

Dante was becoming increasingly impatient within Rose's skin. He didn't think this was a particularly splendid idea. Experiencing a sensation of being enclosed and restricted to Rose's mortal form.

  The struggles of being a woman were taxing and painful.

"When Rose saw Lucy undoing the knotted and tangled strings, she shrieked, Are you so incompetent as to be unable to tie the corset?" 

"No, M-Milady, it's just… The s-strings are very t-twisted," Lucy stammered nervously. 

"Hump! Hurry it along. I have things to do, and I cannot be held up by a maid who is incompetent." Rose snarled at the maid. 

Even Lucy was curious as to what had changed in Rose's usually sweet demeanor; it was like her voice had deepened, and her face was stoic with a knitted brow and narrowed eyes as if she held an expression of extreme displeasure in her eyes.

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