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He stood next to Rose in front of the looking glass and admired his handy work. She was every bit as beautiful as he remembered her mother. "It is a privilege for me to escort you to your first official dinner party. Shall we meet our guests?" Dante offered Rose his arm, and she placed her gloved hand inside his elbow, and they descended the stairs together.

Guests began arriving at the mansion and trickled into the parlor slowly. The first to enter were Allison and Larson Milner. Rose was thrilled but simultaneously puzzled why Dante would invite the person she was trying to avoid. The next to join was Lydia and Iris McWhorter. The ladies were both single beautiful young aristocrats from the Westminster district. Their father, Randall McWhorter, was an investment banker and owned coal mines throughout England and Wales.

Giselle stayed quietly on the other side of the room, avoiding Dante and Rose. Giselle looked as if she was expecting a special guest.

Lord Christopher Thorn and Jackson Taylor, Esq., walked in after Giselle and started a conversation with Larson. The men had become friends over the years and watched Mr. Milner as a boxer.

Rose could not keep her eyes off Christopher. This was the first time seeing him in decent light, and her heart flipped in her chest. He was enormous in stature and powerfully built. By comparison, the other men in the room were dwarfed by Lord Thorn. Christopher had a proud appearance similar to a noble aristocrat, and Rose thought he looked handsome. His grey eyes and bushy brows made him seem brooding and unapproachable. Christopher's hair was thick and inky black. He had it neatly combed back. The man was striking.

She was frightened yet felt an immediate attraction and could not understand why. Rose shook her head to alleviate her promiscuous thoughts. Dante eyed Rose and her reserved demeanor while watching Lord Thorn, and the Count concluded she was just cautious and weary of the man who had tried to kill her. He regretted his decision to give her the pearls for the evening. Dante could not gauge her emotions, as she had taken off the gemstone to wear the jewelry he had given her.

"It's time we walk around and welcome the guests," whispered Dante, and he clasped Rose's tiny hand in his and strolled over to where Christopher Thorn and his friends were gathered.

"Good evening, gentlemen. I would like for you to meet my daughter. This is Contessa Scarlette Rose De Sang." all three men stood speechless. Larson didn't know that Rose was Dante's daughter.

Christopher stared at the young woman, astounded by Rose's elegance and beauty. He only her from a distance or in the dark. She was a dreadful mess the first time he had encountered her at the tomb. Christopher's gaze slowly explored Rose from head to toe. Jackson elbowed The Lord to get him out of his reverie and stop glaring at the young woman like she had a third eyeball in her forehead. The Lord needed to introduce himself to her properly.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Rose; I'm Christopher Lord Thorn. URGH!... That's not what I meant to say. I'm Lord Christopher Thorn." He bowed to Rose, stood, locked eyes with her, and waited to hear her speak. Christopher was frustrated with his tied tongue. He felt like an immature boy talking to a girl for the first time.

Rose noticed Lord Thorn was slightly blushing. She wasn't sure if it was due to embarrassment over the faux pas with his name. Or because he got caught staring at her. Either way, she thought it was adorable how his facade had slipped in front of her. Rose wanted to giggle, but knew better than to bruise the man's ego. She knew he was already mortified over the blunder. Rose curtsied to The Lord.

"Thank you for coming this evening, Lord Thorn, and it is a true delight to have you and Mr. Taylor join us for dinner." Rose did as Lady Hilyard had said and did not let anyone see her nervousness. Instead, she wore an invisible mask of confidence and composure. Never allowing anyone to see her falter. "And Mr. Milner, we are also glad you and Miss. Allison could be with us, too." She was acting every bit the gracious hostess she was supposed to be.

"Excuse us; we have to see to visit our other guests. Please let Carrick or Dahlia know what you would like to drink. We will speak more over dinner," said Rose as she and Dante made their way around the room to greet the rest of the invitees. The three men and lady stood dumbfounded as Rose and Dante walked away.

"Did you know she was a Contessa?" Larson asked Allison.

"I did not have an inkling. Rose mentioned no one in her family except her mother; from what I remember, it wasn't much," Allison replied.

Larson's entire being hungered to be with Rose. She's the one that got away, he thought to himself. "I can't believe how staggering her beauty is. Why can't I continue to see her, Allison?" He lamented to his younger sister with the voice of a man left vanquished.

"You know why, Larson. The Count already ascribed she is spoken for." Dante had visited the Milners to settle his bill for Rose's clothing and extensively discussed his daughter's future with them. He made it clear she would not be available for Larson to court. Dante clarified Rose had been promised to another man.

"Let's go introduce you to Iris." Allison took her brother's arm and led him over to meet the McWhorter sisters.

Lord Thorn stood and listened to the Milner siblings discussing Rose. He could feel his blood boil when Larson mentioned her name and wanted to gouge the man's eyes out. Christopher was outraged further when he heard Allison mention Rose had already been promised to another man. Jealousy blazed in his chest. The Lord had ignored the signs for weeks since he found Rose, but he finally realized what he was feeling. The Lord was in love with Rose and wanted to possess her. Christopher would eliminate any other men's competition for her. Rose would be his.

"She's Mine!" he spat the words quietly. Jackson's eyes widened with surprise at Christopher's reaction to the Milner's conversation.

The siblings walked away, and Jackson rebuked, "Christopher! Pull yourself together! What on earth is going on in that head of yours?" Jackson was observing how The Lord was eyeing Rose." You are acting like an obsessed fool. You're a man in mourning over a dead wife, Christopher!" He was shocked at The Lord's behavior. Especially considering who he was gawking at. In all the years he had known Lord Thorn, Jackson had never seen him react so inappropriately in public.

Carrick entered the parlor and announced ‌the last guest, catching everyone's attention. "Lord Kane Alexsander, fourth Earl of Northbrook."

The Earl of Northbrook peered around the room. His eyes landed on Rose in an instant. He gave her a broad smile and strode forward to introduce himself to the hostess. "Evening, Contessa Rose, I'm Earl Northbrook, but you may call me Kane. It is a pleasure to meet you. The Count has told me much about you. I like putting a face to the name I have heard all week.

"Thank you, Lord Alexsander. It's lovely to meet you, too." He had a bold personality to go with his angelic looks and locks of gold upon his head. Rose could not tear herself away from his mystical eyes of aquamarine. They were mesmerizing, and like Christopher, he had a domineering presence about him. She felt like Lord Alexsander's gaze held her captive in a spell. He finally glanced out to the corner of the room and broke her stare. Rose shook her head and took a deep breath to regain her poise.

"AH! there you are, Milady Giselle; I wondered where Dante had hid you." Kane strolled over and gregariously hugged Giselle. "It seems like an eternity since we last spoke. I hope life is finding you well." Earl Northbrook was there for Giselle. Rose could tell they were long-time friends and, if she had to guess, lovers too. Another thing, she noted, Kane was not a human.

Giselle buried her head in Kane's chest as he embraced her, and Rose could hear her mumble to Lord Alexsander... "You do not know how much I have missed you. It has been way too long."

Rose watched The Earl tenderly stroking her back, knowing he was Giselle's one true love and weakness. Rose comprehended Giselle would go to the ends of the earth for this man. She was curious about their story. Rose would have to ask Dante about it.


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