
It’s shocking he’s not dead

"Wait, hold up, your *brother* is involved?" 

Dahlia tried to tamp down on her surprise, but she couldn't help it. Sure, Sabrina had mentioned her family in passing but it was always past tense and certainly not relevant to whatever issues they were currently dealing with. But now? She could feel her nerves spike as she came to consider the implications. Thankfully, despite what was almost certainly terrible news, her mother was taking it in stride.

"Yes, that's what I said. I would have expected him to change his name, but apparently he still goes by Levias. An idiotic choice in my opinion: I dropped my old name as fast as possible and was better off for it. Perhaps he's just more of a fool than I remember, but getting sentimental with names that hint at our heritage is just fucking dumb."

The woman paused, taking a breath as she realised she was rambling, and then started again, going at a more sedate pace this time.

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