In a secret room there was a large corridor which had many prison like rooms on both sides. Rooms was very dark that no one can see through. Many girls were unconscious in those dark rooms. Perhaps there was 10-15 girls or more in each of those rooms. They were forcibly made unconscious after injecting drugs๐.
Only then there comes the voices of some people speaking.
Sir, this way, your goods are ready hmm around 60.๐ the person name who is speaking is Ranjit (age around 30) & the name whome he is calling sir is Salman (age around 42) and the goods they are talking about are those 60 kidnapped girls in the prison room.
Salman gets happy to hear this. He enter in a room where there is a lot of lights, he looks at those dark rooms through the large glass windows in the room. After seeing those dark cells Salman smirks.
Ranjit - so when should I deliver it to you?
Salman - now.
Ranjit giving a small laugh says ok but m- my reward.
Salman (point to his secretary (name Babar) then Babar giving a suitcase full of money to Ranjit.
Ranjit looking at money suitcase, take out the keys of prisons room from his pocket and than trying to give those keys to Salman that's when the door of the other side of the corridor opens and than someone comes in through that secret wall door and stands in the corridor.
It was not visible because of so much darkness but without looking at that person Ranjit was feeling very scared because the door from where that man had comes was a secre door and only knows by ranjit.
He was scared because ๐
1)He made this emergency door to escape from police or other gang.
2) The wall door has a fingerprints lock.
If someone look carefully than also door and the lock can't be seen.
3) and the last reason is that it will only open when it scanned Ranjit's index finger. It means no one knows or no one can open the door except him than who the hell is this man to come through that door.