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The next few hours of conversation were going to be interesting, thought Dante.

"I'll agree with your terms, but I have a few of my own. First, no more threatening to leave me or run away. Speak up if there's an issue. I know your past was difficult, but I would like some of my questions answered. We will work through your painful history together."

Dante returned to his chair to finish his meal.

"I believe we should tour the house and then talk more today. There have been many changes in daily life that you probably don't know. Especially since you have slept the last four hundred years.  I shall show you around, so you can be comfortable in our new home."


Rose whispered the word and stared blankly at her plate. It was the sweetest-sounding expression coming from her lips. Her thoughts swirled. This was something she had never experienced, even as a child. Rose never had a proper home. Claire moved them with the seasons to keep working so she could support them.

"Yes, dear, your home."

Dante reached his hand across the table and laid it on top of Rose's. He could see the impact of reality. She now had a place to call home.

"Why don't we walk around the mansion so you can become familiar with it?"

Dante stood from his chair and walked over to Rose's seat. He gave her his hand to stand up. The Count entwined his arm in hers to show Rose the manor and explain its past.

The Count talked about the history behind his home while the two strolled around.

"My land was granted as a fife in 1067 by William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy. Then our family gained a second fife in Calais, France, and my title of Count after inheriting it from my uncle. I fought many battles to keep my titles, lands, and castles. This is not the original building. The site was once a majestic fortress. It was burned to the ground in mid-1471 during The Siege of London. This land stood empty for over three hundred years, and in early 1800, I hired Wiliam Tiddal to build a new home. It's a three-story, thirty-room, ten-bath Norman architecture mansion and was completed in 1840. The house is made from fired red clay bricks and white Portland stone from Dorset. The woodwork is all hand-carved. Many artisans lost their fingers to infection from splinters, carving these eloquent features."

Dante pointed to the ceilings and walls to show the beautiful rosettes and carved elements.

"The woods used are Rose, cherry, and walnut. They lend a warm, rich color to the rooms."The Count explained,

"This home has a basement where storage, staff rooms, facilities, and kitchen are located. Careful, these steps are steep."

Dante led her down to the servant's work rooms. The place was bustling with activity as maids labored to clean the estate. Dante and Rose moved through the white-tiled underground. There were coal-fired stoves, and ovens burned hot. An enormous sink with indoor plumbing to clean dishes and wash laundry. Hot water for the bath was from a furnace in the basement. Dragonwood was an outstanding estate. Everything about the home was mind-boggling to Rose. She did not have indoor plumbing, running water, or stoves. This new era she had awakened in was fascinating. 

The servant's quarters were divided between men and women. Dante clarified that no fraternization was allowed among the staff. The Count and Rose climbed the stairs back to the first story.

"This entryway is decorated with panels of walnut, a classical design from the Doric order. Above the stairway is a stained-glass window with a fallen angel in the mural. Natural sunlight illuminates the back of the house. It lights the window in the hall."

Dante stroked his hand over the glossy wood as he articulated the structure's many unique assets.

"You have already been to the dining room and parlor. The parlor is 18th-century French baroque. It is the most opulent space in the house, with silver on light teal silk wall coverings and silver-decorated plaster friezes. The dining room is in Beaux-arts style with rosewood paneling. The ceiling is coffered and quite hefty. Enormous hidden beams support that roof. The bas-relief above the fireplace depicts Fox hunters on horses with hounds. This is all hand-carved."

Rose stood before the fireplace and stared at the ornate carving.

"How long did it take to complete the mansion with all the finery?" She asked Dante as they resumed the tour.

"It was six years total to complete. This is the library. It is built in the Empire Revival style. It has off-white silk damask wall coverings decorated with rosettes. Rosettes can also be seen in the door and window casings. The bookcases extend up the entire wall. It's easier to access the upper shelves with a ladder on the rails. Twelve feet is the room's height. Through here is the ballroom. It is pretty blank."

Rose looked through the entry; another giant fireplace and a massive mirror were hanging above it. There was also a set of French Louis XVI-style deer head chandeliers with gold framing hanging from the ceiling.

Dante continued through the estate, showing Rose the multitude of rooms. The mansion had distinctive spaces, including Dante's study, with all his armor and swords.

Rose thought, 'what a glorious knight he must have been.'

There was a sewing room and even a nursery. Rose thought it was odd that he had one, but who was she to judge? It was exhausting looking around the place, and it took them several hours.


"I have saved the best for last. It's a place I think you will love."

Rose walked arm in arm with Dante through a back hall and into an immense glass structure with metal framing. She surveyed the greenhouse; there was not much vegetation, and most were in horrid condition. It was warm, making Rose sweat. She could feel the humid air on her skin. The room was sparsely decorated with white wicker furniture.

"It's the conservatory," she uttered softly.

The Count could see Rose's dazzling smile as she glanced around the space, imagining all she could do with the vast area. He clutched the pendant around his neck and could feel the absolute joy in her soul as she admired the greenhouse. Dante was elated to see her beaming, and he discerned the balance returning to her spirit. The Count knew this was probably where she would spend most of her spare time.

"Tell me what you want, and it is yours. I will help you fill this place with the greenery of your choosing. Just speak the words."

Dante placed his hand on Rose's shoulder, and she peeked up at him.

"I see orchids, Heirloom roses, and ferns right now. I can make these plants healthy again. That is where I'll begin."

Rose rambled about the room and decided to share a secret with Dante.

"Would you like to witness something incredible?" she asked with child-like glee.

Dante raised his brows and nodded at her question. He could not wait to see what she had to present to him.

"This plant is dead,"

Rose plainly stated as she held a miniature tea rose in a terracotta pot. The only thing left was thorny twigs. She posed the question to Dante and handed the dried-up foliage to her father so he could examine it further.

"Do we both agree on what we see?"

"I would say it has definitely seen better days. So, yes, I have to concur it is ruined."

Rose gently placed both hands over Dante's as he clutched the tiny lifeless shrub. Her face looked down at the brown twigs as if to smell the nonexistent flowers. Rose stood there with her eyes closed. The Count felt a warmth pass through his hands and then a tingling sensation. He observed as the tiny plant turned from brown thorny stems to green, leaves sprouted, and the little flower buds popped open and turned to full-bloomed roses. The expression of wonderment on Dante's face was priceless.

"That is the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen, my darling."

Dante stroked the back of Rose's head and was left dumbstruck by the supernatural power she shared with him. He had watched Rose restore life, a rare gift among any ethereal being. To bring something back from the brink of death was not an ability seen in demons and night creatures. It was usually only bestowed on saints and angels.

"I'm not done yet," a demure voice spoke clearly to Dante.

It was Rose's, but her lips did not move as he searched her amber eyes, wanting to ask her many questions. She wandered to the center of the conservatory and crouched down, touching the floor. The dead and dying plants regenerated as the room vibrated with an unfamiliar energy.

"Giselle is here," Rose said to her father without speaking.

She was still touching the floor with her eyes closed, healing the vegetation.

Giselle was astonished, like Dante, looking at the new life unfurling in front of her. Rose turned and glanced from Dante to Giselle and spoke.

"Lunch is ready. That is why Giselle is here."

Again, no words came from Rose's lips, just a timid smile. Dante and Giselle looked at each other with wide-eyed fascination after getting a glimpse of Rose's unusual talents. It was more than Dante had expected of his daughter.


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