
121. Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Standing in the kitchen pouring himself some orange juice, Castle asked, "Mother, do you have plans for this evening?"

"Only to stay home and relax."

"Could I talk you into staying home and half relaxing?"

"And what would that entail?" she asked as she put on her coat and scarf and gathered her purse and gloves.

"Kate has had a rough week, and I'd like to take her out tonight."

"I would be happy to spend the evening with my grandson if that's what you're asking."

"That's what I'm asking, and thank you."

"Where do you intend to take her?"

"I have an idea, but I'm going to explore a few more options this morning. You know I won't leave without letting you know where to find us."

"Well, go and do your due diligence and call her." With a little wave of her hand, she added, "Or text her, or whatever, and see if she's available. I'm going to work now." Martha went to kiss the top of Jamie's head as he ate his breakfast and called over her shoulder to her boys before she closed the door behind her, "See you tonight."

"Looks like it's just us again, Buddy," Castle said, ruffling Jamie's hair lovingly and sitting down to finish his breakfast and keep his son company.

He waited until later in the morning to call Kate and actually managed to catch her while she was at the precinct with a little time to talk.

"Hey, Castle. Miss me already?" she asked in the tone that was reserved just for him.

"Yeah, but that isn't why I called. How would you feel about a date tonight…just the two of us?"

"I'd love it. Where will Jamie be?"

"Mother is going to watch him. Does dinner and a movie sound okay?"

"It sounds great. What are we going to see?"

"No spoilers, but I'm pretty sure you'll like it. How do you feel about seafood?"

"Feed me shrimp tonight, and I'll watch any movie you want."

"Deal. I love you."

"Love you, too. Oh, the boys just came back. That means we should have something new to work with. We're making some progress this morning."

"Then today is already better than yesterday, right? I'll let you get back to it. You can tell me about it later."

"Rick," she said quickly before he could hang up. "I'm looking forward to tonight."

He could hear the smile in her voice. "Me, too," he answered. He was certain she could hear the smile in his voice, as well.

When Beckett put the phone down, the boys had walked to their desks and were watching shamelessly, having heard her say, "I'm looking forward to tonight."

"Wonder who that was," Ryan joked, as if there were any question.

"Even I wouldn't bet on that," Esposito snorted. "The boss has gone soft on us."

"Only for Castle," Ryan teased.

"Shut up and give me those reports," she answered good naturedly, pointing them back to the job at hand; and as they had hoped, they found something that provided a breakthrough. After working through the new information they found as a result, they identified two possible suspects and intended to speak to both of them that afternoon.

Their shift was nearly over when Gates called her lieutenant into her office. Beckett turned to the rest of her team and said, "We started early this morning, so you've put in your hours today. Go home. As late as it is now, I doubt that we'll see those lab results until tomorrow, anyway. Maybe that will tell us which one of those guys was lying."

Nodding toward the office where Gates could be seen at her desk, Ryan said, "I hope it doesn't take too long. This morning it sounded like you might have plans."

"Eavesdropping again?" she mock scowled, and then she smiled. "I have a date with my husband…just the two of us. He wouldn't say where, though. Just dinner and a movie. Gotta go," she said, inclining her head in Gates direction; then she went to the doorway of Gates's office and knocked.

"Close the door and have a seat," Gates said as she added a signature to whatever it was she was doing when Beckett arrived and spoke as she leaned back in her chair and put down her pen. "As our homicide lieutenant, you need to know that we're going to have a bit of a personnel shake-up soon."

"I was expecting that, Sir. Ryan and Esposito both passed the Sergeant's exam, so I assumed that it wouldn't be long before they were reassigned."

"It's more than that. Karpowski is leaving at the end of this month. Archer and Bisaga have been promoted to detective, and I've requested them in homicide. I know you and Mr. Castle worked with them earlier, so they have some foundation; but we'll still have to arrange for their training as detectives. It's a different job, different demands. The command at the fifty-third is changing; and as of April first, at the new captain's request, Esposito will be there. She went through the list of changes and reasons for her decisions and followed with, "I realize it may be a bit overwhelming to see all this happen in such a short period of time, but everyone involved deserves the opportunities they're being afforded."

"All of them certainly deserve their promotions."

"That they do," Gates agreed. "And Detectives Ryan and Esposito were both more than qualified to advance, but they chose to continue to work with you longer than I expected before they took their sergeant's exams. You've been a fine team, but they need to move on and train others to be fine teams."

"The exam probably had something to do with growing family responsibilities, and I'm happy for them. You're right that it's a lot to take in. My team has been together for so long that it feels unsettling to see it ending so soon. Thank you for giving me a heads up, Captain. Do they all know about this?"

"Archer and Bisaga know they'll be promoted as of April but don't have their assignments yet. In the past week, I've received the paperwork for all of you. I believe Esposito knows he's been requested, but his transfer papers were delayed for some reason.

Will you speak to all of them tomorrow?"

"I have a meeting tomorrow morning, but I'll speak to each of them tomorrow afternoon."

"As for you, Lieutenant, Deputy Chief Alvarez has said you'll be asked to take on another possibly temporary position as of May first. Six months will be certain, with the possibility of extension or more permanent assignment. Gates explained the situation and added, "This time you'll have your captain's bars when you start. And you deserve your promotion at least as much as the others. Congratulations, Kate. I hate to lose you, but I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Sir," Beckett answered with a smile.

As Beckett stood, the captain asked, "Is that Mr. Castle I see at your desk?"

Turning to look as he sat down in his chair to wait, she smiled a little shyly. "Date night," she explained. "His mother is watching Jamie for us."

"That might be just what the doctor ordered," Gates answered understandingly.

"It might be," Beckett agreed and went to meet her husband with a smile.

Gates had a good view as Castle stood, held his wife's coat for her, lifted her hair from the collar, and put his hands on her shoulders, pulling her close enough to leave a brief kiss on her temple. The captain smiled indulgently as she returned to her work, and Beckett and Castle walked to the elevator hand in hand.

"Are you ready to tell me where we're going yet?" Beckett asked him.


As the elevator door opened, she said, "At least tell me if what I'm wearing is okay for wherever you're taking me. You can be a little unpredictable, you know."

"You're fine. It's nothing fancy. The car is waiting so we don't have to walk in the cold when we get there. The wind just slices the cold right through the body this afternoon."

When the door closed, she leaned against him and said, "I don't even know where we're going, but I've still been looking forward to this all day."


"Yeah. Did you already call for the car?"

"It should be here any second, if it isn't already here. Before I left the car, I threatened Darrell with no tip if he didn't have the good sense stay in the car out of the cold and let me open my own damn door. By the time Darrell stopped the car and reached for the door handle, I was already out, closing my door, and sprinting from the car to the front door of the twelfth. That wind is like ice. He's so conscientious about his job, he's probably out there worrying about it."

"Then you should give him a good tip for working on his nerves."

Castle chuckled as they left the elevator. "Yeah, I should."

Their timing was perfect. Darrell rounded the corner as they peeked out the door, and they shot out of the lobby and out to the street, Castle grabbing the door handle and pushing Kate to get her into the car first.

When Castle closed the door behind them, he said to the concerned looking young man at the wheel, "Don't worry, Darrell. It was the client's request, and I'll back you up if the boss ever hears it. Besides, I didn't want us to have to stand in this cold long enough for you to come to this side of the car to open the door. It makes no sense for any of us." As Darrell moved the car in the line of traffic, Castle moved closer to Kate. "And you'll drop us off at the restaurant the same way. Just pull up near the door, and we'll make a run for it. You have the address, right?"

"Yes, Sir."

The car stopped in front of the seafood restaurant, and Castle and his wife dashed out of the car and into the lobby laughing at themselves.

"Well, this date has already felt like an adventure," Kate said, grinning at him.

"And for your good sportsmanship, you will be rewarded with your long awaited shrimp," he assured her mischievously. They were a little early for their reservation, so they left Castle's name with the hostess and went for a drink in the bar area.

Castle took the first sip of his drink as he as he used his free hand to hold Kate's and smooth his thumb over the backs of her fingers. "Jamie was adorable today. He played on his own enough for me to get a little writing done, but he was snuggly part of the time, too. His hair is fine like his sister's, and it tickles my nose when he nuzzles his head against my face. I love it."

"Me, too. It feels so sweet. I haven't seen him since this morning, and I might be having a little withdrawal; but it's nice having you all to myself, too." She laced her fingers with his and said, "I'm glad he gave you an easy day."

"I hope he behaves like that for Mother. She'll be begging to babysit again. We might get another date night out of it."

"Then here's to a well-behaved, snuggly two year old tonight," Kate answered, tapping her wine glass lightly to his.

They took their time with their wine and people watched for a few minutes before they were told their table was ready, and their table was in a corner of the room where they had some minimal privacy. Kate didn't tell him her news until after they had ordered; then while they waited, she told him about the upcoming changes at the twelfth.

"It starts in only a couple of weeks. Karpowski's dad passed away in December. Her mother is having a hard time with it, and she wants to be closer to her mom. There was an opening at the precinct in Queens where she started as a rookie." She stopped and smiled. "It should feel good to go back there as a sergeant. She lives in Queens, and her boyfriend and most of her family are there; so it's going to be a lot easier for her. Ryan will replace her and take over that team. The new captain at the fifty-third requested Esposito. He trained Javi when he first made detective, so I'm sure he knows he's getting a good sergeant. Both of them leave on April first, so my team is changing in practically no time."

"Do you know who's going to fill the missing places?"

"Archer and Bisaga were promoted to detective."

"Really? Both of them?" Castle was pleased at that news. He and Kate had both invested time and training in the two officers. "So you'll be training both of them at the same time? How will that work? Is Sully ready to train one while you work with the other one?"

"He won't have to. Ryan gets Bisaga, and I get Archer. I also get Karpowski's partner to make room for Bisaga on Ryan's team.

"So you'll be working with Jennings. That's still a good team, Kate. So you'll train Archer, and Jennings will partner with Sully? That's good."

"I will until I get my captain's bars on May first," she answered with a big smile.

"Your… God, Kate, I'm so happy for you…proud of you, you name it." Not caring who might be watching, he moved his chair next to hers, took her face in both his hands, and planted a thorough kiss on her lips." They were both laughing when he let her go.

"So where will you be?" he asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"At the fifteenth. Still in Manhattan. It's about the same distance from home."

"Is somebody retiring?"

She looked less enthusiastic all of a sudden. "I feel guilty about being this excited. The circumstances aren't the best, and the extent of my stay isn't written in stone. Captain Dohrman has just had confirmation of a degenerative disease of some kind. Gates didn't go into detail about it. He's been granted a six months leave of absence with the option for a month or two more if he asks for it. He wants to do some travelling with his wife and visit family and friends while he still feels well enough that he can enjoy it. I can understand that. If he wants to work and can still handle it when his leave is up, I guess I'll be transferred. If he wants more time, my stay will be extended. Gates sounded like some of the brass think he might retire, but I don't want to wish that on him if he's still able to work and wants to. However, I'll be a captain as of May first and by the time his leave is up at the end of November, I'll have enough experience on the job to be ready for whatever they throw at me."

"How do you feel about being temporary again?"

"I'd rather be able to see down the road and know long term what to expect, but I'll have the promotion. That should give me some leverage down the road."

"I admire your sense of flexibility…while being totally in awe that my wife's inner control freak isn't making her crazy already."

"Must be the calming effect of date night with my ruggedly handsome husband."

"Ooooo…flexibility and compliments. Who are you, and where have you hidden my wife?"

After swatting him playfully on the arm, she said softly, "Thank you for tonight. It's helping."

"It's helping me, too." They talked a little longer, Castle filling her in on a phone conversation with Gina about the release date for his newest book. "It looks like I might get a second one out this year, probably in time for the holidays. I have most of the next one outlined and have a few notes on the first couple of chapters."

"Have you always done that? Have the next book outlined before you finish the one you're working on?"

"Not always, but her mother's story continues through the Nikki books, so it makes sense to sketch out where it's going as the ideas come to me. Then I jot down notes about the details of the ongoing story and what happens around it. This time, it turned into a full-fledged outline. Some of it may change as I work with it, but it's a good foothold into the next book."

"It amazes me to see you pull all of that out of your mind and turn it into something so many people can't wait to read."

"I love that you're interested in the process, and willing and able to help with the edits or phrasing sometimes. It helps to have an honest opinion without the overbearing demands or the snark," he said, taking her hand in both of his, "Nobody except Alexis has cared before. Meredith only cared that it made me more money. Mother has more insight than she realizes she does, but she doesn't dwell on it or feel inclined to discuss it."

"Gina should have understood."

"Gina never cared about the process, only meeting the deadlines. She's always wanted more books as fast as she could get them, and couldn't understand that I'm not a machine. Some days I can pour out an entire chapter. Other times it just isn't there. I have to wait for something to inspire me. A lot of times, it's you…something you do, something you say, some little tidbit of information about a case, something weird you saw at the precinct…"

"I still don't know why I inspire you, but I'm glad it helps."

They talked a little longer about family and friends and mock argued over the fact that Castle still wouldn't tell her where they were going after dinner. The food arrived just as he lifted her hand to his lips to kiss it, assuring her that she'd like the next phase of their date.

"I'm feeding you shrimp, as promised. You said you'd watch any movie I chose, remember?"

After closed eyes and a sinful groan followed her first bite, she agreed, "Any movie you want."

Darrell picked them up after dinner and they scooted quickly out to the car. When he drove them a couple of blocks to the theater, Kate scolded, "Two blocks, Castle? We couldn't make it two blocks on our own? We both grew up here in New York winters."

"This is a date, Katherine Castle. A date, understand? I will not have my date turn into a popsicle on my watch. Come on. Just let me spoil you now and then without complaining."

Darrell had heard this sort of discussion before, and his smiling face was visible in the rear view mirror when Kate asked, "Do you have a warm place to go, Darrell?"

"I have to stay with the car, Miss Kate, but I'll be fine. I worked out handling the weather a long time ago. But thank you for the concern."

When the car stopped, Castle opened the door, Kate followed quickly, and they hurried into the theater.

"Forbidden Planet?" Kate squeaked when they slowed down enough for her to take in the theater.

"You had a tough week, and I thought this might be just what you needed. It looks like their definition of classics gets more recent all the time."

"Classics? Is this the theater with the recliners?"

"Yep. And I already have the tickets."

"Shrimp…one of my favorite movies…in a theater…with my feet propped up in a recliner? You are so good at this."

"At what?"

"Being the best husband in the world," she answered, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's go pick out good seats," she added enthusiastically, and she grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

He laughed and followed, knowing he made the right choice.

After the movie, they braved the icy wind and stopped at the coffee shop a couple of doors away for hot chocolate before calling Darrell back. By the time they got home, Darrell was a generous tip wealthier, Kate and Castle were both relaxed, Martha was overjoyed at the evening with her well-behaved, snuggly grandson, Jamie was asleep, and it seemed that all was right with the world. Anything that wasn't could wait for morning.

They had a glass of wine with Martha before she went to bed, and then Kate spent some time rewarding her thoughtful husband before they slept.


When Beckett came to work the last week in March, Gates met her at her desk before she had even taken off her coat.

"Keep your coat on, and let your team know where to meet you. A city councilman's wife was killed in their home. The call just came in, and Councilman Howell is demanding to have "that detective who was willing to arrest the mayor" investigate. She had used air quotes and added, "CSU is already there. Looks like your team is closing its tenure with a high profile case."

"And if the case isn't closed by the time the transfers are supposed to take place?" Beckett asked.

"Then I imagine some delays would be expected. Politics weigh heavy."

Beckett nodded, took the address the captain handed her, promised to get right to it, and sent texts to her team asking them to meet her there.

On entering the councilman's brownstone, she encountered the man himself pacing back and forth frantically in the living room. "Councilman Howell?"

"And you are?" he asked, turning toward where she was holding her badge to identify herself.

"I'm Lieutenant Kate Beckett. I understand you requested that my team investigate. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. I've never been close to anything like this personally. Where do you need to start?"

"We'll need to speak to anyone connected to your household and your office. CSU isn't finished. Do you feel up to answering some questions?"

He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and said, "Whatever will help catch whoever did this." Then he sat down heavily on the sofa, looking defeated.

"I understand from CSU that your wife's death happened in your bedroom, but it appeared that she had been alone there. Did you hear anything that might help us pinpoint the time of the attack?"

Heaving a deep sigh, he admitted, "I wasn't at home last night. I'm a flawed man, Detective. Sorry…Lieutenant."

"You were with someone else?"


"I'll need her name and contact information."

"I understand."

"Was this a one night thing or a longer term affair?"

"I'd been seeing her for about a year. I loved both of them."

"Did your wife know?"

"I think she may have suspected, but she knew I wouldn't leave her."

"Did your mistress know that, too?"

"Until recently. She was sounding unhappy about always having to be kept in the shadows, having to be so careful about being seen together. I didn't want her to break it off, so I told her I'd leave Nadine after the election. I had finished setting up my campaign office and staff and had started advertising my run for state Congress; and I told her that a divorce or separation during that time would affect my chances, that once I was there things could change. And she relented. I know how that looks, but I loved my wife, and I didn't want to be without her. I wouldn't have left her."

"What about your m…the other woman? Could she have…"

"Courtney. I'm sure she didn't do this. I was with her all night, and we were kind of…busy. She was there close to me any time I woke up. I told my wife I was working late and would crash on the sofa at the campaign office. God, I sound like such a jerk. If I'd been here…"

"There's no sense in going there. It doesn't change anything; and if you were, you might have been another victim. Do either of you have enemies…rivals…anyone who would have a reason to do this?"

"I'm a city councilman. I get weird calls and nasty emails often enough, but no one has ever acted on it. The house hasn't been vandalized. Nothing remotely violent. "I did save the most disturbing voice mail messages and made a folder for the emails. You're welcome to that."

At that point, Franklin Stokes came downstairs and spoke to Beckett quietly. "CSU has finished upstairs, and I'm ready to give you preliminary findings."

"Who are you again?" Howell asked. "I've seen so many unfamiliar faces this morning,"

"I'm the Medical Examiner, and I'm sorry for your loss, Sir," Stokes answered respectfully.

"Oh, God," Howell responded, covering his eyes with one hand and looking like he was breaking down.

"We're here, Beckett," Ryan said from behind her. "We swung by and picked Sully up from the precinct."

"I'll need to speak to you again later," Beckett told the councilman. "For now, I'll be upstairs with my partners. Do you and your wife have family who should be notified? With this much police activity, I'm sure the news channels will have picked this up by now."

"I'll call her parents. I hadn't thought. I came home to change clothes and found… I just... I hadn't thought…"

Beckett nodded and followed the rest of the team upstairs.

"Did you get anything from the councilman? And why are we on this, anyway?" Esposito asked. "This isn't our normal jurisdiction."

She explained why they were there and told them what Howell had said. "He said he was sure the mistress had nothing to do with it. Apparently they were busy enough he didn't think she would have had time, but we'll still have to question her." She paused to take a look at the body, and asked, "Is cause of death as obvious as it looks, Frank?"

"It's likely. If not, I'll let you know as soon as I do. Three gunshot wounds…one ten centimeters left of the sternum and one in the opposite shoulder. The head wound was up close. Gun was probably pressed against the skin. I'll get you more as soon as I can."

"Time of death?"

"I'd say between midnight and three. Let me know when we can take the body."

"Judging from the blood spatter, I'd say she was sitting up reading when she was shot," Esposito suggested.

"Looks like it, Beckett agreed.

"It doesn't look like she left the bed, so the shooter must have broken in quietly," Ryan observed.

"Or it could have been somebody she knew," Sully answered.

The detectives took in the scene, bedclothes still in place around the victim, the body slumped toward the edge of the bed, a blood spattered book on the covers on the other side of the body. There was a laptop and an iPad on the small desk and relatively expensive jewelry was in a built in jewelry drawer in the closet.

"Sully, go down and ask Howell if he has a safe and if he feels able do a quick scan downstairs to see if it looks like anything valuable is missing," she ordered. "From here it doesn't look like a robbery."

They checked the rest of the large walk-in closet, the other rooms upstairs, and everything in the bedroom. Nothing in the drawers seemed to be out of place, the bedclothes were barely rumpled, and the closet looked pristine.

"This doesn't make sense," Esposito said. "Are we done up here?"

"Yeah. Looks like it." Beckett walked to the bedroom door and told Frank that he could take the body. Turning back to her team, she said, "I need to speak to Councilman Howell before we leave, but I have the feeling we're going to need to save the rest of our questions for later."

"Councilman?" Beckett called quietly. "Would you look at this mark on one of the spindles on the stair and tell me if it was there before last night? It looks like a fresh mark in the wood."

Howell looked and shook his head. "I haven't seen it before. If Nadine had seen it, it would be on the list in the kitchen. She's an event planner, and she sees every little detail. She writes it down and takes care of it immediately. Wrote…" he corrected sadly, running his fingertips over his forehead. "Everything is past tense now."

"We'll look around downstairs and outside before we leave."

"I've called Nadine's parents. They'll call her brothers. I looked around, and nothing obvious is missing. Everything is still in the safe. I do need to make arrangements for a funeral, but I'm willing to answer whatever questions you have, no matter how embarrassing. If you need to get in touch with me, you can call my assistant, Jeanne Gordon. I keep in touch, so she knows where I am almost twenty-four seven.

"Does she know about the other woman?"

"Courtney? Yes. Sometimes I needed her to cover for me," he admitted. I have Courtney's contact information for you," he said, taking a slip of paper and a business card from his shirt pocket and handing it to Beckett. "Jeanne's cell number and my personal cell are on the back of the card. Most of the voice mails went to my office phone; so Jeanne can retrieve those for you, along with the emails. I'll find the few calls that came to the house."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Councilman Howell," Beckett said. "If possible, we'd like to talk to you tomorrow. I realize it's a bad time, but the sooner we can gather the information we need, the better chance we have of resolving the case quickly.

"I'll call tomorrow to arrange a time, but right now it's hard to think."

"If you remember anything or find anything that might be important, please let me know," she said, handing him her card.

She and the boys looked through the rest of the house before going into the small, fenced backyard area. Then they looked around the front of the house and went back to the precinct to work on their last case together.

Next chapter