
Angel Of Death

The exchanges grew shorter and shorter as their speed increased further and further.

Even keeping up with the trail of sparks and flames left behind them wasn't easy, as they disappeared faster and faster.

The ground broke in multiple spots. The air screeched. Powerful gusts of wind with every exchange.

A worrying question passed through Mark's mind. A frightening possibility.

'Am I... Going to survive this?'

Just as that question crossed his mind, the General of Wrath's body became suddenly visible. Zino was two dozen meters above the ground.

And he was pointing.

Mark knew it was coming.

The next instant, she appeared in front of him.

The same was about to happen again, huh?

A flash of light.

The Lightning bolt was shot but,

'Seriously...?' Both Zino and Mark couldn't help but ask themselves.

The Lightningbolt had connected with her left palm.

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