
Chapter 48: Declaration

The following morning, Dominik is well enough to stand and walk downstairs. I help him, allowing him to lean on my shoulders as I lead him down each step and over to a chair. He thanks me, breathing out heavily as he sits down.

“Do you think you’ll be okay to attend the announcement?” I ask.

He nods, smiling up at me. “As long as I do not have to do anything physical, I shall be fine.”

I smile back and pet his head. We planned to give the announcement at noon, when most people would be out and about in the city. I was getting nervous keeping the Commander tied up in the kitchen, and the others were pleading to go outside again.

Dominik rests for the morning, while we bring the Commander out into the dining area. I talk the captive man through what he is supposed to say, and Kam works on making him look presentable. He glares the entire time, but doesn’t fight back or argue.

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