January 19, 2043Falmart, Alnus Hill
The sound of marching metal boots thundered across the plains as seventy thousand troops from the Kingdom of Elbe marched forth towards Alnus Hill to take part in battle with the Empire and Allied Kingdoms. The call for help had taken the kingdom by surprise, believing that the Empire was capable of handling themselves against any foe. If the Allied Kingdoms were called upon, this new threat must be dangerous for even the Saderans.
From atop a cliff, King Duran, king of the Kingdom of Elbe looked down from atop his horse as his troops marched on to the rally point to set up camp with the armies from Alguna, League Principality, and Mudwan. The experienced warrior and leader could feel the winds shift around his as if battle was calling forth the offerings from the slaughter. His thoughts were briefly interrupted when he heard another horse come up from behind as one of his soldiers rode up.
"My lord!" The horse rider called out before stopping next to the king. "Sire, we've spotted what we believe to be enemy scouts on the hill up ahead."
Duran looked in the direction with his one good eye and noticed what looked like two mounds poking out from the surface. Briefly, he noticed a flash of light from the sun reflecting off something.
"Leave them be!" Duran responded, not wanting to chase down two scouts of the army that awaited them. "I must meet with the other kings of the Allied Army!" He declared and rode off from the cliff to where the other armies were encamped.
Riding in, several soldiers from different kingdoms cleared the way and granted him passage as he rode up to where the horses and wyverns were being stabled until needed in battle in the future.
Dismounting, the king walked up to the stable master in charge of taking care of the steeds for the armies. "Where will I find the kings of the Allied Armies?" He asked the man who kneeled in the king's presence.
"Lord Duran. The kings of Alguma, Mudwan, and League Principality have gathered in the large tent that way." The man pointed in a specific direction at a large tent that stood out from the others. Making his way there, King Duran approached the entry way which was guarded by two soldiers who granted him passage.
Inside, the kings and dukes were gathered with their commanders as they were in the middle of formulating a strategy to fight against this army that has come from the gate. The men inside noticed and gave out a positive cheer. "Lord Duran! How nice of you join us at last!" The Duke of the League welcomed the king.
"Lord Ligu, how pleased I am to see you're doing well yourself old friend." Duran responded as he returned the hospitality of the duke. The two lords were good friends and truly respected each other more than any of the other kings of Falmart. Now after years of being separated they were reunited at the call of battle for the fate of the realm.
"You look to be doing good yourself as well. I see age hasn't done much in your appearance." Ligu responded. The two lords greeted each other in friendly conversation before updating on the latest they've learned of their foes who were garrisoned at the gate.
"How many troops has the enemy sent for us to fight?"
"Lord Duran, our scouts we sent returned to us with news reporting only ten thousand men among the enemy forces." The King of Mudwan responded, much to Duran's confusion who doubted those numbers.
"Just ten thousand? And the Empire has been having problems with such a small force? Are you sure what your scouts reported is correct?"
"We were confused by these numbers as well Duran." The Duke of the League responded. "So we all sent our own scouts to confirm it and they too reported the same numbers." How could such a low number have beaten back the Imperial Army and forced them to retreat?
"Where is the Imperial Army?" Lord Duran questioned as he had yet to see any imperial soldiers around the camp since his arrival. If they were here first, wouldn't they already be amongst the ranks of soldiers?
"We've met up with several of their messengers. They're encamped on the far side of hill and are currently holding back the enemy from advancing any further." The King of Mudwan answered. "Their commander should be meeting with us to discuss our plan in defeating the enemy at the gate and secure the defense of the realm."
"Very well." King Duran responded. "I wish them well in their efforts until we arrive to join them in battle together."
The day passed on as evening came around with the sun going down towards the west. The Allied Armies were settled in as the entire encampment site was filled with tents and temporary stables for horses and wyverns.
It was then that a messenger arrived at the leaders' tent. "My lords! An imperial soldier has arrived to bring us news." The messenger said and stepped aside as a common infantryman from the Empire's ranks stepped forward.
"Ah good soldier, what news do you bring before us?" The King of Alguna asked as the soldier bowed. "When shall your commander arrive to speak tactics with us?"
"Lords and Kings of the Allied Kingdoms, I bring disturbing news. Our commander will not be able to meet with you today." The soldier responded which troubled the leaders of the Allied Kingdoms.
King Duran was the first to speak up in response. "What? Your commander will not be joining us? What is it that has brought this on?"
"King Duran of the Elbe Kingdom, the enemy at the gate commenced another assault on our position." The imperial soldier explained. "Our commander was forced to remain and lead the troops to fight back against the enemy assault. I was sent instead to make contact with you on how proceed tomorrow."
"I find it strange. Our scouts only spotted ten thousand enemy soldiers encamped on the hill around the gate." Lord Duran stated. "How can only ten thousand bring so much trouble for the Imperial Army? How many soldiers do you have right?"
"Lord Duran, the enemy's fighters are very skilled and very dangerous." The imperial soldier explained. "We've brought an initial force of a hundred thousand and are currently down at seventy thousand. Do not underestimate their supremacy."
Lord Duran was about to question the soldier further before Ligu spoke up and interrupted him. "Let it go Duran. If the Imperial Army is currently holding the enemy at bay than we have little to worry about right for. Perhaps on the battlefield we'll truly see how capable the enemy's fighters are." Duran didn't respond or protest as the Imperial soldier continued speaking.
"Sires, we only ask for one thing of you. To attack the enemy tomorrow at sun rise. Our commander will spare twenty thousand to march with you against Alnus Hill."
No one voiced any objection as the confident King of Alguna spoke up. "Very well, then my army shall meet the enemy first in battle."
"No! It will be my army to draw blood first!" The elder King of Mudwan retorted before the two kings blew into a full on argument over who's army should be the first in battle.
Meanwhile Duran only shook his head and sighed as the two kings continued to bicker like children before raising his head up to meet the imperial soldier's eyes. "Then it is settled. We will be there to attack the enemy tomorrow."
"Very good my lord. We shall see each other again in the heat of battle." The soldier said before departing from the tent and leaving to the stables where his horse was tied down. After mounting back on his steed, he rode out of the encampment and made way east, away from the hill.