
Clue On The Poison - (Makai's Point of View)

I still can't believe that Storm has forgiven me. After I finally gathered the courage to tell him I love him, I felt so much lighter and happier, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder.

It's Sunday, so we lie in bed for a while after we wake up, wrapped in each other's arms.

"We should probably go and check on Callum," I say, releasing Storm so that we can rise from the bed.

"Do you smell that?" he asks with a frown.

"Smell what?"

"It's more what you don't smell. Callum!"

I rush out of the bedroom after Storm to the now-empty living room. The couch is back to being a normal couch, but its occupant is nowhere to be found. Storm checks the guest bedroom too, and comes out looking upset.

"Damn it! He left," Storm growls. Before I can respond a paper floats to him, and he snatches it from the air and reads it out.

Hey Lovebirds,

Now that you've made up, my work here is done. Bye!

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