
A King's Son Is Dead!

Tyr had just killed Ludvig and he was well aware that this would come with severe consequences as all they had to go by was their word. 

There was no concrete evidence even though he knew Rugalf would believe his daughter but this wouldn't be the case with his allies. 

The story could be twisted as anyone pleased and the fact that Rugalf overlooked their request to marry his daughter could trigger their innate bitterness. 

Estrid looked horrified, she began to panic because, at that moment, she was not thinking straight but Tyr was calm. 

This was not his first rodeo and he knew exactly what to do in such a situation. 

He learned his lesson over time about leaving behind evidence, so what would happen if Ludvig's body was never found? There would be no case. 

Tyr found out that his wife might be in danger after talking to the man that she had rejected in the past. 

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