
Beware The Storm That Ignites

The door to Gary's spacious office creaked open, and in walked a young man with a calculating look in his eyes, just like his father's. 

Who could it be other than the son of the guild's owner, Tristan Wesman, who stepped into the room with a confident smile.

Tristan was a tall, lean man with sharp features and cold black eyes. His hair was dark and styled neatly, and he wore a black leather jacket over a crisp white shirt, the collar of which was popped up.

As he approached his father's desk, he gave a small nod of greeting, "Father. You wanted to see me regarding that deal?"

Gary turned around and looked at Tristan with a small smile hanging on his lips, "Have you completed all the preparations for going to the Hunter Academy?" He asked, his voice deep yet carrying a hint of pride.

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