
The Queen of demons must hear about you.

The next day in LING'S HIGH SCHOOL ..Dela went to school with his head hung low. His eyes were blue again and worse than ever, and his hair was now a shade of gold with a touch of red and yellow at the end. he walked to his class while the student murmured.

  "OMG!  Look at his eyes ..is a normal person supposed to have blue eyes like his?"

    " Haven't you noticed his hair color "

" Soo is ridiculous!".

   " He just resume school and he is already breaking the rules"

   " He is kinda cute anyway"

They kept on talking about him and he ignored them and walk over to his seat. King was already seated.

   " Good morning..boy". He smiled.

" Good morning king...I hope you slept well ?"

   Dela said while sitting down, he hang his bag on the chair.

    " Yes I did, how was yours". He replied him.

" It was good anyway".

   " Don't tell me you are wearing those eye contacts today too...for they look dem good on you".

    " Yeah, Yeah, Yeah..I am". Dela laughed nervously.

   " And your hair..is soo beautiful ".

   King touched it.

    " And soft too.. what are you using!?". He said and his face beamed.

  " Well, it is my aunt who has been dressing my hair for me so I don't know what she used for my hair ". He said and brought out his books from his bag.

   Lily walked into the classroom and the boys started drooling.

   " She's so cute!"

" And dreamy I just got weak in the knees ".

    " He doesn't have a boyfriend yet, so I'm going to make sure he falls in love with me".

    " In your dreams. Mr. Man"

" Lily..I'm dying for you". They both said when she was close to them. But she ignored them and walked straight to Dela's seat. " Hi newbie".

   She said startling Dela. He looked up at her.

"Oh good morning Lily". He answered,  avoiding her gaze still. He didn't want her to see his blue eyes. She looked at his hair and grinned.

    " Hope you remember your promise the other day".  She asked.

   " Yes I do..but I hope you can see I'm a little bit busy here ". Dela pretended as if he was busy with his books but he wasn't.

   " No! you told me the other day but I never saw you again.. please let's do it today ". She pleaded with her cute face.

   " Okay let go..king, I will be back ". He said and went out of the classroom with Lily. King was shocked so was the whole class. Because nobody was able to let Lily off all people come to him and dragged him with her. It was historically impossible!!


  " So where do you want me to show you first".

" Anywhere you want ". Dela said and tucked his hands in his pocket and took a look around the hallway.

   " Okay let's start with the cafeteria". She said and her awesome smile spread on her face but Dela ignored her because he thinks that Layla is more ravishing than her.

   They walked to the cafeteria and she show him around. After that, she took him to the school studio.

   " So this is our studio". She said.

" Good place I will like to come here for refreshments". He said and fake a smile.

" Oo that is good. we will love to have you here"

     " But I'm already here right "

" Not that but here to teach us some music ".

    " Wow, you have also heard about it".

" Yh.. it was posted on the platform ".

    " Ooh, I guess ". Dela said and they walked out of the room.

   " Our final stop is the marital arts classroom, here we teach how to fight and define ourselves in times of trouble..we teach amazing fighting skills ". She said and Dela nodded.

  " Wow!  Even with a sword fight?". That was when Dela begin to ask questions.

  " Yes Dela...they allow us to use swords too" she answered.

   "Anyway do you know how to use them"? Dela asked again,  getting more and more curios in that.

  "Of course I do". She answered and smiled.

"Well I will like to learn.. but that is if you want to teach me". He said and bite his lower lip.

   "Yes, why not". She said and chortle at his cuteness.

  "Thanks". Dela said.

They walked out of the room, and a mile away from there they came across the principal.

   " Morning dad". Lily said.

" Good morning sir". Dela greeted and he looked at his hair.

   ( Blue eyes and blazing hair..hmmm)

" What is your name". He asked, looking at Dela.

" Please sir, I'm called Dela". He answered.

    " Okay, Dela you may go to your class now". He said and Dela nodded then he went off.

    The principal dragged Lily to one side.

" Do you know that there is something odd about this boy?". He asked.

  " Yes dad, he is supernatural". Lily said and look in the direction he just went.

  " Hmmm.. Angel Uzziah, heir to the throne of pure magic gave him that powers".  He said and chuckled.

    Lily gasped. " Dad are you serious?". He asked.

" Yes, my daughter..he is the guiding angel of his mother Cecilia the heir of the Jones family".

  Her father said and put both hands on his waist.

   " Now I need to keep an eye on him for he has not learned how to control his powers ".

He said again.

  " But dad how do you know all this when he is an African?".

    " I know all this because I was once a servant of Angel Uzziah when they gave him another chance to look for another person to guide ".

    " So you were there at that time dad?".  She said looking surprised.

    " Yes my dear I was there..we all saw how wicked that woman was..what her name..mmm.. Peggy..I have now remembered that witch, no wonder he has the devil son with her for she will never prosper".

      "Woow..dad you know all this..so she is the one having the devil son?".

   "Of course my dear..so now let's keep an eye on him for he has not learned how to control his powers ".

   "And how did you know he hasn't learned how to control his powers yet?".  Lily said with a knowing look.

    "Because if he has learned it he will have hidden his blue eyes and his blazing hair ". He answered.

   " What do you want me to do ..dad?". Lily asked.

" Train him, and help him master his powers. He will be very useful to us..for he is not having small powers..you and I are not even having half of his powers ".

    " Rest assured on me dad". Lily said and went away.

   Dela was on his way to his class when he was blocked by three boys. But being a friendly type he decided to greet them.

  " Hi there I'm Dela a new student here..what about you ". He asked, smiling in a friendly way.

  The boys looked at him and burst into laughter.

" Look at him smiling as if we were here to crack jokes". The one at the left known as Aziz mocked him.

   " Hi newbie my name is Luca and I don't take shit from anyone . I'm the king of the school and also the pillar of the school ". He said wearing a disgusting look on his face.

  " Please I don't get what you are saying, for it doesn't have any to do with me saying,, 'hi'..". Dela said, while looking at him disgustingly.

   The boy was slim and tall with black hair and flawless skin with beautiful brown eyes. He was handsome too. Dela look at him from head to toe and couldn't help but feel awkward.  The aura he emanated was a way too strong for him to comprehend. He wondered if he was also a supernatural being.

   Luca also noticed that Dela was different. But he couldn't smell the magic of him because his pride has taken hold of him.

    " Hey, why are you watching me like that?". He snapped his hands at Dela when he realized that he was still looking at him.

  Dela looked away. "Nothing".

"I only came to warn you to stay away from lily for she is mine". Luca snapped while his minions gave him a scornful look.

   " I don't have anything to do with her, she was only showing me around...what is wrong with that". Dela defended.

   " I don't care all I want is that I don't want to see you anywhere near her..you Gerrit!! ".  He said and they walked away.

   They were a little closer to the class so king heard whatever they said.

  " Come on ..Dela ..cheer up! They are only jealous that lily is giving you her attention more than them.". He said while rubbing Dela's hair.

  " Aah..she was only showing me around the school..and what is wrong with that?". Dela said while laughing wickedly.

" You should know what high school life is like by now. Some bullies go about picking on the newbies, especially when the most popular girl in the school gives them her attention. You see those boys, they are spoiled brats that don't give a damn about others feeling's but always theirs. Just forget about them". King said and pasted a smile on his cute face.

   Dela sighed. " I will try to forget about them, but they should stay off my turf next time ". He said and they went back to their class. They had their long lessons till the teacher gave them an assignment and left the class.

   After the teacher left, a boy walked up to them.

      " Hello". He waved with a smile plastered on his face.

   " Hi". King said and faced his books, it seems he wasn't interested.

  " Hey boy, how are you doing". Dela asked returning the simle.

   " I'm fine how about you ". The boy said.

" I'm blessed ". Dela answered.

    " Dela please can you come with me to the tree outside I need to talk to you". He pleaded.

   " Okay, no problem ". Dela stood up and simled at king before following the boy outside. King also stood up and followed them to hear what he wanted to tell Dela.

   When they were finally outside, Dela asked.

" Please what is it?"

   " I need to ask you a question first ".

" Okay"

    " My name is Asher and I'm a supernatural being. Are you a supernatural being too?".

   Dela stiffened. " No, I'm not ". He denied it instantly.

   Asher smirked while showing his pure white teeth.

" You can't lie to me Dela, for your magic is all over you".  He said and laughed.

   Dela was startled.

" Hey, how do you that I'm a supernatural being?". Dela asked with his already surprised face.

" I know because I'm one too..and we always see one of our kinds". He explained.

  " Awesome ". Dela smiled excitedly for he has found one of his kind too. Not knowing the whole school was full of different supernatural beings with different powers.

   " Now Dela, I know you just got to know about your powers, and you are not able to control them yet. So I'm here to help ". Asher said.

  " How? ". Dela asked.

" What I mean is that I will train you on how to control your powers for they are in the first ranking position in the supernatural realms ".

   "Wow.. okay but why are you helping me?".

Dela asked.

   "Because I was sent to protect you in the school for there are so many different kinds of supernatural powers here. But you are with the most powerful powers in this whole school... because I have blocked their ability to know that you are powerful, they think that you are not even one of them".   Asher said with a smirked.

  "Protect me..from what!". Dela asked.

Asher was bothered by his question but he decided to maintain it cool and answer. After all, a person must be patient to get what they want. 

   "Protect you from witches and demons.. that is why I said I have blocked their ability to sense you".

   Dela stood for a while, reasoning everything that was happening. He couldn't believe all that was happening. (Was that why Mum sent me here?..then who will protect her?). He thought.

   " Hmm okay I have heard you..and where do we start from". He asked.

   " I'll let you know later ".  Asher said and smiled then left. Dear sighed and Left too.

   king who was hiding and listening to everything came out of his hiding spot. He heard them and smirked. " The demons council must hear about this !". After saying that, he looked around him to make sure that nobody was around before summoning a portal.

  " I'm sorry Dela, but the Queen of the demons will be very glad to hear about your whereabouts".   He said and vanished into the portal.


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