
Protagonist Powers (R18 ending)

"So what exactly is happening right now?" Ciri asked while V reclined in a comfortable chair seemingly unconscious.

I beckoned her to come closer and turned V's head, revealing the shard ports on her neck, "That shard I handed her was the first in a series of digital training programs. Right now in her mind she is receiving basic combat instruction made by me after I went through similar programs from some of the biggest corporate militaries in the world, and the Army of Northern California which was objectively the worst training of the lot, but I was able to snag their entire training library myself top to bottom as opposed to just the basic training modules my friends took from better sources. I also picked up an Arasaka assassination training module from our friends the Tyger Claws. Between it all and my own spin on things. V is receiving the best possible combat training available without any risk of injury or damaging equipment."

"You make a habit of braggadocios claims, but if its all happening in her mind how does her body know how to perform in real life?" Ciri asked as we left V alone again.

"Her brain is currently sending signals down to the body like she's conscious that are being intercepted by the neural implant. There will be a little lag once she is out of the program between her mind and body but that will disappear within a week as her brain and body meet somewhere in the middle. Whether the body steps up or the brain steps down for that is one of the major delineators of elite combatants in the world today." I explained to the alien princess.

"You didn't install any of that on me?" she indicated by rubbing the side of her neck.

"Didn't need to. None of your augments need post install tuning. You'd only ever need to work on them if they get damaged, and considering the locations of them all, you'll have much worse things to consider at the time than the need to see me for repairs." I explained, "We can do those basic systems any time you want to get more chrome or get deeper into the digital world, but I believe you have a bag full of drones to deliver."

Ciri grimaced at the sight of the three modified dura-frame eyebots in a net. The round hover bots possessed advanced sensors and material analysis devices, along with a mini tesla cannon which provided increased offensive capabilities over standard laser cannons of the same weight and enough power in their fusion batteries to operate for centuries.

"Could have made them lighter." she complained as she tried hefting the sack.

With a snap of my fingers the eyebots came online and lifted themselves off the ground, only netted together to not get lost in the transition of Ciri's power from place to place.

"Well, that certainly makes things easier." Ciri nodded and in a flash of green fire vanished with my survey team.

Ciri was going to other universes with my robots as the possibility to work with exotic materials outweighed the value in just running off to get a bunch of space gold. The Highriders up in space already mine the asteroid belt via drones, so I wouldn't be beating anyone out to anything of value, and I'd simultaneously be stepping on the toes of a society that can easily destroy terrestrial humanity. The same people who already put the boot to Arasaka and Militech and all the other mega corps in only seven hours.

I can only keep grinding to bring about the day I possess that kind of king swagger.

With Ciri gone and V unconscious I got to work on thermal insulating both my skin and my equipment. It was a delicate system to maintain my enjoyment of warmth and the cold within pleasant ranges, and then to have that sensation fall off as I entered the extremes the new dermal treatment would protect me from. After all, I'd rather burn than miss out on a woman's warmth.

It wasn't too much of a problem given the various advantages of my adapted tech, and by dinner time I had the greater half of the Wild Hunt's game shut down. Without their GG noob get frozen crowd control they are just a bunch of teleporting elves that got wrecked by a mildly superhuman swordsman. No shade at Geralt, but without gameplay exploits the guy isn't a world beater. A bit like Batman though, in that given the right preparations he hits way out of his weight class.

"Ah fuck that hurts." V grumbled as she sat up from her recliner and rubbed her temples.

"You spent a long time in there. How was it?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"Got the shard completed." V winced in pain as she said this.

What kind of protagonist powers is this?

"You completed the entire shard?" I inquired in disbelief.

"Mhmm. Passed the test at the end, saw the fireworks and heard the mariachi play, rolled the credits." V stated, revealing the ending sequence of the shard correctly, "Did you really have to run an entire unskippable sequence just to put your name after every role involved in making the shard."

"Jesus Christ, V. You finished an entire week of content in eight hours. I get that the shard teaches you as fast as you can learn, but what the fuck, chica?" I exclaimed with hands in the air, "You're like God's gift to killing people and Padre's had you running packages since you dropped out. It's like he's had Kerry Eurodyne working as a roadie! Boa Boa as a bouncer!"

"Keep kissing, Big Man. You might have missed a wrinkle." V smirked as she finally stood up.

"I'll toss your salad as often as I need to to keep those murder machines you call hands set to puppy loving pacifist when it comes to me." I chuckled, "Seriously girl, what you achieved today was statistically improbable. Even if your retention is average - which I doubt - you could just redo the training and let repetition do the heavy lifting while the normies struggle. For fucks sake, give it a month of heavy grinding and some rudimentary cyberware and you could solo an assault on Arasaka Tower. God damn you are scary, chica."

V's face showed a mixture of astonishment and burning lust, two things I aim to inspire in beautiful women as often as possible.

"Fuck, Juan. No one's ever said anything like that to me…" she shook a little after she said it.

(Watch out, R18 Content Below)

The woman closed the distance so aggressively that I needed to be grateful my clothes are largely bulletproof, otherwise I'd have another bill from the tailor. My pants didn't make it past my knees and her pants vanished into the aether for all I could comprehend of how fast she divested them.

V must have been doing a lot rock climbing and deadlifts in the gym, because she fucked me with enough force to make my hips recoil with each needy rise and fall of hers and it didn't matter if her whole body shook with climax or my knees felt weak from finishing, she kept hammering herself down on me like a piston.

I don't know if God told her to let his cholo go or she realized her heart was ready to give out, but eventually she climbed off my hog and winked as she found her rematerialized pants leaving me with a sore erection and the sight of her pulling her tight pants over her abused cream and cum covered core and round cheeks to those banging hips burnt into my mind.

"Daaammmnnnn." I groaned.


The ludonarrative dissonance in Cyberpunk 2077 kills me as I just can't find a perfect solution to it.

On one hand I think Act 1 should have been that six month time skip and V, Jackie, and T-Bug should have run around completing gigs and growing stronger so that when Act 2 starts and they go on the heist it makes more sense that they were chosen for such a high risk job and V could believably fight her way through Arasaka security forces who are a huge threat in the table top despite being total chumps in 2077. It should have been a grueling fight down to Delamain were your end game build is put to the test and the Chooms you've run with for many hours dying means something more than just the great voice acting and character writing delivered. Plus you'd have cleared the side shit so that V isn't distracted during Act 2 and 3, pulling you completely out of the immersion of the plot.

But on the other hand Angry Keenu was the best imaginary friend ever.

What a fucking conundrum.

Anyway this chapter attempted to put into words how bullshit V is. In a matter of weeks she goes from a ganic level 1 to literally able to solo Arasaka Tower while slowly dying in the Don't Fear the Reaper ending. #BestEnding #FuckEverybodyElse #VForNCMayor

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