
Chapter 3

In a dark alchemy laboratory, two men laughed maniacally.

One man lookd like a walking corpse with more wrinkels than a crumpled up paper, and the other appeared to be a refined gentleman that you can find in noble gatherings.

They both seemed to be enjoying their time as they focused on a pouch, casting one spell after the other, and each spell is more ridiculous than the previous one.


"Would you two stop, any more and you'll destroy the pouch!" Exclaimed Perenelle after slapping the two men. "Every time you two work on something, you take it to far. What is this? Why did you add the music charm? What is that poor boy going to do with it? Attract dementors. Fix it, before I fix you two."

The two men coughed in embarrassment, and laughed awkwardly.

"Perenelle dear, we are just trying to provide Hagrid with the best space pouch to ever exist. He might not use all its features now, but he will use them after he leaves Azkaban." Said Nicolas trying to hide his embarrassment, and appease his wife.

"Really? Then tell me, how will the pouch's ability to jump, be of any use to Hagrid? Now you two stop messing around. Nicolas, you stop time inside the pouch, and Dumbledore you start working on the potions and supplies that you want to send. " Perenelle said in exasperation. "Now, I'm going to pick some books for him, and cook him some food."

"You are right, Madame Perenelle, I haven't even thought about the food." said Dumbledore with a look full of shame.

Nicolas and Perenelle, noticed his look and started comforting him. "You are only human, you can't blame yourself for every thing. Now, if we divide the work, we should be finished in two day.

" Alright, let's get to work." said Perenelle before leaving the two men alone.

Dumbledore turned to Nicolas and said. "Thank you, Nicolas, for trying to cheer me up. you're a good friend.

Nicolas's eyes widened in shock before returning to normal.

"You were always smart Dumbledore, too smart some might say, but you are my friend and it sadness me to see you like this, so if wasting some of your time can bring you joy then I'm always willing to do it." Nicolas smiled and said in a serious tone.

Meanwhile, Fawkes finally managed to sneak into Hagrid's cell. Hagrid started at the bird in silence. Before he started laughing, and slapping himself constantly while screaming.

"I will not fall for your illusions you bastard. There is no way that Fawkes is here, besides Fawkes is red and gold not red, gold, and silver. you will not defeat me! You useless illusion!" screamed Hagrid while slapping himself in hopes of making the illusion go away. "Go away! leave don't look at me like that. I don't need pity, and certainly not from an illusion."

Fawkes, decided now is time to stop the madness of the young man by hitting him with his tail.

Hagrid, looked shocked by the attack as if he never considered that an illusions might attack him.

Seeing Hagrid still in a daze Fawkes, decided to slap him again. After the second attack, some clarity returned to Hagrid's mind, and he tentatively tried to touch the bird. As his hand touched the bird, he felt warmth, happiness, and calmness that he hasn't felt in days.

"Fawkes, is that really you?" Hagrid asked hesitantly.

Fawkes nodded his his head, making Hagrid jump with joy. He grabbed the bird and asked him.

" Are you here to free me?" Asked Hagrid in a hopeful voice.

only for his hopes to be destroyed, when the bird shook it's head. He let the bird go and sat down in silence.

Hagrid started to feel rage that he has never felt before. Not in this live, nor in the previous one.

"Then, why are here? Did Dumbledore send you here to mock me? It's been a year and he has not visited me even once. Not once! Does he even care about me, or is he too busy playing with Grindelwald? Answer me you stupid bird! Am I not worth saving because I'm a half-giant, or maybe he just doesn't 'CARE'." Hagrid screamed in rage and attacked the bird.

Fawkes, kept evading Hagrid's attacks without retaliating waiting for the boy to be exhausted.

After a while, Hagrid gave up and laid down on the floor exhausted.

"Why are you here? Just leave me alone!" Hagrid said while breaking down in tears.

The Phoenix looked at the crying boy, and used it's wing to caress the boy's head.

Hagrid feeling the bird's touch cried even harder. Jack's sorrow mixed with Hagrid's, making the boy cry even harded. As if the gates to a great flood opened, and the boy wept bitterly releasing all his bottled up emotions. The boy eventually slept under the bird's touch.

The bird looked at the boy in speechless silence, and placed the letter next to him. The bird cast on last look at the boy, and then teleported back to Hogwarts.

The bird materialized in Dumbledore's office looking around angrily. Not seeing the Professor, the bird started to use his powers to locate him. But failed to do so.

A couple of hours later hagrid woke up. He looked around in a disoriented manner, until his mind cleared up and he remembered what happened. He jumped to his feet, and frantically searched for the phoenix.

"Just why did you come!? Just to torment me! I will definitely eat you when I leave this hell hole. Just you wait you stupid bi-" Hagrid's furious words were cut short as he noticed the sealed letter by his feet.

Hagrid snatched the the letter in a hurry, afraid that it might disappeare. Treating it with care, well as much care as his shriveled fingers can allow.

He opened it hesitantly, and started reading its content.

Dear Hagrid,

Forgive me. I had no way of knowing how terrible your situation is, and the guards promised me that they will take care of you. I have been busy dealing with Grindelwald, and trying to appeal your case to the Wizengamot. But, even with all my power I still failed you at the end. I tried to visit you several times, but they would always refuse my request to see you.

None of my excuses justifies what you are going through, but I promise to get you the help that you need. I'm going to visit my friend, Nicolas, and ask him to create a space pouch for you. I will be sending you books related to the mind so that you can protect yourself from dementors, the body so you can stay healthy, and some novels and magical books so you can stay entertained. I will also be sending you potions and a bottle of the elixir of live, so you can replenish the life force you lost. As soon as I defeat Grindelwald, I will be able to have you released. Therefore, you should work hard to survive as I will be working hard to have you released. Finally, don't let those who put you in this situation win. With a firm heart, mind, and body you should be able to prevail against Azkaban. I believe in you.


Professor Dumbledore

P.S. This letter will be destroyed after you finish reading it.

Hagrid watched as the letter dissolved into nothingness. Not leaving a trace behind, and making Hagrid doubt whether the letter is real or a figment of his imagination.

"No. The letter is real! I refuse to believe otherwise." Hagrid said with conviction. " now, all I have to do is not lose hope, and help will arrive."

Hagrid looked out his window with hope re-ignited in his eyes and somehow his small cell no longer felt like a coffin.

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