
His Only Blindspot

"Now that I've started this," The small hole made through the wall of trees closed. "I'm not letting you go."

"Kekekek." The Monster chuckled. "I don't want you to."

The next second, four tree roots left the ground and moved with great speed towards it.

The Monster jumped to the side then, with a flap of its wings, rose into the air.

From above, he stared at the Spirit beyond the wall.

"Don't think Nature can't reach the sky." Yarnha said menacingly.

The Monster extended a palm towards the Spirit, and a volley of Great Fire Balls was shot.

Before they could touch Yarnha's body, the ground moved to form a curved wall in front of her.

"Mm." The Monster nodded. "Of course the ground is part of the Forest. That's where it all starts." It whispered. "Where the Forest starts."

With a root's swing, the smoke covering the area around the Spirit was cut in two.

"Don't think you escape by-"

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