
The Most Interesting Boss In The World

While I waited on Gus I got to work building a second anonymity tower. While most people would be terrified of giving away such a powerful tool, I'm smart enough to turn it into a trap without violating my word. First the tower is set to only like to a single user, anyone beyond the first to jack into it will get no play. The second stage is where the real trap is. It was simplicity itself to generate anti tampering measures that will cause the device to ignite like it's made of thermite, and knowing the people of this world whoever is the end user is going to try to tamper immediately. Anything beyond a malware scan and fwush, it all burns up.

I only agreed to provide the tech to one person. Not what they'd be able to do with it. Honor maintained even if it's in the more cynical Japanese variety.

Finishing before Gus called back sent me to the kitchen to put together a plate of nachos. Turning Kibble into a variety of tortilla products was an artform. Modern art unfortunately, completely lacks the grace of the classics but I was the third generation eating this garbage. Evolution must be doing something about it.

I should probably take Old World Gourmet next. It makes junk food and liquor drinks healthy, big win in the nutrition game and prolly makes things taste better. If only there weren't a dozen better options for my continued success in this world.

Incoming Call from Gus flashed across my vision and I took the call.

Gus: Good news, Juan. Got the funds.

Big Juan: Nova, hermano. Wire them over and I can get to work.

Gus: Gonna have to meet in person. The Boss wants to talk to you. He'll be at El Coyote Cojo in an hour.

Big Juan: The Boss?

Gus: Eddies gotta come from somewhere, homes. You think I walk around with that kinda scratch burning a hole in my pocket?

Big Juan: Yeah, I did. Sad Face.

Gus: Sad face?

Big Juan: Don't have emojis in voice chat. Sad Face.

Gus: Whatever choom. See you soon.

Seeing how the boss was on his way I got dressed in my finest red and gold and headed out of my little unit to the alley behind my mom's bar, EL Coyote Cojo. Mama Welles is a big name in the barrio. Life beat her down like it does everyone else here, but Guadalupe Alejandra Welles always picks herself up, dusts herself off, and comports herself with dignity even if she's peering around behind two black eyes.

People say she's tougher than any ganger on the streets, not because she is some hidden badass, but because unless she's dead you'll never see a more dogged foe and a more unwavering friend. God forgot the quit when he made her.

El Coyote Cojo had that mix of Tex-Mex, grit, and neon that makes living in Heywood almost worth it. Over the years I'd applied myself in here enough to keep the place running like a dream for Mama. She can always rest easy knowing that nothing in her bar will ever fail when she needs it. It's a place where anyone can find a kind ear and comfortable food so long as they have the eddies, but if El Coyote Cojo were to fight, it wouldn't lose to anyone.

I made sure of that.

The bartop can survive a missile strike and with the push of a button enough stolen police hardware will activate to fight the Fifth Corpo War. I took Mama's safety seriously, which in turn made El Coyote Cojo even more popular. People like to feel safe, and we can give them that. So long as the price is right.

Jackie was excited to see the Boss. Even though he left the gang Campo Orta still treated him like his grandson. Another reason why the Valentinos are an exemplary gang, when you want out they let you go within reason, and don't leave you hanging out in the wind if you need them. That level of generosity is rare as hell anywhere, let alone the criminal underworld.

The man came in the front with a handful of OG's that formed a loose perimeter around him as he walked to one of our tables, something I appreciate as I don't exactly fit in a booth. Gus sat down with him and Jackie bounced over to them.

"Boss Campo!" he called out and shook the man's hand after my brother set some chips and spicy cheese dip down for him.

"It's good to see you, nino." Campo chuckled at my brother's enthusiasm.

Campo's been known to cure narcolepsy just by walking into the room. His blood smells like cologne. The man is a lover, not a fighter. But he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas. The police often question him, just because they find him interesting. He is the only man to ever ace a rorschach test. His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man's entire body.

I came to the table with eight cold Dos Equis hanging between my fingers, because while he doesn't always drink beer, he prefers Dos Equis.

It was hard not to get pulled into Campo Orta's orbit. There's never an awkward moment when he's around. He had one in the past, just to see how it feels. Even when conducting small talk like we are now, people listen like it's serious business meaning there was no transition in tone when he brought up the money I asked for.

"Gustavo sent me the list of purchases you wish to make." The boss fixed his gaze on me.

His eyes were cybernetic. Gold scalera with high grade cameras replacing his pupils. It was classy, not trying to hide and at the same time not trying to be in your face like most people's chrome.

"I recognize some of this as equipment used in the custom cyberware game." he spoke, "This good faith deal is for gear?"

"No, Boss. This is for my own peace of mind as I conduct biz. I'm a little to ganic to feel entirely comfortable in case good faith turns bad." I informed the man and then sipped my beer.

"You intend to build your own chrome?" the man allowed some surprise to creep into his expression, "Custom gear is dangerous. Performance is notoriously spotty outside of the most experianced craftsmen. It's a lot of trust to put in yourself."

"I always bet on myself, Boss. Nobody else does what I have planned." I told him straight.

"I'll send the funds." he nodded, "Be cautious, nino. When I first met your brother I believed I saw a future leader of the community. Someone who could stay the course I've kept the gang on all these years. When I look at you, I see someone who can take the Valentinos and the people of Heywood into a better future."

His eyes lit up in golden holographics for a moment as the funds transferred and a file came over. It had an address for a workspace and receipts for the equipment and materials I needed plus some extra stuff my skill could get around not having but made my job even easier.

If Gustavo felt envious of his great uncle's words it never played out on his face. He's a man of ambition with a ruthless spine of steel in his back, but he never seemed to care that his relatives favored us Welles boys over him. He's a damn good man.

Seems to run in the family. A cynic would see this generosity as the Boss tying me closer to the gang, but he doesn't need to. I'm in all the way to the hilt. Street Cred gains see a 10 percent boost while I'm wearing Valentino colors after all. That's too good to pass up on some whimsical notion of freedom.

Campo and the guys stayed for lunch and even dinner and dessert before heading out. It was one of the better days I've had in recent memory. The OG's had seen enough situations go sideways over years and were happy to talk about them. Valuable information for young guys coming up, but most are to impatient to listen or too dumb to apply it.

As the Boss left he tilted his head back in a silent goodbye and my Street Cred increased by the precise amount needed to get me to the next level. Sasuga Campo Sama. Sasuga.

I put my points into Melee Weapons and took the Wasteland Implants perk while Jackie and I went up to the bar.

"Tequila, Pepe!" he shouted to the bartender as we sat down.

"You guys look like you've had a fun day." the woman seated next to me said.

"It's always a good day when the Boss is in, jaina." Jackie announced with a drunken grin on his face.

"I've heard the man lives vicariously through himself." I stated, causing Jackie to break down in laughter as he slapped the barstop.

"Hoheeheehe, that one's good." he finally calmed down into chuckles and looked over me at the girl, "You new here, jaina, haven't seen you before?"

"Not a great look to know everyone who comes to a bar on sight." the girl answered with some heat in her tone.

She was pale and freckled, a little less than Jackie though. The dude's whiteness was always a big problem between our parents. Dad was a piece of shit, and the kid's skin tone set him off from the time he was a baby till the day Jackie finally put the boot to the man. It was fucked up.

"We grew up here." Jackie grinned as the heat slid right off his thick face.

"I heard this was a safe place to knock back some drinks." the girl explained.

"The safest!" Jackie declared and slapped me on the back, "Mi hermano designed and installed the security systems himself. Since then nobody's gotten away with anything."

The girl looked me over straight this time. Different from the corner of her eye glancing she'd been doing.

"You do homes too?" she asked and I grinned.

"If you're getting sick of Jackie we could go back to your place and do some inspection." I offered and she smirked.

The girl tossed back her drink and cleared her tab with Pepe. I led her out back to the alley and unlocked my garage, figuring that a lean woman like her didn't drive around in something I'd comfortably fit in.

"Wanna drive?" I offered as I dangled the keys in front of her.

She smiled and snatched them from me, climbing into the driver's seat and starting it up.

"Smooth." she commented on how easily the truck came to life.

"Just wait till you feel the ride." I told her as I buckled up.

She nodded as she pulled out. The girl lived over a handful of miles away, just far enough to explain why we'd never seen her before. Small studio apartment and I'd have to lay diagnal across the bed, but with my Endurance I didn't need much sleep and I planned to get approximately none tonight. Some chems and it wouldn't even affect the work I needed to do tomorrow.

"You wanna do names?" I asked her and she nodded, "I'm Juan."



Name: 'Big' Juan D. Welles


Melee Weapons: 63


Wasteland Implants (Grants Fallout New Vegas and Old World Blues Cyberpunk Converted Implant Recipes)


Believe in the me that believes in me homies, for I am on to write the most graphic sex scene I have ever done. CONTENT WARNING for the next chapter. R18 content coming up. The chapter will be marked as such as well.

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