
Chapter 33

“Oh lord, I’m so sorry!” Jayde gasped and let go of his arm, trying to blink away the red haze of fear that covered her sight. “I have no idea what just got into me. Are you alright, Ryuu?”

He looked over his shoulder at her, smiling ruefully at her as she hovered over him worriedly, still sitting on his lower back. He couldn’t help the small chuckle that left his mouth. “I’m fine. I think your instincts just wanted to come out and play after being dormant for so long. I’m sorry for scaring you.”

Jayde’s cheeks flared red and she looked away from him as she slid off his back. Ryuu sat up, turning to face with a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. She still wouldn’t look back at him, so he gently cupped her cheek in his hand and turned her head, shaking his head when he saw she wouldn’t meet his eyes. He leaned forward as he simultaneously pulled her closer. Her eyes snapped to his, right before his lips touched hers.

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