
31. Hog Trio (Stonathancy)

A/N: Short one; The ending was so J.K. Rowling of me. For Dannibolt8 who wanted some fluff from our favorite Monster Hunting Trio (does this even count as fluff?). Btw, what is their ship name? Stonancy? Wheerringyers? Stonathancy? Jancyve? I've got no idea lol.

PROMPT: Steve/Jonathan/Nancy fluff.

"Steve, I swear on Jesus name, if you don't give me the fucking popcorn, I will decapitate you."

Steve hung his mouth open, munched popcorn falling off of the roof of his mouth to his tongue, as his fingers stilled inside the bowl and his wide eyes remained on Jonathan.

"Jon," Nancy laughed exasperated from the kitchen as she finished pouring soda on the three cups. "Be nice!"

"He doesn't want to share!" He defended himself as Steve went back to chewing, slowly, almost hesitant while never taking his eyes off of Jonathan. "I'll do it, Harrington, right here on this very white couch." He threatened quietly as Nancy padded back into the living room.

"Fuck, yeah, baby," Steve finally responded, licking butter from his fingers as he (finally) passed the popcorn bowl to him. "Talk dirty to me!"

Jonathan rolled his eyes, already shoving a handful of buttery popcorn inside his mouth, as Nancy placed the cups on the coffee table in front of them, walking back to sit on the other side of Jonathan.

"You guys are ridiculous." She rolled her eyes with a small grin, sighing when she was finally sitting down and popping some fallen popcorn from Jonathan's chest inside her mouth.

"You're the ridiculous one for liking us." Steve responded in a heartbeat, eyes on the screen as he pressed play on the movie again.

"I should just break up with you, then." She retorted, smiling amusedly as Steve gasped in fake astonishment.

"Do it," Jonathan said teasingly. "We'll just date without you."

Nancy gasped out right, looking up at her boyfriend in fake anger as her other boyfriend gasped again. "Oh!" Steve sat up with a huge smile. "So you do love me!"

"Nobody said anything about love." Jonathan responded as he leaned in to take a cup of soda, drinking deeply from it once he was back against the couch.

"But you thought it." Steve smiled amusedly, leaning in to ruffle Jon's hair, ignoring the glare thrown his way for it, and then took the popcorn from Nancy, who had been eating from it once Jonathan propped the bowl on her lap.

"You hog," Steve tsked teasingly. "This is for everyone!"

"I'm beginning to think the real hog is you," She said as she snuggled up against Jonathan's side, her feet resting on his outstretched legs which were propped on the coffee table. "It's the second time you got a hold of the popcorn in the last 10 minutes."

"That's true." Jon said as he watched the movie, his right arm linked with Nancy's as he held onto his soda cup.

"Okay," Steve rolled his eyes, grabbing a handful of popcorn in his left fist and passing the bowl to Nancy, who began eating happily once she took it from him. "I'll share."

"Thanks." Jon mumbled, sighing warmly when Steve leaned against him, reaching down to clasp his right hand with Jon's left one, and resting his fluffy head on his shoulder. His boyfriend reached up and placed a single popcorn from his stash against Jonathan's lips, smirking when he opened his mouth to receive the snack, and nipping Steve's fingertip when his lips sealed behind the little buttery ball.

The three resumed their movie afternoon, enjoying the privacy Steve's house gave them, and fighting over the popcorn that the Mom-of-six continued to hog.

All was well.

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