
Jonie please protect Layla

Everything was cool in the room, Layla sat down on the bed very weak the day is very stressful, glancing at the ceiling, she was scared of the shadow coming near her. She quickly switched on the light... " Why are you here and what..?".

Jonie smirked and sat down on the couch beside her. " What do you think I came here to do, I came here to see you in, Layla". He said and she stood on her feet and said without thinking.

  " At this time of the day when you know that my parents are not around!". Layla asked.

He smiled foolishly while moving closer to her, she moved back. He sighed and talked non-stopping.

  " Why are you afraid of me now, your parents left you in my hands so why are you behaving like that". Jonie said and laughed.

   " Jonie stop fooling and stay away from me". Layla said and pushed him away, he hurt his head on the couch.

  " Ouch..it hurt!". He said and hold his head.

  " If you have stopped I won't have hurt you.. don't try to play that game on me okay". She smirked and went to the kitchen to prepare something.

   " Hey, I'm preparing fried yam with chicken wings, will you eat!". Layla shouted from the kitchen.

   " I won't eat, eat your food I don't know whether you are trying to poison me or not". Jonie said while holding his head still.

" Haha..you see your life, I don't have anything to do to you". She laughed and continue with what she was doing.

It's been months and Layla thought of ignoring him won't do, so she made up with him. Jonie on the other hand was happy then ever.

   It was only Jonie who was sitting in the living room, he switched on the television to watch something.

    Just when he switched on the television, smoke started gathering around the living room. He thought that something was burning from the television but unfortunately it wasn't.


     Just when he was about to go and check what it was, two black bat can out of the smoke, causing him to fell on his back. He quickly stood on his feet and summon a portal that stopped the time and everything that was going on. Everyone was stuck up in position. Just only him and those two creatures were able to process.

   " What do you want?". Jonie asked when they were finally in human form.

   " We just came in peace, let us have her".

" Who?". Jonie asked confused he knew nothing of what they were talking about, neither does he know them.

    " And besides who are you guys, where from you people? ". He asked them.

  " That doesn't matter to you, all that we want is that girl!". The one with the eye red as blood said without blinking.

  " What girl are you talking about". Jonie was still not getting what was going on. Suddenly the one on the left side vanished and went to the kitchen to take Layla but he was struck to the floor and was burnt. The same applied to the other one when he also tried to touch her. All that was Jonie's hand work, he killed them with his powers.

   Jonie was a fast learner so he learned how to control his beast in just a jiffy. He returned everything to normal and he heard Layla saying.

  " Hey won't you even come and help me if you won't eat?". She said and laughed.

Jonie sighed in relief and went to see her in the kitchen.

   " Layla please..can I ask you a question". Jonie said surprising Layla.

   " Why do you want to ask me a question just now?". She said while putting the cut yams into the boiling oil on the fire.

   " I said can I ask you a question? I didn't say come and insult me".

   " Is it because you have been friends with me and my parents know you very well and they left me under your roof? so what!". She said and smirked.

   Layla's parents have been invited to Cecilia's house for an important meeting. Since Jonie was Layla's friend and they have been friends since childhood, they left her with him for the time being but they never know that his mother was Peggy, nor do they know that he was a supernatural being.

   " Okay ask your question". Layla gave him the 'go ahead look'.".

   " Do you believe supernatural beings exist?". He asked and twisted his eyebrows.

" No, and that is a capital N,O..they don't exist and I don't think anyone has ever set an eye on them before. Story writers and movie creators only imagine them and they create what their mind tells them". Layla said, explaining what she know to him.

    " Are you sure?I'm very much surprised that a whole science student like you doesn't believe that"? Jonie said in surprise.

  " What did you just say? you said a science student right? Yeah we don't believe in Africa tales okay. We are old enough for those folks' tales". She said and picked the fried yam from the oil.

   " Okay, then I'm telling you that, they exist and they are there for real". Jonie said.

   " Haha.. funny you". Layla said and laughed.

" Jonie I'm not really for your stories again okay, now let me have peace and prepare my food ". She said.

   " Okay do you want proof? ". He said.

" Proof about what?". She asked.

" Proof about the existence of supernatural beings".

   " Okay go on I'm listening". She said and off the fire.

   " Come out to the living room". He said and his eyes started changing giving Layla unknown feelings that something bad was about to happen. She follows him to the living room.

  " You want proof right then here.." just then the weather begin to change and the next thing she heard was a roar from the thunder followed by lightning. Jonie shouted and that started happening, in the next seconds his eyes were burning with fire and he started floating in the air using his powers, he carried Layla along and she started shouting on top of her voice that Jonie flew back to the ground and she fell, hurting her legs. Immediately she landed on the floor she run to her room and hide under her bed.

   Jonie began to laugh hard and then teleported into her room.

   " Hey, where is my science student?". He said and laughed.

   " Where is that girl who doesn't believe in anything. not even in Africa folklore.. come out or else I will fetch you out myself". He said and looked under her bed and he saw her hiding there with almost all the clothing in her room.

   " Hey come out I'm not going to eat you up.. . please I just showed you what you said I should show you". He said and felt sad for her.

   " I'm sorry if I scared you..is just that I didn't want to lie to you anymore ". He pleaded and he saw her peeping her eyes out to see if he was still in his supernatural form.

   " Are you sure you have put that act away?".

" Are you still calling it's an act?..hmm I guess you are brave.. then let me turn back ".

   " Hey, don't you dare !!". She said under the bed.

" Then you need to come out now ". He ordered.

   " I'm coming ". She said and got up from under the bed.

   " Jonie..you are soo scary ".

" Am I ?".

    " Yeah, how were you able to do all that..I mean how could you float in the air and cause the weather to change that instant? ". Layla said still standing where she was.

"That is because I'm not a full human being ".

    " Wait...wow..I think you are special". She complimented him.

"Thanks..but my spirit they consider it in the dark magical realm". Jonie said and bowed his head.

  "Ooh, why is it so..but is wonderful ".

"Yeah it is,  but my demon is too much than my pure self and I can't do anything about it. The only way out is to find the heir or the Prince of the realm of pure magic powers in other for him to train my pure side".

   "We have pure magic powers too?".

"Yes, Layla, and they are the one I'm looking for now".

  "I pray you to find them". She said then walked forward to him and held his shoulder.

  "Don't worry I will help you find them".

"Haha.. don't be childish.. Layla. you have no powers". Jonie said laughing.

   "But you will give me some ".

"I said, my is not good. is a bad spirit and I don't like it so you will not need it". He explained.

  "Okay I have heard you.. so were you born?". She asked.

  "Yeah I was born but ...but my dad is the devil himself ".

  "What!!..you..you are the one they have been using in story writing"

  "Yeah, I'm..I'm devil son ". Jonie said and tears started gathering under his eyes. Layla felt sad for him, so she said.

"Don't let that worry you okay, for everything has a solution.

   " Yh I know.. anyway has Dela been calling you". He asked changing the topic.

   " Hmm..nope, it been five months now I haven't heard anything about him. whether he is doing well or not I can't tell".

   " You mean for five months now you haven't heard anything about him!?".

  " Yes, you heard me right".

" But why ?".

" I don't know. but I remember he texted me just last six months.

   " And what did he say".

" He said that I should take care of myself, he won't be talking to me or texting me for the time being for he is doing that to protect me". 

   Just when Jonie heard the word "protect" he remembered the dream he heard last night.


Jonie was tired of training on his good side the whole day, he went inside his room, took off his clothes, and went under his shower to have a good bath. When the cold water splashes on his head, he begins to rub his hands in his hair and enjoy his bathroom. After he was done bathing, he put on his night robe and throw himself on his bed to have a good sleep.

    He fell into a deep sleep just when his body touched the soft foam beneath his body.

He had a long dream.

  He was sitting across a blue ocean and was throwing stones into the water while singing his favorite song. The stone he was throwing into the water was left with only three, he threw the first one, then the second one and on the last one backfired on him.

  "Ouch!". He said.

"You see how painful it is?,  ". A voice spoke from behind.

"Who the hell are you to throw a stone at me!!". He said while rubbing the half of his head where the stone hit.

  "And who the fuck are you to throw stones at me too". The person said.

   "I'm not in the mood for fighting so stop!".

He yelled.

   "I wasn't even here to fight with you". The voice was closer to him and he turned his back just to meet Dela's blue ocean eyes.

  "What are you doing here..". Jonie said and stood up.

  "I'm only here to ask for your favor ".

"What favor are you talking about ?".

     "Please protect Layla for me".

"What the fuck!. why should I be her watchdog when you promise to protect her".

   "I know..I know, but that was when I thought I was a normal human being with no one hunting after me. Now I have realized who I was and I can't even control the demon which is part of me, how much more can I protect someone? So please I learned that you are the devil's son so surely you have an evil side and a good side. Please I promise you that if you protect her I will also help you train your good side after I have learned mine ". Dela said pleading.

   "So you mean you are also not a human? ".

"No, I'm not..I'm the heir of the pure magic realm. although I can't trust people easily I will trust you with this Jonie, I know you still love me as a friend". He said and smiled. Jonie was speechless, how can he trust him easily like that?

  That only gave him the motivation to work hard on his good side so that he can stop his father and that his wicked earth mother.

"Thank Dela for trusting me with this, I promise I will never let you down.. friends". By this time he was on his feet. He stretched his hands and greeted Dela then he hugged him.

   "Thanks, Jonie I will get going..and please stop throwing stones at the ocean.. haha ". He laughed and disappeared.

  Jonie's eyes opened wide and he looked around him for some time before realizing that it was a dream.

  (Why will Dela trust me with this, how can I protect her when I'm not even done training my good side?but wait, he made mention of pure magic realms!..those I have been looking for!! I heard him saying he will train me after he is done with his..wow!). Jonie thought to himself and went back to sleep.


"He wants to protect you".

    "Yeah, that is what he said and I don't understand up till now". She said and sat down on her bed. Jonie too sat down beside her.

"Layla maybe he will explain everything to you later ".

  (And why is he behaving as if he is good with him?). Layla thought.

   "Is like you are concerned about him why?". Layla asked.

  "Oh, nothing he's just an old friend that is all".

"Okay anyway let go and eat..you even said you won't eat so I'm going to eat my food ". Layla said and rushed out of the room. Jonie followed her out.

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