
My New Family

The burning feeling left a few moments later and something soft fell on me. My tail had become sky blue and my hair fell in huge locks around me and instead of it's initial white colour, it had been turned to bluish-purple.

"She has the infinity sign, Ya-Li." My father said, picking me up and placing me back on his lap. I noticed that his finger had already healed and I wondered how come. "But tell me, how old is she?"

Mother hesitated before saying, "Two years."

"What?" Father slammed his hand on the table. "You hid her from me for two years. I thought I would never see you again." He reached across the table and held her hand

"Look, I do not regret what we did those years back. You shouldn't have to hide anything from me. I am the spirit emperor, her father and your friend."

He smiled warmly while Mother just stared at me. Father began tickling my tummy. I giggled and instinctively jumped on his head. He laughed and brought me down.

"Hao-Hao, I don't want you to leave." She looked up at him. "My father was the one who locked me up under the pretext that I wanted to run away. I did and started living away from home. That is, until he found me."

"You know, you could come too then, once we reach there, I can take you back."

"Thank you. " She bowed her head in gratitude.

"Have you named her yet?" Father asked.

"No, I thought it would be better if you named her." She responded.

"How about Mei-Ling?" Father suggested. "She takes after you."

"But she had your eyes. I like the name." She accepted the name.

"Can she talk yet?" Father inquired.

"Only little words." Mother said, a bit too fast. "When do we leave?"

"This evening but first, you have to eat and so does Mei-Mei. You two also need new clothes. Are you going to eat inside?"

"Yes." She replied and they both stood up. Unexpectedly, she walked over to him and kissed her.

"Li-li, be careful." He warned playfully. "Or we would would be having another child."

Mother laughed and held his hand and that's when I knew that this was the family I had always wanted.

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