

YEAR 1994


while asking the system questions had harry busy that wasn't the case for elvira. walking around the dungeon where her new master...oh how that hit a place she didn't know she had...she couldn't help but be awed at the huge beast that was laying in the middle of the room dead. her master didn't seem to be bothered with it...it seemed important...something her master could use, something to think about.


'so system...I guess roll the gacha'




'wait how do I get the spells infor-' before harry could finish his thought a bunch of memories of using force push and assassins rush appeared in his head giving him full mastery of the spells.

checking what exactly helghast equipment was...and harry had to say that god damn he was surprised. him just getting a full kit of alien armor and weaponry...just that ammo was limited, 5 magazines of each type, which surprised him. the M66-SD being from the same universe from the humans...and silent...if he ever wants to shoot someone this will probably be his choice.

the mp3 had music....but some of the music is recorded to have been made way in the future...future gta games?


"well that was something," harry says aloud causing elvira to stop her survey of the area and walk back towards harry.

"Finally you're done talking to yourself, you're gonna need to do something about this snake in here it looks like it would fetch a lot of coins if you sold it to any black market around master " elvira hoped her master would sell this beast before it rotted away all its value...hopefully it hasn't happened yet.

"..." harry was struck silent :o

"I completely ignored this snake after the accident where I killed it...but I know no one who would buy this...sadly looking around harry decides something " elvira I'm going to have to leave soon but I have to ask...do you know how to skin animals?"

"oh my lord if you'd have seen the peo-creatures I've skinned and harvested you'd know how much of a master I am." looking very creepy elvira swishes her arms as if she had a knife "I can harvest this bad boy*pats basilisk* while your up in school or whatever...but I do need food milord."

harry thought a little about this issue...he couldn't very well bring food every day, and an emergency could happen where he isn't available...hmm WAIT.

"DOBBY COME TO ME"calling dobby could solve his issue...except Hermione...never mind what she doesn't know won't hurt her and if she finds out whatever.


appearing in front of elvira and harry was a small little house elf that looked as if he was answering his life's calling.

"MASTER HARRY POTTER SIR BE CALLING DOBBY?! WHAT DOES HARRY POTTER SIR BE NEEDING FROM DOBBY SIR." jumping around bobby asks harry in what would be headache-inducing for anyone except...well...somebody,

"WAIT WAIT, dobby slow down I require a house elf for a very important and secret job. I was hoping you could help me with it." looking at the extremely hyperactive elf harry started to have regrets." it's very important that no one and I mean NO ONE finds out about this understood?"

looking weirdly confident dobby jumps into harry and hugs him

"dobby bes asking master harry potter sir if dobby can be his elf?" seeming overly confident till the last bit dobby asks harry." dobby can help master harry potter sir with keeping pesty spy elves sent by bad dumblydore away."

now this was news to harry, he was being spied on...this angered him even more since that mentioned Dumbledore knew how he was being treated inside his house common room.

"master if this little goblin can really help with the food delivery issue and keep you safe from those elf spies don't see the issue " while elvira would love to never see a wrinkly goblin again she was smart enough to see uses...if even half of what the basic knowledge she acquired was true then these creatures would be perfect for future plans.

while harry had information on how elves could 'possibly' be very op he just felt dobby would be more trouble then he's worth. he did almost kill him thinking he was protecting him from harm.

"agh ok, I accept you as my house elf." as soon as harry said that dobby jumped away from where he was perched and started dancing around. while that might have seemed cute...to nobody. harry really had no time since he didn't know what time it was and it could be he'd slept through the night and if he was being honest he really needed sleep with all these revelations.

"ok, ok bobby I have tasks you need to finish daily and these tasks are to send food down here for elvira to eat while you're not doing that keep house elves away from me." before fully finishing his sentence elvira interrupts him, and gives what would probably help him in the future "wait for bobby, you only need to stop house elves from getting near him when he's not in public Like if he's alone in a room or something. If he's in public like in class then you needn't worry."

"dobby be doing that mistress potter" saying such innocent words would have caused any lady to either fastly correct it or just become highly embarrassed...but not elvira.

"Yes yes, bobby you can go back now wherever you stay" elvira quickly sends dobby away before harry could fix his mistake Harry was left with his mouth open.

"WAIT oh come on now he'll start calling you that" harry knew what the types like elvira did with confusing everyone around her love interest...and every gacha he's heard that had females had them...lovestruck? And he didn't want to deal with romance right now...or maybe he should...

"elvira I'll leave you to working on the basilisk ill head back hopefully I'll have time to sleep." heading towards the exit he hears something that makes him stagger "bye bye husband"

spamming assasins rush all the way up to the bathroom and seeing the place empty he walks back to the common room


first I believe people will question why harry isn't more shocked at his close death...all I have to say is that he's subconsciously ignoring what happened since you know...death

I'd like suggestions on what items harry can get because this isn't purely HP.


NAME:harry James potter





SERVANTS:(elvira grey)>

cheelzycreators' thoughts
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