock.

"YOU WHAT! Thats two-and-a-half tons of high explosives!" Burt yelled.

"Thats the idea I set it for 2 minutes lets go." Sean yelled.

"God it's going to be big! BIG!" Burt yelled before they got to a ditch. "This will have to do. Get down, stay down, cover your ears. It's going to be BIG!" Burt yelled.

"Is it going to be Today!" Frank yelled.

"Frank get your ass down!" Sean yelled pulling him down just as the refinery blew up in a big explosion. Pieces of the Shriekers flew everywhere.

"Holy shit." Frank said. They got out of the ditch seeing the giant hole of what was left of the refinery.

"You know Frank some people think I'm over prepared. Paranoid. Maybe even a little crazy. But they didn't go up against Precambrian life forms." Burt said making him chuckle.

"Well that was an interesting hunt if I do say so." Roland said with his arm over Turok's shoulder making him chuckle.

"Oh dad would have loved this." Turok said.

"Hey Sean I just realized they owe us for 28 worms." Frank said.

"Oh yeah thats right and we should probably charge them for all those shriekers." Sean said.

"You know you never did say what you we're going to do with all that money." Frank said.

"I'm thinking of an undersea water park." Sean said. "And Burt. I think we might want to be in alert for more of these things." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Just make sure that we're more prepared." Burt said making him chuckle.

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