
Zilla Jr

A few Pelicans flew by what remained of Square Garden before landing and crushing the destroyed eggs.

"Your lucky you and your friend made a good point about what might happen if even one of these things survived. We've got an hour then we're clearing out." Lane said.

"Got it lets move." Sean said as they went down to the lower levels.

"Stay close these walls aren't stable." Sarge said as they got to the bottom. "Tracking anything down here is going to take forever." Lane said.

"Maybe not." Nick said. "Guys can you sweep the tunnels for any other inferred signals" Nick said to Elsie and Craven.

"Say what?" Craven said.

"There are no more newborns. Over and out." Elsie said.

"Take it easy we just need to make sure." Sean said.

"Can you guys give us some intel or not?" Lane said.

"Sorry sir network is completely jammed up." Craven said blowing his nose.

"No luck?" Sean asked.

"Time to call in the big guns." Nick said.

Minutes later

"Your friend hacked into the network? Who is this guy?" Sean asked.

"I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you." Nick joked.

"Fuck off." Sean said as they made their way towards a tunnel.

"The last reported power outages was reported this way. Might be residual damage or it could mean something is loose down here." Nick said before the ceiling began to collapse.

"You mean besides the ceiling!" Lane yelled as the ceiling collapsed in front of them and sent Sean and Nick down the tunnel.

"Ok that sucked." Dom said.

"Where are Sean and Nick?" Anya asked.

Sean and Nick fell into a puddle of some yellow slim before getting up.

"Oh nasty." Sean said before something was heard cracking and both turned and saw a unhatched egg hatching revealing the Last spawn of Zilla.

"Oh boy." Nick said as it approached them. "Easy big fella." Nick said before it sniffed them and licked Nick before a pipe dropped down startling the hatchling and burrowed it's way through the wall.

Sean and Nick followed the tunnel and saw the creature swim away.

"Damnit." Sean said.


"Lane you cant be serious you cant just shut this down." Sean said.

"The army can handle it from here son. Besides don't you have someone to go home to?" Lane said about to leave.

"You cant just ditch us." Sean said making him sigh.

"This wasn't my call. Sorry." Lane said leaving.

"The army will never find it." Nick said.

"What can you do?" Elsie asked.

"No one else understands this creature like us we're the only ones who can track it." Sean said.

"We?" Craven asked blowing his nose.

"I've got a small research station close by we can use it as a staging area." Nick said.

"Better that then nothing." Sean said.


"You work here I thought this place was condemned?" Craven said seeing an abandoned building before they went inside.

"So how do we plan on finding this thing in the Atlantic?" Elsie asked.

"It's not in the Atlantic. Its father traveled halfway across the world by instinct why would its offspring go anywhere else?" Sean asked.

"Finally heard about the dodgers moving to LA?" A male voice asked before they turned and saw a man with dark skin brown hair and brown eyes.

"Who are you?" Sean asked.

"This is Randy Hernandez." Nick said.

"Nice to meet you sir." Randy said shaking his hand.

"Likewise." Sean said.

"How do you guys plan to find this offspring?" Craven asked before Sean played a recorded roar of Zilla.

"By using this. We use this to lure him into a trap." Sean said.

"And then we call in an airstrike?" Craven asked.

"Nothing so drastic. It's only an infant so we could at least study it and perhaps guide it to protect the planet from dangerous threats like the Primordials do." Sean said.

"You mean like Godzilla and Kong?" Elsie asked since Kong has on a few occasions been transported to fight against the massive monsters from the breach.

"Exactly." Sean said.


"Carful." Craven said to the forklift driver as he transported a crate.

"Whats in there? Equipment?" Sean asked.

"Not exactly but yes." Craven said before opening the crate revealing some kind of yellow machine. "Allow me to introduce you to NIGEL. Next millenium Intelligence Gathering Electronic Liaison." Craven said.

"Wouldn't that be..." Randy tried to say.

"Don't go correcting it." Sean said making him shrug.


The group soon finished the trap for Zilla Jr but they soon got an alert about a disturbance in Jamaica.

"Huh thats odd." Sean said.

"Pack up our gear people." Nick said.

Randy and Craven were out getting the signalers when they spotted something heading right for them and rushed back to the shore. Once they got back something jumped out of the water and landed on the ground revealing it to be Zilla Jr who was much bigger then before.

"You got one of those in extra large?" Randy asked about the trap as Zilla went in eating the fish when Craven tried to close it on him but he was to big and Zilla just roared thrashing around.

"I thought you guys said it was human size?" Craven said.

"It was when we saw it." Sean said before Zilla destroyed the trap and went after the others before Sean jumped on it's head.

"What is he doing?" Elsie asked before Zilla didn't fight him off rather just looked at him.

"It's alright he's not going to hurt us." Sean said as Zilla sat down on the ground and Sean jumped off.

"What just happened?" Craven asked.

"When he hatched we fell into this yellow stuff and I think it was a similar residence his father had on him. He probably considers us like family even though the various differences." Sean said.

"So what now?" Craven asked.

"We study him." Nick said.

Later (Everything is cannon up to this point so look up the first Godzilla the series episode if you don't know what happens)

Audrey and Animal were sneaking into Nicks place to find out what he was hiding when Audrey started banging on something not realizing that it was Zilla who woke up and growled at her making her shriek and Sean and Nick rushed out.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I could have you locked up in the tinniest cell in the universe for breaking in here." Sean said.

"Who were you saving this for Vikki?" Audrey asked before shrieking as Sean fired at her.

"Whoa easy!" Nick said before attack helicopters came and Zilla roared at them.

"What the hell?" Sean said before jumping down to them and Lane grabbed him and cuffed him.

"You have crossed a line son." Lane said.

"Are you out of your mind!" Sean yelled.

"Shut it!" Lane said as the armed forces attacked Zilla wounded him slightly before he rushed into the ocean where jet flew by and fired a few missiles at him and he dived down just as they hit making an explosion.

"Zilla!" Nick yelled.

Later next morning

"You fucking dumb blond..." Sean said in Audrey's face making her look fearful.

"I didn't contact the army." Audrey said.

"Look we didn't even see Zilla till like 3 seconds till the army showed up." Animal said.

"If you didn't call them who did?" Nick asked just as Lane walked in.

"You and I talk now." Lane said making Sean sigh. They walked outside the building. "Look I know what you're thinking. How could I kill a possible ally of the alliance?" Lane said.

"That lizard could have been exactly like the Primordials protecting the planet from dangerous threats and monsters." Sean said.

"You think I didn't consider that? But I also had to consider how many lives that might cost due to the last one causing damage. Go back to finding other Primordials and running the company." Lane said.

"You're not arresting me?" Sean asked.

"Disappointed?" Lane asked amused making Sean smirk.


Elsie and Craven headed for Jamaica while Sean, Nick and Randy stayed behind.

"Anything?" Sean asked Randy?

"I couldn't find a thing that call was untraceable." Randy said.

Randy soon made his way up the elevator and saw someone accessing their files and tried to get the jump on said person revealing to be a woman who threw Randy away before Sean wrapped his chain around her.

"Who are you?" Sean asked.

"Monique Dupre. I believe you know me from the insurance game." Monique said. Monique had white skin black hair and brown eyes.

"Oh so more of my Dad's old contacts. Wait a second you called the Army." Sean said glaring at her.

"I was only following orders." Monique said.

"What gives your government the right to..." Nick tried to say.

"Calm down I know exactly where she's coming from. Why are you still here?" Sean asked.

"Another mutation is attacking the Jamaican shores. I believe it's in your best interest to stop this creature." Monique said. "I can offer a state of the art research vessel and protection." Monique said.


"Elsie what do you got?" Sean asked on the comms.

"Not much the only thing we found was this strange tar. We found a fish inside it and get this. It was completely drained of Electro lights." Elsie said.

"What kind of creature does that?" Sean asked before hearing Elsie and Craven scream. "Elsie!" Sean yelled before the line went dead. "Damnit!" Sean yelled.

The rest of the group soon arrived at where Elsie and Craven were last seen.

"What the hell happened?" Sean asked.

"Over there." Nick said pointing to the satellite phone Elsie was using before they were attacked.

"Randy can you locate Nigel and see if you can use him to find them?" Sean asked.

"Yeah sure just give me a minute." Randy said.

Randy soon found Nigel along with Elsie and Craven who were covered in the strange tar but Sean and Nick were able to find a way to melt the tar off them.

"That tar was feeding off us?" Craven asked.

"Yeah but was also keeping you alive." Sean said before the boat stopped. Sean and Nick rushed topside and saw giant squids attacking the boat. "Oh hell no!" Sean yelled as they rushed back down and locked the door which proved pointless as they took it apart.

"Not again." Craven said.

"Contact Lane and...Whoa!" Sean yelled as he was pulled outside by the squids before he was dropped down as they were pulled under. "What the?" Sean said before something surfaced from the ocean reveling it to be...

"Zilla!" Nick yelled as Zilla roared into the air using his breath to fry to squids.

"I cant believe that thing saved our lives." Monique said.

"Luckily he doesn't hold a grudge." Sean said.

Soon they headed for the shore to inspect the dead squids.

"These guys look like they've been drained." Sean said.

"Meaning Zilla didn't do this?" Craven asked.

"I think we're dealing with something else." Sean said before something approached the shore.

"Oh not again." Craven said before a large creature walking on two legs approached the shore. (I'm not good a descriptions so look up Crustaceous Rex from Godzilla the series)

"What in the world?" Sean said before it picked up one of the squids and ate it before going down lower to Sean's level before Sean placed a hand on its head making it purr. "Huh. I guess this one is exactly like Zilla he wont attack unless provoked." Sean said before a loud roaring sound was heard revealing one of the Kaiju from the Breach.

"What is that thing doing here?" Craven asked in shock before the new monster roared at the Kaiju and charged at him. A helicopter soon landed next to them and Lane got out.

"Damnit kid." Lane said before the new monster was thrown into the mountain ridge. "Where did this one come from?" Lane asked.

"Same as Zilla its on our side." Sean said before Zilla came out of the water and used his fire breath on the Kaiju making it roar in pain before the new monster used its tentacle like arms to hold it in place before Zilla fired at it again taking it's head clean off. Both monsters soon went into the water and started circling around a certain area where boats and bodies still alive came to the surface.

"Well I'll be." Lane said impressed. "Alright kid I'll let them go but I want contingency plans put into effect incase one of these things acts against the world" Lane said.


"So this new Zilla is on our side?" Eiling asked.

"Looks that way. I put Nick in charge of the group to further monitor and study any new mutations and I'm willing to bet more will be on our side." Sean said as he, Eiling, Lane, Tom, Ross, Shepherd, Packard and Talbot entered his office and found an African American man sitting in one of the chairs and they knew him from past missions.

"Admiral Briggs." Tom said.

"Tomas it's been a long time." Briggs said shaking his hand.

"Yeah almost 15 years old man." Sean said shaking his hand. "What brings you by?" Sean asked making him frown.

"Simple really." Briggs said. "Raul Menendez." Briggs said getting everyone in the room to frown at that name. "He's resurfaced." Briggs said.


At the Retirement home of Broom, Woods and Mason an elderly old woman sat in a chair looking outside before someone walked in and she turned and just stared at this person before he handed her a pendent.

"Mi Hermana." The man said

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